osrf / gazebo_tutorials

Tutorials for gazebo
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Gazebo6 installation failing on Ubuntu 14.04 lts (trusty tahr) running on virtual box #42

Open osrf-migration opened 9 years ago

osrf-migration commented 9 years ago

Original report (archived issue) by Pradeep K (Bitbucket: praks411).

The original report had attachments: gazebo6_install_error.jpg


I.m trying to install gazebo6 on ubuntu 14.04 lts (trust tahr) running on virtual box. However the installation is failing with broken package error. I was successfully able to install gazebo6-common. But further installation failed with following error. gazebo6: Depends: gazebo6-common (=6.1.0-1 trusty) but 6.1.0-2 trusty is to be installed. libgazebo6-dev: Depends: gazebo6-common (=6.1.0-1 trusty) but 6.1.0-2 trusty is to be installed. E:Unable to correct problem, you have help broken package. Please suggest what could be missing. I've attached screenshot to error. Best Regards, Pradeep

osrf-migration commented 9 years ago

Original comment by Pradeep K (Bitbucket: praks411).

osrf-migration commented 9 years ago

Original comment by Jose Luis Rivero (Bitbucket: Jose Luis Rivero, GitHub: j-rivero).

Seems like by some reason your package index is just in the middle of 6.1.0-1 to 6.1.0-2 transition. Could you give a try to:

sudo apt-get remove .*gazebo.* && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install gazebo6
osrf-migration commented 9 years ago

Original comment by Pradeep K (Bitbucket: praks411).

Hi Jose,

Thanks for reply. I tried your solution but it didn't work for me. It first complains for umet dependency. gazebo6: Depends: gazebo6-common (=6.1.0-1 trusty) but it is not going to be installed. libgazebo6-dev: Depends : gazebo6-common (=6.1.0-1 trusty) but it is not going to be installed. Again when I try to install gazedbo6-common it installs 6.1.0-2 trusty and I go back to my original issue. I've attach screenshot of error. My system config: Linux 3.13.0-62 generic #102 Ubuntu i686 (Ubuntu 14.04 lts trusty) This is fresh installation of ubuntu on virtualbox. I've also upgraded packages (562) in first post.

osrf-migration commented 9 years ago

Original comment by Steve Peters (Bitbucket: Steven Peters, GitHub: scpeters).

First of all, you'll need to make sure that you've run sudo apt-get update.

After that, can you try apt-cache show gazebo6 and paste the results?

Note that you can use ~~~ before and after console messages to make it display more nicely.

osrf-migration commented 9 years ago

Original comment by Pradeep K (Bitbucket: praks411).

Hi Steven,

Thanks for reply. Every time I tried to install gazebo6 I've used sudo apt-get update. The source list is updated. Now I've installed the full ros indigo package and it worked for me. I was able to run some simulators as gazebo is already included in ros package. I tried installing gazebo6 again. But it didn't work. I've also verified all the dependencies by dpkg -l manually and they are in place except libgazebo6 and libsdformat3. I manaully installed libgazebo6 which also resolved libsdformat3. Even though all dependencies are in place still I was not able to run gazebo6. Sadly installing libgazebo6 also removed the gazebo which was installed from ros-indigo package. I've attached screenshot of apt-cache show gazebo6 Please open the attached image in new tab. gazebo6_install_try4.jpg

Thanks Pradeep

osrf-migration commented 9 years ago

Original comment by Steve Peters (Bitbucket: Steven Peters, GitHub: scpeters).

@praks411 gazebo6 debians can not be installed at the same time as the gazebo package supplied by ros indigo. Also, the same for sdformat3. You will have to uninstall libsdformat1 in order to install gazebo6.

Also, @_jrivero_ he is using 32-bit (i386), which doesn't appear to have a 6.1.0-2 build; only amd64 has the new build.

osrf-migration commented 9 years ago

Original comment by Jose Luis Rivero (Bitbucket: Jose Luis Rivero, GitHub: j-rivero).

You are right Steve, I did not produce a -2 version for i386. Ongoing now, should be ready in a few hours.

osrf-migration commented 9 years ago

Original comment by Pradeep K (Bitbucket: praks411).

