osrf / srcsim

Space Robotics Challenge
9 stars 4 forks source link

Valkyrie Drops to the Ground due to incorrect delays in startup script #9

Closed osrf-migration closed 7 years ago

osrf-migration commented 7 years ago

Original report (archived issue) by Erica Tiberia (Bitbucket: T_AL).

roslaunch ihmc_valkyrie_ros valkyrie_warmup_gradle_cache.launch

started roslaunch server http://mario-Inspiron-5559:35481/


 * /rosdistro: indigo
 * /rosversion: 1.11.20

    IHMCValkyrieROSAPI (ihmc_ros_java_adapter/gradlew)

auto-starting new master
process[master]: started with pid [13343]

setting /run_id to 7aa95648-a50f-11e6-b4d3-e4029b1066fc
process[rosout-1]: started with pid [13356]
started core service [/rosout]
process[IHMCValkyrieROSAPI-2]: started with pid [13359]
:buildSrc:compileJava UP-TO-DATE
:buildSrc:compileGroovy UP-TO-DATE
:buildSrc:processResources UP-TO-DATE
:buildSrc:classes UP-TO-DATE
:buildSrc:jar UP-TO-DATE
:buildSrc:assemble UP-TO-DATE
:buildSrc:compileTestJava UP-TO-DATE
:buildSrc:compileTestGroovy UP-TO-DATE
:buildSrc:processTestResources UP-TO-DATE
:buildSrc:testClasses UP-TO-DATE
:buildSrc:test UP-TO-DATE
:buildSrc:check UP-TO-DATE
:buildSrc:build UP-TO-DATE


Total time: 4.09 secs

This build could be faster, please consider using the Gradle Daemon: https://docs.gradle.org/2.10/userguide/gradle_daemon.html
================================================================================REQUIRED process [IHMCValkyrieROSAPI-2] has died!
process has finished cleanly
log file: /home/mario/.ros/log/7aa95648-a50f-11e6-b4d3-e4029b1066fc/IHMCValkyrieROSAPI-2*.log
Initiating shutdown!
[IHMCValkyrieROSAPI-2] killing on exit
[rosout-1] killing on exit
[master] killing on exit
shutting down processing monitor...
... shutting down processing monitor complete

Walk Test..

    urdf_spawner (gazebo_ros/spawn_model)


