osrf / ros2_test_cases

Tracking of tests to be performed on a ROS 2 release
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RQT #1518

Open marcoag opened 1 month ago

marcoag commented 1 month ago

This is a sanity check to ensure that the GUI tools aren't fundamentally broken.




Check RQT

Launch using the rqt command.

The rqt window should be generally usable and should be able to populate some of the discovered plugins.


# StdIn - terminal 1
ros2 launch dummy_robot_bringup dummy_robot_bringup_launch.py
# StdIn - terminal 2

In the RQT window, select 'Plugins > Visualization > Plot' in the dropdown menu. In the window that opens, set the Topic to /joint_states/position[0]. You should see a Sine wave.

With 'Plugins > Introspection > Node Graph' you should see a network of the nodes and topics that are being published and subscribed by the dummy robot.

With 'Plugins > Logging > Bag' you should be able record a ROS Bag file.

With 'Plugins > Topic > Topic Monitor' you should be able to check the /joint_states topic and view messages streaming in.

Expected Result

Rqt runs smoothly and the plugins work as expected.