Hi Steven and Jose, Many thanks for your help. Indeed 32-bit was the issue. I installed new Ubuntu 64-bit on my VM. It is working great

Thanks Pradeep

osrf-migration commented 9 years ago

Original comment by Steve Peters (Bitbucket: Steven Peters, GitHub: scpeters).

Glad it's working!

osrf-migration commented 8 years ago

Original comment by Frederic Becker (Bitbucket: rayendumeldust).

I have the same Problem but with a newer version of gazebo6.

I'm trying to install gazebo6 on a Ubuntu 14.04 workstation with 32 bit. When I'm trying to install gazebo6 there is a version mismatch. The gazebo6 package depends on gazebo6-common with the Version =6.5.0-1~trusty, but only Version 6.5.1-1~trusty is available from the package sources. On amd64 the packages have matching versions. After that I installed gazebo6-prerelease which works on the workstation.

Here a few commands I ran:

apt-cache showpkg gazebo6-common
Package: gazebo6-common
6.5.1-1~trusty (/var/lib/apt/lists/packages.osrfoundation.org_gazebo_ubuntu_dists_trusty_main_binary-i386_Packages)

apt-cache showpkg gazebo6
Package: gazebo6
6.5.0-1~trusty (/var/lib/apt/lists/packages.osrfoundation.org_gazebo_ubuntu_dists_trusty_main_binary-i386_Packages)
 Description Language: 
                 File: /var/lib/apt/lists/packages.osrfoundation.org_gazebo_ubuntu_dists_trusty_main_binary-i386_Packages
                  MD5: 26b15a71d5e6e4216797a28a5e62334b

Reverse Depends: 
  gazebo6-plugin-base,gazebo6 6.5.0-1~trusty
  gazebo6-dbg,gazebo6 6.5.0-1~trusty
6.5.0-1~trusty - libboost-filesystem1.54.0 (0 (null)) libboost-program-options1.54.0 (0 (null)) libboost-regex1.54.0 (0 (null)) libboost-system1.54.0 (0 (null)) libboost-thread1.54.0 (0 (null)) libc6 (2 2.4) libgazebo6 (5 6.5.0-1~trusty) libgcc1 (2 1:4.1.1) libprotobuf8 (0 (null)) libqtcore4 (2 4:4.5.3) libqtgui4 (2 4:4.5.3) libsdformat3 (0 (null)) libstdc++6 (2 4.6) libtinyxml2.6.2 (0 (null)) gazebo6-common (5 6.5.0-1~trusty) gazebo6-doc (0 (null)) gazebo6-plugin-base (0 (null)) gazebo2 (0 (null)) gazebo3 (0 (null)) gazebo4 (0 (null)) gazebo5 (0 (null)) gazebo5-prerelease (0 (null)) gazebo6-nightly (0 (null)) gazebo6-prerelease (0 (null)) 
6.5.0-1~trusty - 
Reverse Provides:

Can you please open the bug again?

osrf-migration commented 8 years ago

Original comment by Jose Luis Rivero (Bitbucket: Jose Luis Rivero, GitHub: j-rivero).


The i386 last build failed (problems with releasing infrastructure), I'm fixing the problem now and releasing the version again.

Frederic let me ask you a question: which is the reason to run a i386 SO version in your case? I'm interested into knowing the reasons behind using a i386 distro with gazebo nowadays.

osrf-migration commented 8 years ago

Original comment by Frederic Becker (Bitbucket: rayendumeldust).

Very good question, I don't know if I can give a satisfying answer: We are running a computer lab with lots of workstations, about 50:50 32 bit to 64 bit ratio. I was tasked to update to a newer version of gazebo. The test workstation was 32 bit install. I will definitely now test the install on a 64 bit install but if gazebo6 works for the projects it would be nice to update gazebo on the 32 bit systems too.

osrf-migration commented 8 years ago

Original comment by Jose Luis Rivero (Bitbucket: Jose Luis Rivero, GitHub: j-rivero).

Thanks for the answer Frederic, I have the impression that there are very few reasons to run i386 in a machine dedicated to Gazebo.

The build finished successfully so the problem should be fixed now. Could you confirm that it is working for you?