core service [/rosout] found
 > :buildSrc:compileJavaprocess[urdf_spawner-1]: started with pid [11647]
:buildSrc:compileJava UP-TO-DATE
:buildSrc:compileGroovy UP-TO-DATE
:buildSrc:processResources UP-TO-DATE
:buildSrc:classes UP-TO-DATE
> Loading > buildSrc > :buildSrc:jarspawn_model script started
:buildSrc:jar UP-TO-DATE
:buildSrc:assemble UP-TO-DATE
:buildSrc:compileTestJava UP-TO-DATE
:buildSrc:compileTestGroovy UP-TO-DATE
:buildSrc:processTestResources UP-TO-DATE
:buildSrc:testClasses UP-TO-DATE
:buildSrc:test UP-TO-DATE
:buildSrc:check UP-TO-DATE
:buildSrc:build UP-TO-DATE
> Loading > settings[INFO] [WallTime: 1478538616.713893] [0.000000] Loading model xml from ros parameter
[INFO] [WallTime: 1478538616.771219] [6.012000] Waiting for service /gazebo/spawn_urdf_model
[INFO] [WallTime: 1478538616.788039] [6.029000] Calling service /gazebo/spawn_urdf_model
Configuring > 0/1 projects > root projectWarning [parser.cc:778] XML Element[imuTransform], child of element[sensor] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[imuTransform]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element.
Warning [parser.cc:778] XML Element[node], child of element[sensor] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[node]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element.
Warning [parser.cc:778] XML Element[api], child of element[sensor] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[api]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element.
Warning [parser.cc:778] XML Element[port], child of element[sensor] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[port]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element.
Warning [parser.cc:778] XML Element[imuTransform], child of element[sensor] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[imuTransform]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element.
Warning [parser.cc:778] XML Element[node], child of element[sensor] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[node]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element.
Warning [parser.cc:778] XML Element[api], child of element[sensor] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[api]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element.
Warning [parser.cc:778] XML Element[port], child of element[sensor] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[port]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element.
Warning [parser.cc:778] XML Element[sensor_number], child of element[sensor] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[sensor_number]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element.
Warning [parser.cc:778] XML Element[node], child of element[sensor] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[node]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element.
Warning [parser.cc:778] XML Element[api], child of element[sensor] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[api]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element.
Warning [parser.cc:778] XML Element[sensor_number], child of element[sensor] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[sensor_number]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element.
Warning [parser.cc:778] XML Element[node], child of element[sensor] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[node]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element.
Warning [parser.cc:778] XML Element[api], child of element[sensor] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[api]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element.
Warning [parser.cc:778] XML Element[imuTransform], child of element[sensor] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[imuTransform]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element.
Warning [parser.cc:778] XML Element[node], child of element[sensor] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[node]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element.
Warning [parser.cc:778] XML Element[api], child of element[sensor] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[api]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element.
Warning [parser.cc:778] XML Element[port], child of element[sensor] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[port]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element.
 > Resolving dependencies ':ros'[libprotobuf ERROR google/protobuf/message_lite.cc:123] Can't parse message of type "gazebo.msgs.Packet" because it is missing required fields: stamp
[libprotobuf ERROR google/protobuf/message_lite.cc:123] Can't parse message of type "gazebo.msgs.Packet" because it is missing required fields: stamp
[libprotobuf ERROR google/protobuf/message_lite.cc:123] Can't parse message of type "gazebo.msgs.Packet" because it is missing required fields: stamp
[libprotobuf ERROR google/protobuf/message_lite.cc:123] Can't parse message of type "gazebo.msgs.Packet" because it is missing required fields: stamp
[ INFO] [1478538618.113446566, 6.224000000]: Camera Plugin (robotNamespace = /), Info: Using the 'robotNamespace' param: '/'
[ INFO] [1478538618.113649368, 6.224000000]: Camera Plugin (robotNamespace = /), Info: Using the 'robotNamespace' param: '/'
[ INFO] [1478538618.119864291, 6.224000000]: Camera Plugin (ns = /)  <tf_prefix_>, set to ""
[libprotobuf ERROR google/protobuf/message_lite.cc:123] Can't parse message of type "gazebo.msgs.Packet" because it is missing required fields: stamp
[libprotobuf ERROR google/protobuf/message_lite.cc:123] Can't parse message of type "gazebo.msgs.Packet" because it is missing required fields: stamp
[libprotobuf ERROR google/protobuf/message_lite.cc:123] Can't parse message of type "gazebo.msgs.Packet" because it is missing required fields: stamp
[libprotobuf ERROR google/protobuf/message_lite.cc:123] Can't parse message of type "gazebo.msgs.Packet" because it is missing required fields: stamp
[ INFO] [1478538618.143722843, 6.224000000]: Laser Plugin (robotNamespace = /), Info: Using the 'robotNamespace' param: '/'
[ INFO] [1478538618.146452836, 6.224000000]: Starting GazeboRosLaser Plugin (ns = /)!
[libprotobuf ERROR google/protobuf/message_lite.cc:123] Can't parse message of type "gazebo.msgs.Packet" because it is missing required fields: stamp
[libprotobuf ERROR google/protobuf/message_lite.cc:123] Can't parse message of type "gazebo.msgs.Packet" because it is missing required fields: stamp
[libprotobuf ERROR google/protobuf/message_lite.cc:123] Can't parse message of type "gazebo.msgs.Packet" because it is missing required fields: stamp
[libprotobuf ERROR google/protobuf/message_lite.cc:123] Can't parse message of type "gazebo.msgs.Packet" because it is missing required fields: stamp
[libprotobuf ERROR google/protobuf/message_lite.cc:123] Can't parse message of type "gazebo.msgs.Packet" because it is missing required fields: stamp
[libprotobuf ERROR google/protobuf/message_lite.cc:123] Can't parse message of type "gazebo.msgs.Packet" because it is missing required fields: stamp
[libprotobuf ERROR google/protobuf/message_lite.cc:123] Can't parse message of type "gazebo.msgs.Packet" because it is missing required fields: stamp
[libprotobuf ERROR google/protobuf/message_lite.cc:123] Can't parse message of type "gazebo.msgs.Packet" because it is missing required fields: stamp
[libprotobuf ERROR google/protobuf/message_lite.cc:123] Can't parse message of type "gazebo.msgs.Packet" because it is missing required fields: stamp
[libprotobuf ERROR google/protobuf/message_lite.cc:123] Can't parse message of type "gazebo.msgs.Packet" because it is missing required fields: stamp
[libprotobuf ERROR google/protobuf/message_lite.cc:123] Can't parse message of type "gazebo.msgs.Packet" because it is missing required fields: stamp
[libprotobuf ERROR google/protobuf/message_lite.cc:123] Can't parse message of type "gazebo.msgs.Packet" because it is missing required fields: stamp
