osrf / rosbook

Example code to accompany the book Programming Robots with ROS
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No motion plan found #47

Closed sachinkum0009 closed 5 years ago

sachinkum0009 commented 5 years ago

In the pick_up_item.py the bot is not able to find any plan for the motion. Can you please suggest anything.

codebot commented 5 years ago

Hi Sachin,

Unfortunately that is a generic message of planning failure that can be caused in many ways. I usually debug this by launching rviz and looking at the planning scene. Often then you can see if (for example) the robot is too far away from the object, or various other things have gone awry.

Motion planning is a complex topic. I'd suggest diving into the documentation of MoveIt, such as this page, and experimenting with simple standalone systems to get a feel for what is going on behind the scenes: http://docs.ros.org/kinetic/api/moveit_tutorials/html/doc/quickstart_in_rviz/quickstart_in_rviz_tutorial.html


sachinkum0009 commented 5 years ago

Thank you I will definitely try this out.