Closed osrf-migration closed 8 years ago
Original comment by Louise Poubel (Bitbucket: chapulina, GitHub: chapulina).
Since the agents are appearing, it sounds like the binaries are being executed. The difference in behaviour might be due to differences in the underlying physics between Gazebo and Simspark. You will probably need to tune your controllers, I think.
Original report (archived issue) by Fatima Zehra Lilani (Bitbucket: fzlilani).
Hey, Is it possible to execute old binary files of Robocup 3D Sim competitions (e.g. UTAustinvilla and the log files in Gazebo 3D simulation soccer field? The problem that I face while dong so is that on trying to run UTAustinvilla binary 2013, the agents appear but are not stable and eventually fall down. They are not even chasing the ball when they start walk.
My apologies if the question is vague or something, but please help me out.