[libprotobuf ERROR google/protobuf/message_lite.cc:123] Can't parse message of type "gazebo.msgs.Packet" because it is missing required fields: stamp
[libprotobuf ERROR google/protobuf/message_lite.cc:123] Can't parse message of type "gazebo.msgs.Packet" because it is missing required fields: stamp
[libprotobuf ERROR google/protobuf/message_lite.cc:123] Can't parse message of type "gazebo.msgs.Packet" because it is missing required fields: stamp
[libprotobuf ERROR google/protobuf/message_lite.cc:123] Can't parse message of type "gazebo.msgs.Packet" because it is missing required fields: stamp
[libprotobuf ERROR google/protobuf/message_lite.cc:123] Can't parse message of type "gazebo.msgs.Packet" because it is missing required fields: stamp
[libprotobuf ERROR google/protobuf/message_lite.cc:123] Can't parse message of type "gazebo.msgs.Packet" because it is missing required fields: stamp
[libprotobuf ERROR google/protobuf/message_lite.cc:123] Can't parse message of type "gazebo.msgs.Packet" because it is missing required fields: stamp
[libprotobuf ERROR google/protobuf/message_lite.cc:123] Can't parse message of type "gazebo.msgs.Packet" because it is missing required fields: stamp
[libprotobuf ERROR google/protobuf/message_lite.cc:123] Can't parse message of type "gazebo.msgs.Packet" because it is missing required fields: stamp
[libprotobuf ERROR google/protobuf/message_lite.cc:123] Can't parse message of type "gazebo.msgs.Packet" because it is missing required fields: stamp
[libprotobuf ERROR google/protobuf/message_lite.cc:123] Can't parse message of type "gazebo.msgs.Packet" because it is missing required fields: stamp
[ INFO] [1478538618.197434818, 6.224000000]: GPU Laser Plugin (ns = /) <tf_prefix_>, set to ""
[libprotobuf ERROR google/protobuf/message_lite.cc:123] Can't parse message of type "gazebo.msgs.Packet" because it is missing required fields: stamp
[ INFO] [1478538618.203322728, 6.224000000]: Camera Plugin (ns = /)  <tf_prefix_>, set to ""
[libprotobuf ERROR google/protobuf/message_lite.cc:123] Can't parse message of type "gazebo.msgs.Packet" because it is missing required fields: stamp
[ INFO] [1478538618.208422435, 6.224000000]: LoadThread function completed
[libprotobuf ERROR google/protobuf/message_lite.cc:123] Can't parse message of type "gazebo.msgs.Packet" because it is missing required fields: stamp
[libprotobuf ERROR google/protobuf/message_lite.cc:123] Can't parse message of type "gazebo.msgs.Packet" because it is missing required fields: stamp
[libprotobuf ERROR google/protobuf/message_lite.cc:123] Can't parse message of type "gazebo.msgs.Packet" because it is missing required fields: stamp
[libprotobuf ERROR google/protobuf/message_lite.cc:123] Can't parse message of type "gazebo.msgs.Packet" because it is missing required fields: stamp
[libprotobuf ERROR google/protobuf/message_lite.cc:123] Can't parse message of type "gazebo.msgs.Packet" because it is missing required fields: stamp
[libprotobuf ERROR google/protobuf/message_lite.cc:123] Can't parse message of type "gazebo.msgs.Packet" because it is missing required fields: stamp
[libprotobuf ERROR google/protobuf/message_lite.cc:123] Can't parse message of type "gazebo.msgs.Packet" because it is missing required fields: stamp
[libprotobuf ERROR google/protobuf/message_lite.cc:123] Can't parse message of type "gazebo.msgs.Packet" because it is missing required fields: stamp
[libprotobuf ERROR google/protobuf/message_lite.cc:123] Can't parse message of type "gazebo.msgs.Packet" because it is missing required fields: stamp
[libprotobuf ERROR google/protobuf/message_lite.cc:123] Can't parse message of type "gazebo.msgs.Packet" because it is missing required fields: stamp
[libprotobuf ERROR google/protobuf/message_lite.cc:123] Can't parse message of type "gazebo.msgs.Packet" because it is missing required fields: stamp
[libprotobuf ERROR google/protobuf/message_lite.cc:123] Can't parse message of type "gazebo.msgs.Packet" because it is missing required fields: stamp
[libprotobuf ERROR google/protobuf/message_lite.cc:123] Can't parse message of type "gazebo.msgs.Packet" because it is missing required fields: stamp
[libprotobuf ERROR google/protobuf/message_lite.cc:123] Can't parse message of type "gazebo.msgs.Packet" because it is missing required fields: stamp
[libprotobuf ERROR google/protobuf/message_lite.cc:123] Can't parse message of type "gazebo.msgs.Packet" because it is missing required fields: stamp
[libprotobuf ERROR google/protobuf/message_lite.cc:123] Can't parse message of type "gazebo.msgs.Packet" because it is missing required fields: stamp
[libprotobuf ERROR google/protobuf/message_lite.cc:123] Can't parse message of type "gazebo.msgs.Packet" because it is missing required fields: stamp
[libprotobuf ERROR google/protobuf/message_lite.cc:123] Can't parse message of type "gazebo.msgs.Packet" because it is missing required fields: stamp
[libprotobuf ERROR google/protobuf/message_lite.cc:123] Can't parse message of type "gazebo.msgs.Packet" because it is missing required fields: stamp
[libprotobuf ERROR google/protobuf/message_lite.cc:123] Can't parse message of type "gazebo.msgs.Packet" because it is missing required fields: stamp
[libprotobuf ERROR google/protobuf/message_lite.cc:123] Can't parse message of type "gazebo.msgs.Packet" because it is missing required fields: stamp
[libprotobuf ERROR google/protobuf/message_lite.cc:123] Can't parse message of type "gazebo.msgs.Packet" because it is missing required fields: stamp
[libprotobuf ERROR google/protobuf/message_lite.cc:123] Can't parse message of type "gazebo.msgs.Packet" because it is missing required fields: stamp
[libprotobuf ERROR google/protobuf/message_lite.cc:123] Can't parse message of type "gazebo.msgs.Packet" because it is missing required fields: stamp
[libprotobuf ERROR google/protobuf/message_lite.cc:123] Can't parse message of type "gazebo.msgs.Packet" because it is missing required fields: stamp
[libprotobuf ERROR google/protobuf/message_lite.cc:123] Can't parse message of type "gazebo.msgs.Packet" because it is missing required fields: stamp
[libprotobuf ERROR google/protobuf/message_lite.cc:123] Can't parse message of type "gazebo.msgs.Packet" because it is missing required fields: stamp
[libprotobuf ERROR google/protobuf/message_lite.cc:123] Can't parse message of type "gazebo.msgs.Packet" because it is missing required fields: stamp
[libprotobuf ERROR google/protobuf/message_lite.cc:123] Can't parse message of type "gazebo.msgs.Packet" because it is missing required fields: stamp
[libprotobuf ERROR google/protobuf/message_lite.cc:123] Can't parse message of type "gazebo.msgs.Packet" because it is missing required fields: stamp
[libprotobuf ERROR google/protobuf/message_lite.cc:123] Can't parse message of type "gazebo.msgs.Packet" because it is missing required fields: stamp
[libprotobuf ERROR google/protobuf/message_lite.cc:123] Can't parse message of type "gazebo.msgs.Packet" because it is missing required fields: stamp
[libprotobuf ERROR google/protobuf/message_lite.cc:123] Can't parse message of type "gazebo.msgs.Packet" because it is missing required fields: stamp
[libprotobuf ERROR google/protobuf/message_lite.cc:123] Can't parse message of type "gazebo.msgs.Packet" because it is missing required fields: stamp
[libprotobuf ERROR google/protobuf/message_lite.cc:123] Can't parse message of type "gazebo.msgs.Packet" because it is missing required fields: stamp
[libprotobuf ERROR google/protobuf/message_lite.cc:123] Can't parse message of type "gazebo.msgs.Packet" because it is missing required fields: stamp
[libprotobuf ERROR google/protobuf/message_lite.cc:123] Can't parse message of type "gazebo.msgs.Packet" because it is missing required fields: stamp
[libprotobuf ERROR google/protobuf/message_lite.cc:123] Can't parse message of type "gazebo.msgs.Packet" because it is missing required fields: stamp
