osrf / ros2_test_cases

Tracking of tests to be performed on a ROS 2 release
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Installation instructions #1527

Open marcoag opened 1 month ago

marcoag commented 1 month ago

Follow the official installation instructions for the platform. If instructions have not been published for the platform, use the instructions for Rolling Ridley.

For source build platforms, this includes the installation of dependencies and building the packages.




Install works

srsaito commented 1 month ago

Wasn't able to install on Windows Server 2022 EC2 instance. Got following errors after completing install instructions:

C:\Users\Administrator>call C:\dev\ros2_jazzy\local_setup.bat
"[rti_connext_dds_cmake_module][warning] RTI Connext DDS environment script not found (\resource\scripts\rtisetenv_x64Win64VS2017.bat). RTI Connext DDS will not be available at runtime, unless you already configured PATH manually."

C:\Users\Administrator>ros2 run demo_nodes_cpp talker
[ros2run]: Process exited with failure 3221226505


Shall I document in this ticket? (I was able to install successfully on Ubuntu)

clalancette commented 1 month ago

The warning for the RTI Connext stuff can generally be ignored, that's OK in this case. The fact that it totally failed is obviously a problem.

First, can you give the commands you used to build with? I just want to make sure that is OK.

Second, what happens if you do cd C:\dev\ros2_jazzy\install\Lib\demo_nodes_cpp, and then run talker.exe? That seems to work here for me, but there may be something else going on with your setup.

srsaito commented 1 month ago


  1. Attaching transcript of commands I entered for the installation.
  2. The directory path you shared above doesn't exist in my C:\dev\ros2_jazzy\ directory. That is, there is no \install\ in that directory.