osrf / ovc

the Open Vision Computer
Apache License 2.0
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Script for generating SD cards #42

Closed gbalke closed 3 years ago

gbalke commented 3 years ago

This is based off the guide @codebot made. It pretty much does everything in the documentation but automatically given an SD card. I'm hoping to have a secondary script which can be loaded along-side this script that will install to eMMC so we don't need to use an SD card at all (as suggested by @luca-della-vedova)!

gbalke commented 3 years ago

After a fresh run and login, it looks as follows:

$ ssh root@zynq.local
The authenticity of host 'zynq.local (192.168.***.***)' can't be established.
ECDSA key fingerprint is SHA256:********************************************.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no/[fingerprint])? yes
Warning: Permanently added 'zynq.local,192.168.***.***' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.
root@zynq.local's password:
Linux zynq 5.4.0-xilinx-v2020.2 #1 SMP Tue Feb 23 05:39:31 UTC 2021 aarch64

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luca-della-vedova commented 3 years ago

Should we add some sort of initialization of the ovc device drivers in the install script? At the bare minimum a copy of the important scripts and setting them to run at startup (i.e. the usb ethernet ones) and a git clone / copy of the device driver.