[libprotobuf ERROR google/protobuf/message_lite.cc:123] Can't parse message of type "gazebo.msgs.Packet" because it is missing required fields: stamp
[libprotobuf ERROR google/protobuf/message_lite.cc:123] Can't parse message of type "gazebo.msgs.Packet" because it is missing required fields: stamp
[libprotobuf ERROR google/protobuf/message_lite.cc:123] Can't parse message of type "gazebo.msgs.Packet" because it is missing required fields: stamp
[libprotobuf ERROR google/protobuf/message_lite.cc:123] Can't parse message of type "gazebo.msgs.Packet" because it is missing required fields: stamp
[libprotobuf ERROR google/protobuf/message_lite.cc:123] Can't parse message of type "gazebo.msgs.Packet" because it is missing required fields: stamp
[libprotobuf ERROR google/protobuf/message_lite.cc:123] Can't parse message of type "gazebo.msgs.Packet" because it is missing required fields: stamp
[libprotobuf ERROR google/protobuf/message_lite.cc:123] Can't parse message of type "gazebo.msgs.Packet" because it is missing required fields: stamp
[libprotobuf ERROR google/protobuf/message_lite.cc:123] Can't parse message of type "gazebo.msgs.Packet" because it is missing required fields: stamp
[libprotobuf ERROR google/protobuf/message_lite.cc:123] Can't parse message of type "gazebo.msgs.Packet" because it is missing required fields: stamp
[libprotobuf ERROR google/protobuf/message_lite.cc:123] Can't parse message of type "gazebo.msgs.Packet" because it is missing required fields: stamp
[libprotobuf ERROR google/protobuf/message_lite.cc:123] Can't parse message of type "gazebo.msgs.Packet" because it is missing required fields: stamp
[libprotobuf ERROR google/protobuf/message_lite.cc:123] Can't parse message of type "gazebo.msgs.Packet" because it is missing required fields: stamp
[libprotobuf ERROR google/protobuf/message_lite.cc:123] Can't parse message of type "gazebo.msgs.Packet" because it is missing required fields: stamp
[libprotobuf ERROR google/protobuf/message_lite.cc:123] Can't parse message of type "gazebo.msgs.Packet" because it is missing required fields: stamp
[libprotobuf ERROR google/protobuf/message_lite.cc:123] Can't parse message of type "gazebo.msgs.Packet" because it is missing required fields: stamp
[libprotobuf ERROR google/protobuf/message_lite.cc:123] Can't parse message of type "gazebo.msgs.Packet" because it is missing required fields: stamp
[libprotobuf ERROR google/protobuf/message_lite.cc:123] Can't parse message of type "gazebo.msgs.Packet" because it is missing required fields: stamp
[libprotobuf ERROR google/protobuf/message_lite.cc:123] Can't parse message of type "gazebo.msgs.Packet" because it is missing required fields: stamp
[libprotobuf ERROR google/protobuf/message_lite.cc:123] Can't parse message of type "gazebo.msgs.Packet" because it is missing required fields: stamp
[libprotobuf ERROR google/protobuf/message_lite.cc:123] Can't parse message of type "gazebo.msgs.Packet" because it is missing required fields: stamp
[libprotobuf ERROR google/protobuf/message_lite.cc:123] Can't parse message of type "gazebo.msgs.Packet" because it is missing required fields: stamp
[libprotobuf ERROR google/protobuf/message_lite.cc:123] Can't parse message of type "gazebo.msgs.Packet" because it is missing required fields: stamp
[libprotobuf ERROR google/protobuf/message_lite.cc:123] Can't parse message of type "gazebo.msgs.Packet" because it is missing required fields: stamp
[libprotobuf ERROR google/protobuf/message_lite.cc:123] Can't parse message of type "gazebo.msgs.Packet" because it is missing required fields: stamp
[libprotobuf ERROR google/protobuf/message_lite.cc:123] Can't parse message of type "gazebo.msgs.Packet" because it is missing required fields: stamp
[libprotobuf ERROR google/protobuf/message_lite.cc:123] Can't parse message of type "gazebo.msgs.Packet" because it is missing required fields: stamp
[libprotobuf ERROR google/protobuf/message_lite.cc:123] Can't parse message of type "gazebo.msgs.Packet" because it is missing required fields: stamp
[libprotobuf ERROR google/protobuf/message_lite.cc:123] Can't parse message of type "gazebo.msgs.Packet" because it is missing required fields: stamp
[libprotobuf ERROR google/protobuf/message_lite.cc:123] Can't parse message of type "gazebo.msgs.Packet" because it is missing required fields: stamp
[libprotobuf ERROR google/protobuf/message_lite.cc:123] Can't parse message of type "gazebo.msgs.Packet" because it is missing required fields: stamp
[libprotobuf ERROR google/protobuf/message_lite.cc:123] Can't parse message of type "gazebo.msgs.Packet" because it is missing required fields: stamp
[libprotobuf ERROR google/protobuf/message_lite.cc:123] Can't parse message of type "gazebo.msgs.Packet" because it is missing required fields: stamp
[libprotobuf ERROR google/protobuf/message_lite.cc:123] Can't parse message of type "gazebo.msgs.Packet" because it is missing required fields: stamp
[libprotobuf ERROR google/protobuf/message_lite.cc:123] Can't parse message of type "gazebo.msgs.Packet" because it is missing required fields: stamp
[libprotobuf ERROR google/protobuf/message_lite.cc:123] Can't parse message of type "gazebo.msgs.Packet" because it is missing required fields: stamp
[libprotobuf ERROR google/protobuf/message_lite.cc:123] Can't parse message of type "gazebo.msgs.Packet" because it is missing required fields: stamp
[libprotobuf ERROR google/protobuf/message_lite.cc:123] Can't parse message of type "gazebo.msgs.Packet" because it is missing required fields: stamp
[libprotobuf ERROR google/protobuf/message_lite.cc:123] Can't parse message of type "gazebo.msgs.Packet" because it is missing required fields: stamp
[libprotobuf ERROR google/protobuf/message_lite.cc:123] Can't parse message of type "gazebo.msgs.Packet" because it is missing required fields: stamp
[libprotobuf ERROR google/protobuf/message_lite.cc:123] Can't parse message of type "gazebo.msgs.Packet" because it is missing required fields: stamp
[libprotobuf ERROR google/protobuf/message_lite.cc:123] Can't parse message of type "gazebo.msgs.Packet" because it is missing required fields: stamp
[Wrn] [msgs.cc:1793] Conversion of sensor type[imu] not suppported.
[Wrn] [msgs.cc:1793] Conversion of sensor type[imu] not suppported.
[Wrn] [msgs.cc:1793] Conversion of sensor type[imu] not suppported.
[Wrn] [msgs.cc:1793] Conversion of sensor type[imu] not suppported.
[Wrn] [msgs.cc:1793] Conversion of sensor type[multicamera] not suppported.
[Wrn] [msgs.cc:1793] Conversion of sensor type[gpu_ray] not suppported.
[Wrn] [msgs.cc:1793] Conversion of sensor type[force_torque] not suppported.
[Wrn] [msgs.cc:1793] Conversion of sensor type[force_torque] not suppported.
[INFO] [WallTime: 1478538618.410509] [6.224000] Spawn status: SpawnModel: Successfully spawned model
[urdf_spawner-1] process has finished cleanly
log file: /home/mario/.ros/log/08ec45d0-a50d-11e6-9dac-e4029b1066fc/urdf_spawner-1*.log
all processes on machine have died, roslaunch will exit
shutting down processing monitor...
... shutting down processing monitor complete
[urdf_spawner_mario_Inspiron_5559_11188_1874639296420344668-7] process has finished cleanly
log file: /home/mario/.ros/log/08ec45d0-a50d-11e6-9dac-e4029b1066fc/urdf_spawner_mario_Inspiron_5559_11188_1874639296420344668-7*.log
[Wrn] [ColladaLoader.cc:1461] Polylist input semantic: 'COLOR' is currently not supported
[Wrn] [msgs.cc:1793] Conversion of sensor type[force_torque] not suppported.
[Wrn] [msgs.cc:1793] Conversion of sensor type[force_torque] not suppported.
[ INFO] [1478538619.364192552, 6.224000000]: SharedMemoryInterfacePlugin: Loading
2016-11-07 12:10:19 localhost ncl_cpp: [ERROR   ] [gov.nasa.SharedMemorySimInterfacePlugin.findUrdfSensors] Possibly missing an api or node tag from one or more imu sensors
