osrf / mbzirc

Simulator for the MBZIRC Maritime Grand Challenge
Apache License 2.0
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Issue with suction gripper #220

Closed fzoric8 closed 2 years ago

fzoric8 commented 2 years ago

I was trying to lift an object and noticed that it's hardly possible.

I'm aware of an issue raised for #190 and fixed with PR in #196.

I'm currently located on last git commit of mbzirc repository on git sha: 2ff07e94e2a35d356a9b98411a055596063465cf.

That code version should contain fixes related to suction gripping and controller params.

I've rebuilt mbzirc and whole ROS workspace after removing install and build folders.

With those revisions, I'm not able to spawn or use suction gripper on quadrotor1.

However, upon running following command:

launch mbzirc_ign spawn.launch.py name:=quadrotor_1 world:=simple_demo model:=mbzirc_quadrotor type:=uav x:=-0  y:=2.05 z:=1.92 R:=0 P:=0 Y:=0 gripper:=mbzirc_suction_gripper_light

I get following output:

 [Err] [UserCommands.cc:1184] Error Code 13: [/sdf/model[@name="quadrotor_1"]/include[1]/uri:<data-string>:L16]: Msg: Unable to find uri[model://mbzirc_suction_gripper_light_quadrotor_1]
[ign gazebo-1] [Err] [UserCommands.cc:1184] Error Code 19: Msg: Child frame with name[gripper::mount_point] specified by joint with name[gripper_joint] not found in model with name[quadrotor_1].
[ign gazebo-1] [Err] [UserCommands.cc:1184] Error Code 24: Msg: FrameAttachedToGraph error, Non-LINK vertex with name [quadrotor_1::gripper_joint] is disconnected; it should have 1 outgoing edge in MODEL attached_to graph.
[ign gazebo-1] [Err] [UserCommands.cc:1184] Error Code 24: Msg: Graph has __model__ scope but sink vertex named [quadrotor_1::gripper_joint] does not have FrameType LINK or STATIC_MODEL when starting from vertex with name [quadrotor_1::gripper_joint].
[ign gazebo-1] [Err] [UserCommands.cc:1184] Error Code 25: Msg: relative_to name[gripper::mount_point] specified by joint with name[gripper_joint] does not match a nested model, link, joint, or frame name in model with name[quadrotor_1].
[ign gazebo-1] [Err] [UserCommands.cc:1184] Error Code 27: Msg: PoseRelativeToGraph error, Vertex with name [quadrotor_1::gripper_joint] is disconnected; it should have 1 incoming edge in MODEL relative_to graph.
[ign gazebo-1] [Err] [UserCommands.cc:1184] Error Code 27: Msg: PoseRelativeToGraph unable to find path to source vertex when starting from vertex with id [12].
[ign gazebo-1] [Err] [UserCommands.cc:1184] Error Code 19: Msg: child frame with name[gripper::mount_point] specified by joint with name[gripper_joint] not found in model with name[quadrotor_1].
[ign gazebo-1] [Err] [UserCommands.cc:1184] Error Code 22: Msg: FrameAttachedToGraph unable to find unique frame with name [gripper::mount_point] in graph.

I've tried following same command with following combinations:

gripper:=mbzirc_suction_gripper; gripper:=mbzirc_suction_gripper_light; gripper:=suction_gripper; gripper:=suction_gripper_light

Before revisions in PR #196 I was able to spawn gripper with gripper:=mbzirc_suction_gripper and see all contacts, however I was not able to lift object.

fzoric8 commented 2 years ago

Rebuilt everything again, works now.

Not quite sure what happened, but works now.

It seems as if some packages/stuff remains cached or something like that.