2016-11-07 12:10:19 localhost ncl_cpp: [WARN    ] [gov.nasa.SharedMemorySimInterfacePlugin.findUrdfSensors] Imu sensor head_imu_sensor doesn't have <imuTransform> tag. It is likely that the data you receive from this sensor will be incorrect.
exception subscribing to AngularVelocityX : /sensors/middlePelvisIMU/AngularVelocityX has not been registered.
exception subscribing to AngularVelocityY : /sensors/middlePelvisIMU/AngularVelocityY has not been registered.
exception subscribing to AngularVelocityZ : /sensors/middlePelvisIMU/AngularVelocityZ has not been registered.
exception subscribing to LinearAccelerationX : /sensors/middlePelvisIMU/LinearAccelerationX has not been registered.
exception subscribing to LinearAccelerationY : /sensors/middlePelvisIMU/LinearAccelerationY has not been registered.
exception subscribing to LinearAccelerationZ : /sensors/middlePelvisIMU/LinearAccelerationZ has not been registered.
exception subscribing to QuaternionW : /sensors/middlePelvisIMU/QuaternionW has not been registered.
exception subscribing to QuaternionX : /sensors/middlePelvisIMU/QuaternionX has not been registered.
exception subscribing to QuaternionY : /sensors/middlePelvisIMU/QuaternionY has not been registered.
exception subscribing to QuaternionZ : /sensors/middlePelvisIMU/QuaternionZ has not been registered.
[Err] [Model.cc:1073] Exception occured in the Load function of plugin with name[SharedMemorySimInterfacePlugin] and filename[libval_gazebo.so]. This plugin will not run.
> Building 0% > :parseYaml[ INFO] [1478538619.456271177, 6.224000000]: imu plugin missing <frameName>, defaults to <bodyName>
:parseYaml UP-TO-DATE
> Building 50% > :runJavaDelegate[ INFO] [1478538619.474340595, 6.224000000]: imu plugin missing <frameName>, defaults to <bodyName>
[ INFO] [1478538619.477232910, 6.224000000]: imu plugin missing <frameName>, defaults to <bodyName>
[libprotobuf ERROR google/protobuf/message_lite.cc:123] Can't parse message of type "gazebo.msgs.Packet" because it is missing required fields: stamp
[libprotobuf ERROR google/protobuf/message_lite.cc:123] Can't parse message of type "gazebo.msgs.Packet" because it is missing required fields: stamp
[libprotobuf ERROR google/protobuf/message_lite.cc:123] Can't parse message of type "gazebo.msgs.Packet" because it is missing required fields: stamp
[Wrn] [msgs.cc:1793] Conversion of sensor type[imu] not suppported.
[Wrn] [msgs.cc:1793] Conversion of sensor type[imu] not suppported.
[Wrn] [msgs.cc:1793] Conversion of sensor type[imu] not suppported.
[Wrn] [msgs.cc:1793] Conversion of sensor type[imu] not suppported.
[Wrn] [msgs.cc:1793] Conversion of sensor type[multicamera] not suppported.
[Wrn] [msgs.cc:1793] Conversion of sensor type[gpu_ray] not suppported.
[Wrn] [msgs.cc:1793] Conversion of sensor type[force_torque] not suppported.
[Wrn] [msgs.cc:1793] Conversion of sensor type[force_torque] not suppported.
Loading robot model from: 'models/val_description/sdf/valkyrie_sim.sdf'
[INFO] (NetworkParameters.java:38): Looking for network parameters in network parameters file at /opt/ros/indigo/share/ihmc_valkyrie_ros/configurations/IHMCNetworkParametersSim.ini
[INFO] (NetworkParameters.java:42): Found Network parameters file at /opt/ros/indigo/share/ihmc_valkyrie_ros/configurations/IHMCNetworkParametersSim.ini
[INFO] (NetworkParameters.java:69): Looking for network parameters in environment variables
[INFO] (NetworkParameters.java:70): Environment variables will override entries in the network parameters file.
Connecting to controller using TCP on localhost
[WARN] YoVariable: desiredMomentumRateLinearX is getting created with a null registry
[WARN] YoVariable: desiredMomentumRateLinearY is getting created with a null registry
[WARN] YoVariable: desiredMomentumRateLinearZ is getting created with a null registry
[WARN] YoVariable: achievedMomentumRateLinearX is getting created with a null registry
[WARN] YoVariable: achievedMomentumRateLinearY is getting created with a null registry
[WARN] YoVariable: achievedMomentumRateLinearZ is getting created with a null registry
[WARN] YoVariable: residualRootJointForceX is getting created with a null registry
[WARN] YoVariable: residualRootJointForceY is getting created with a null registry
[WARN] YoVariable: residualRootJointForceZ is getting created with a null registry
[WARN] YoVariable: residualRootJointTorqueX is getting created with a null registry
[WARN] YoVariable: residualRootJointTorqueY is getting created with a null registry
[WARN] YoVariable: residualRootJointTorqueZ is getting created with a null registry
log4j:WARN No appenders could be found for logger (org.ros.internal.node.client.Registrar).
log4j:WARN Please initialize the log4j system properly.
IHMC ROS API node successfully started.
> Building 50% > :runJavaDelegate[WARN] [WallTime: 1478538639.850749] [10.258000] Controller Spawner couldn't find the expected controller_manager ROS interface.
[controller_spawner_mario_Inspiron_5559_11188_1738534155396031567-10] process has finished cleanly
log file: /home/mario/.ros/log/08ec45d0-a50d-11e6-9dac-e4029b1066fc/controller_spawner_mario_Inspiron_5559_11188_1738534155396031567-10*.log
lower harness
publishing and latching message for 3.0 seconds
switch to high level control after 20 seconds
publishing and latching message for 3.0 seconds
detach in 5 seconds
start walking
publishing and latching message for 3.0 seconds
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/opt/ros/indigo/lib/srcsim/walk_test.py", line 125, in <module>
  File "/opt/ros/indigo/lib/srcsim/walk_test.py", line 31, in walkTest
    msg.footstep_data_list.append(createFootStepOffset(LEFT, [0.2, 0.0, 0.0]))
  File "/opt/ros/indigo/lib/srcsim/walk_test.py", line 66, in createFootStepOffset
    footstep = createFootStepInPlace(stepSide)
  File "/opt/ros/indigo/lib/srcsim/walk_test.py", line 58, in createFootStepInPlace
    footWorld = tfBuffer.lookup_transform('world', foot_frame, rospy.Time())
  File "/opt/ros/indigo/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/tf2_ros/buffer.py", line 59, in lookup_transform
    return self.lookup_transform_core(target_frame, source_frame, time)
tf2.LookupException: "world" passed to lookupTransform argument target_frame does not exist. 
[startup_robot-11] process has finished cleanly
log file: /home/mario/.ros/log/08ec45d0-a50d-11e6-9dac-e4029b1066fc/startup_robot-11*.log
^C[IHMCValkyrieROSAPI-9] killing on exit
[robot_state_publisher-8] killing on exit
[gazebo_gui-6] killing on exit
[gazebo-5] killing on exit
[smtcore_mario_Inspiron_5559_11188_7620234749625333212-2] killing on exit
Could not read error output of: command '/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64/bin/java'.
java.io.IOException: Stream closed
    at java.io.BufferedInputStream.getBufIfOpen(BufferedInputStream.java:170)
    at java.io.BufferedInputStream.read1(BufferedInputStream.java:291)
    at java.io.BufferedInputStream.read(BufferedInputStream.java:345)
    at java.io.FilterInputStream.read(FilterInputStream.java:107)
    at org.gradle.process.internal.streams.ExecOutputHandleRunner.run(ExecOutputHandleRunner.java:51)
    at org.gradle.internal.concurrent.ExecutorPolicy$CatchAndRecordFailures.onExecute(ExecutorPolicy.java:54)
    at org.gradle.internal.concurrent.StoppableExecutorImpl$1.run(StoppableExecutorImpl.java:40)
    at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1142)
    at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:617)
    at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:745)
> Building 50% > :runJavaDelegate[IHMCValkyrieROSAPI-9] escalating to SIGTERM
[gazebo-5] escalating to SIGTERM
[IHMCValkyrieROSAPI-9] escalating to SIGKILL
[rosout-1] killing on exit
[master] killing on exit
Shutdown errors:
 * process[IHMCValkyrieROSAPI-9, pid 11254]: required SIGKILL. May still be running.
shutting down processing monitor...
... shutting down processing monitor complete
osrf-migration commented 7 years ago

Original comment by Nate Koenig (Bitbucket: Nathan Koenig).

We have confirmed on multiple machines that this tutorial does work. That doesn't mean there isn't a problem with srcsim, but chances are something is incorrect on your system.

Can you make sure you have followed the installation instructions exactly?

Have you ever installed Gazebo and/or ROS on your system in the past? If so, you may have conflicting installations.

osrf-migration commented 7 years ago

Original comment by Steve Peters (Bitbucket: Steven Peters, GitHub: scpeters).

osrf-migration commented 7 years ago

Original comment by Wayne Rust (Bitbucket: rustw1).

I have this same problem. I have installed it on two completely clean systems (one VM, one real). Both have the same issue.

I installed the following on a new Intel Core i7 machine:

  1. Ubuntu 14.04.5
  2. Followed the steps outlined exactly! (note that there are three other errors encountered including missing the $HOME/.gazebo/models directory, not running the setup.bash file before step 12, and missing rosrun - added with sudo apt-get install ros-indigo-rosbash).
  3. Ran the walk test command and get the same "tf2.LookupException: "world" passed to lookupTransform argument target_frame does not exist." above error after the start walk and the robot collapses to the floor.

Are we missing a world file?

osrf-migration commented 7 years ago

Original comment by Erica Tiberia (Bitbucket: T_AL).

I've tried everything as well with the same results every time. I'm out of ideas, not sure what to do.

osrf-migration commented 7 years ago

Original comment by Erica Tiberia (Bitbucket: T_AL).

This may be a stupid question but am I suppose to replace $USER and user (rtprio) with my computer username .



Change ownership of ihmc_ros_java_adapter. This ROS package requires to write some files in its installation directory at runtime. We're working on a fix for this issue. In the meantime, please change the ownership of this directory to your user.

sudo chown -R $USER:$USER /opt/ros/indigo/share/ihmc_ros_java_adapter 2.

Copy the IHMC networking ini file

mkdir -p ${HOME}/.ihmc; curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ihmcrobotics/ihmc_ros_core/0.8.0/ihmc_ros_common/configurations/IHMCNetworkParametersTemplate.ini

${HOME}/.ihmc/IHMCNetworkParameters.ini 3.

Increase real-time scheduling priority for current user (rtprio), which is required by the IHMC controller. Add current user to ros group:

sudo bash -c 'echo "@ros - rtprio 99" > /etc/security/limits.d/ros-rtprio.conf'

sudo groupadd ros

sudo usermod -a -G ros $USER

osrf-migration commented 7 years ago

Original comment by Steve Peters (Bitbucket: Steven Peters, GitHub: scpeters).

Thanks @rustw1 for noticing 3 missing steps in issue #10. I've addressed those, which may be of help to you @T_AL.

Regarding your question about $USER, you shouldn't have to change that. Also, I should clarify that the current user is not named rtprio, that is the name of the parameter.

osrf-migration commented 7 years ago

Original comment by Steve Peters (Bitbucket: Steven Peters, GitHub: scpeters).

clarified meaning of rtprio in:

osrf-migration commented 7 years ago

Original comment by Steve Peters (Bitbucket: Steven Peters, GitHub: scpeters).

Regarding the missing tf2 frame, perhaps we are missing a ros node from the launch file as we are discussing in issue #12...

osrf-migration commented 7 years ago

Original comment by Erica K (Bitbucket: Erica K).

My team is having the same issue. However we look more like issue 6 (which may be a shot of this)

osrf-migration commented 7 years ago

Original comment by Ozan Akyıldız (Bitbucket: OAkyildiz).

@T_AL The sentence made it sound like rtprio is the username but it stands for real time priority.

osrf-migration commented 7 years ago

Original comment by Ozan Akyıldız (Bitbucket: OAkyildiz).

Solved this issue by redoing steps 10, 11, and 12 in https://osrf-migration.github.io/srcsim-gh-pages/#!/osrf/srcsim/wiki/system_setup.

osrf-migration commented 7 years ago

Original comment by Erica Tiberia (Bitbucket: T_AL).

Tried to redo the steps, still the same problem. Did you remove the original files first?

osrf-migration commented 7 years ago

Original comment by kapoor_amita@yahoo.com (Bitbucket: Amita94).

Facing the same issue. No idea what to do. One thing I noticed is when I did step 12, in the end I got a message: Build Successful
followed by: Required Process IHMCValkyrieROSAPI-2 has died. And then: process has finished cleanly Is it normal?

osrf-migration commented 7 years ago

Original comment by Erica Tiberia (Bitbucket: T_AL).

Check issue #16 , a fix is being worked on.

osrf-migration commented 7 years ago

Original comment by Nuttaworn Sujumnong (Bitbucket: nsujumnong).

I tried clean-installation of ros and srcsim package. But so far I still get either this error message:


[ERROR] [1479506775.046502508, 6.121000000]: Nov 18, 2016 5:06:14 PM us.ihmc.valkyrieRosControl.ValkyrieAffinity <init>
[ERROR] [1479506775.048096088, 6.121000000]: SEVERE: WARNING: Hyper-Threading is enabled. Expect higher amounts of jitter
[ERROR] [1479506775.050187699, 6.121000000]: Cannot create controller object
[ERROR] [1479506775.050834902, 6.121000000]: Initializing controller 'ihmc_valkyrie_control_java_bridge' failed
[ INFO] [1479506775.051046106, 6.121000000]: Stopping VM
[ERROR] [1479506775.055279168, 6.121000000]: Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 2, Size: 2
[ERROR] [1479506775.057400727, 6.121000000]:    at java.util.ArrayList.rangeCheck(ArrayList.java:635)
[ERROR] [1479506775.058465912, 6.121000000]:    at java.util.ArrayList.get(ArrayList.java:411)
[ERROR] [1479506775.059980435, 6.121000000]:    at us.ihmc.affinity.Package.getCore(Package.java:45)
[ERROR] [1479506775.060297688, 6.121000000]:    at us.ihmc.valkyrieRosControl.ValkyrieAffinity.<init>(ValkyrieAffinity.java:31)
[ERROR] [1479506775.062766283, 6.121000000]:    at us.ihmc.valkyrieRosControl.ValkyrieRosControlController.<init>(ValkyrieRosControlController.java:107)

or this:

[ERROR] [1479506973.519139075, 4.585000000]:  Exception encountered while attempting to add an actuator! Check your URDF for correct XML formatting!
2016-11-18 17:09:33 localhost ncl_cpp: [ERROR   ] [gov.nasa.HardwareInterface.makeHandle] Robot Hardware has failed Initialized properly. 

[ERROR] [1479506973.519635609, 4.585000000]: Fatal exception error encountered initializing RobotHardwareInterface, exiting
2016-11-18 17:09:33 localhost ncl_cpp: [FATAL   ] [gov.nasa.ControllerExec.ORO_main] Error encountered during configure hook for controller_manager component!
================================================================================REQUIRED process [controller_manager_nuttaworn_Lenovo_Z50_70_7340_1221773573088100939-1] has died!
process has died [pid 7384, exit code 1, cmd /opt/nasa/indigo/lib/val_controller_manager_rtt/controller_exec --rate 500 -s __name:=controller_manager_nuttaworn_Lenovo_Z50_70_7340_1221773573088100939 __log:=/home/nuttaworn/.ros/log/ab6aa69a-addb-11e6-8de4-34e6ad02ce89/controller_manager_nuttaworn_Lenovo_Z50_70_7340_1221773573088100939-1.log].
log file: /home/nuttaworn/.ros/log/ab6aa69a-addb-11e6-8de4-34e6ad02ce89/controller_manager_nuttaworn_Lenovo_Z50_70_7340_1221773573088100939-1*.log
Initiating shutdown!

I've tried folllowing Erica's approach from issue #16 (#16) but still doesn't do anything except that Valkyrie is hanging from the harness. I'd like to know what is the sources of the problem. Appreciate any response.

Also, since I'm running the simulation on my laptop, which has core i7 (2 cores), 8 GB memory, and GT610, so I believe some of the issues were originated from there.

osrf-migration commented 7 years ago

Original comment by Erica Tiberia (Bitbucket: T_AL).

You need to enter your BIOS and confirm you have four cores and not two.
If you have four cores go to the menu and find the settings for the performance of the system. Disable the " hyper threading" save and exit . Another member of my team has a laptop with an Intel Core i5-6200U CPU x4 it only has two cores. We have a new laptop with Intel® Core™ i7-6700HQ CPU @ 2.60GHz × 4 Val still wouldn't stand until we disabled the hyper threading. Hope this helps, good luck.

osrf-migration commented 7 years ago

Original comment by Jason McCallister (Bitbucket: RobotGarage).

To summarize what I have read here, the simulation requirements are:

--4 or more cores

--Hyperthreading disabled

--Do not use a VM

I may be an outlier, but I can run both qual1 (with console test) and qual2 (with walk test and arm control test) with the settings below. Valkyrie does not drop...

--3 cores

--Hyperthreading enabled

--Running a VM in VirtualBox

--8 GB

I am running on an i7 970 @ 3.2 GHz (6 cores / 12 logical processors) with 24 GB.

However, my "Real Time Factor" is not very good. I am averaging approximately 0.15.

I increased the VM to 6 cores and 18 GB, but no improvement in "Real Time Factor".

My next test is to create a dual-boot Ubuntu setup. I would expect that to speed things up, as well as take advantage of the video card.

What "Real Time Factor" is everyone else experiencing?

osrf-migration commented 7 years ago

Original comment by Harish Balasubramaniam (Bitbucket: harishbalasub).

I have a Mac Mini i7 running ubuntu with quad cores. 16 gb ram. Disabled Hyperthreading, but still the robot falls to the ground

osrf-migration commented 7 years ago

Original comment by kapoor_amita@yahoo.com (Bitbucket: Amita94).

The robot falls irrespective whether hyper-threading is enabled or disabled. It falls after the message: detach in 5 seconds done [startup_robot-11] process has finished cleanly log file: /home/am/.ros/log/9a70487c-afcf-11e6-8676-685b35a00088/startup_robot-11*.log publishing and latching message for 3.0 seconds

Also in Qual1, before detach robots appears like hanging in air as if without gravity and then on detach it simply strikes the ground, unable to balance and falls down.

osrf-migration commented 7 years ago

Original comment by sringer99 (Bitbucket: sringer99).

Make sure your controller manager is running. See issue #6 for details. Some people with weird hardware can add delays in the start-up to get things to work. IHMC is working on a fix and the hope is that it will be out soon.

osrf-migration commented 7 years ago

Original comment by Jordan Lack (Bitbucket: jordanlack).

Folks, you do not need to disable hyperthreading. The hyperthreading message is a red herring for simulation and an artifact of IHMC's controller requiring that when running on actual hardware. Unless you have other requirements that required hyperthreading to be disabled then you probably shouldn't be disabling it. It is unlikely this will help your simulation at all but will probably make your computer run slower.

Correct me @nmertins if something has changed that now requires hyperthreading to be disabled in simulation as well.

osrf-migration commented 7 years ago

Original comment by Nathan Mertins (Bitbucket: nmertins).

@jordanlack Correct, hyperthreading does not need to be disabled when running in sim.

osrf-migration commented 7 years ago

Original comment by kapoor_amita@yahoo.com (Bitbucket: Amita94).

Ok to sum up:

  1. Val falling to ground is separate from #6, in my case ihmc_controller works, but Val falls:

Either case there are no error messages any different from normal ones. My system: Mac-mini i7-3615QM CPU @2.30GHz, 16 GB, Graphics card: Intel Corporation 3rd Gen Core processor (rev 09)

Ubuntu 14.04.5

If changing any configuration file can help please let me know. I have tried adding delay (1-8) there is no increase in performance. Out of ten times it works only once (that too if I am lucky :( )

osrf-migration commented 7 years ago

Original comment by sumanth nirmal (Bitbucket: Sumanth-Nirmal).

any luck with this issue..?

osrf-migration commented 7 years ago

Original comment by sumanth nirmal (Bitbucket: Sumanth-Nirmal).

I was also having problem with the controller manager dying (as mentioned in #6), once this is fixed, I have realised that the controller manager takes significant amount of time to load and with in this time the initialisation of robot is already done and foot steps are being published (at this point the controllers are loaded), I guess this is why robot is unable to balance.

So increasing the initial sleep from 60 to 150 (sec) in init_robot.sh makes robot walk, not sure if this is the fix.

osrf-migration commented 7 years ago

Original comment by Frank Mathis (Bitbucket: frank_b_mathis).

The issue that @T_AL is having (at least in the post here) is this:


exception subscribing to AngularVelocityX : /sensors/middlePelvisIMU/AngularVelocityX has not been registered.
exception subscribing to AngularVelocityY : /sensors/middlePelvisIMU/AngularVelocityY has not been registered.
exception subscribing to AngularVelocityZ : /sensors/middlePelvisIMU/AngularVelocityZ has not been registered.
exception subscribing to LinearAccelerationX : /sensors/middlePelvisIMU/LinearAccelerationX has not been registered.
exception subscribing to LinearAccelerationY : /sensors/middlePelvisIMU/LinearAccelerationY has not been registered.
exception subscribing to LinearAccelerationZ : /sensors/middlePelvisIMU/LinearAccelerationZ has not been registered.
exception subscribing to QuaternionW : /sensors/middlePelvisIMU/QuaternionW has not been registered.
exception subscribing to QuaternionX : /sensors/middlePelvisIMU/QuaternionX has not been registered.
exception subscribing to QuaternionY : /sensors/middlePelvisIMU/QuaternionY has not been registered.
exception subscribing to QuaternionZ : /sensors/middlePelvisIMU/QuaternionZ has not been registered.
[Err] [Model.cc:1073] Exception occured in the Load function of plugin with name[SharedMemorySimInterfacePlugin] and filename[libval_gazebo.so]. This plugin will not run.

This issue is not the same as issue 6, but is not the same. The plugin is looking for topics that do not exist. When they do not, the plugin fails but that doesn't mean that the manager has failed. This will cause the robot to load properly and appear that the controller is running properly, but none of the commands will get to the robot in simulation.

A possible fix for this is if you look in val_gazebo/launch/val_empty_world.launch Inside there you will find the call to the gazebo plugin which looks like:


<node name="$(anon urdf_spawner)" pkg="val_deploy" type="delayed_roslaunch.sh" args="6 val_gazebo spawn_urdf_model_from_robot_description.launch modelName:=valkyrie zOffset:=1.25" output="screen"/>

The first argument is a delay on the gazebo spawn. If you are having an issue with the plugin not loading properly, or if you increased the delay on the controller_manager spawn then you whould increase the delay here form 6.

osrf-migration commented 7 years ago

Original comment by Erica K (Bitbucket: Erica K).

Unfortunately, it seems two issues are being conflated here.

I am one of the people suffering for the original, and unfixable-without-a-release issue: the need for 4 physical cores in the CPU. I hope that this will be fixed soon. I cannot work with the simulation at all, and it has been a few weeks now.

Erica (Kane, not Tiberia)

osrf-migration commented 7 years ago

Original comment by Jordan Lack (Bitbucket: jordanlack).

I have heard chatter from some of the IHMC folk about a release to fix that. I'm not sure if it's been pushed out yet. @nmertins is that available to the public yet?

osrf-migration commented 7 years ago

Original comment by Jordan Lack (Bitbucket: jordanlack).

Also an additional note to @frank_b_mathis comment. You could take what the launch files are doing and launch them separately in their own terminals as a debug step that it is indeed a timing issue. If it all launches ok by itself then it's definitely a problem with the arbitrarily timed wait statements

osrf-migration commented 7 years ago

Original comment by Nathan Mertins (Bitbucket: nmertins).

@jordanlack Yes, the fixes are included in our 0.8.1 tag here. In the process of fixing this, we found some bugs with running from local source though. So in order to run the sim against that tag, you'd also need to grab the latest release from our ihmc_ros_core repo and prepend that to your ROS_PACKAGE_PATH.

osrf-migration commented 7 years ago

Original comment by dan (Bitbucket: dan77062).

can you provide more details on how to incorporate those fixes into an existing installation?

osrf-migration commented 7 years ago

Original comment by dan (Bitbucket: dan77062).

Getting closer. With the new controller folder, the two core machine is able to get a lot farther, but the robot still drops to the ground. This is the output from a Lenovo X1 carbon, i7 6600U (2 core) processor, with the ROS_IP fix implemented, delay times increased in init_robot.sh to 150 and in val_gazebo/launch/val_empty_world.launch to 30.


dbarry@x1:~$ roslaunch srcsim qual1.launch extra_gazebo_as:="-r" init:="true"
... logging to /home/dbarry/.ros/log/c9154a26-b694-11e6-8ecb-e4a47193b50c/roslaunch-x1-19297.log
Checking log directory for disk usage. This may take awhile.
Press Ctrl-C to interrupt
Done checking log file disk usage. Usage is <1GB.

started roslaunch server


 * /ihmc_ros/robot_name: valkyrie
 * /ihmc_ros/valkyrie/left_arm_joint_names: ['leftShoulderPit...
 * /ihmc_ros/valkyrie/left_foot_frame_name: leftFoot
 * /ihmc_ros/valkyrie/right_arm_joint_names: ['rightShoulderPi...
 * /ihmc_ros/valkyrie/right_foot_frame_name: rightFoot
 * /ihmc_valkyrie_control_java_bridge/jvm_args: -Djava.class.path...
 * /ihmc_valkyrie_control_java_bridge/main_class: us.ihmc.valkyrieR...
 * /ihmc_valkyrie_control_java_bridge/type: ihmc_ros_control/...
 * /ihmc_valkyrie_control_java_bridge/working_dir: /home/dbarry/valk...
 * /joint_state_controller/publish_rate: 50
 * /joint_state_controller/type: joint_state_contr...
 * /multisense/camera/stereo_proc/approximate_sync: False
 * /multisense/camera/stereo_proc/disparity_range: 128
 * /multisense_points2_color_relay/lazy: True
 * /multisense_points2_relay/lazy: True
 * /robot_description: <?xml version="1....
 * /rosdistro: indigo
 * /rosversion: 1.11.20
 * /use_sim_time: True
 * /valkyrie/robot_description: <?xml version="1....

    stereo_proc (stereo_image_proc/stereo_image_proc)
    IHMCValkyrieROSAPI (ihmc_ros_java_adapter/gradlew)
    control_py_x1_19297_6668942849486360556 (robonet_tools/control)
    controller_manager_x1_19297_5058499308146275020 (val_deploy/delayed_roslaunch.sh)
    controller_spawner_x1_19297_1271817946777371155 (controller_manager/spawner)
    gazebo (gazebo_ros/gzserver)
    gazebo_gui (gazebo_ros/gzclient)
    multisense_points2_color_relay (topic_tools/relay)
    multisense_points2_relay (topic_tools/relay)
    robot_state_publisher (robot_state_publisher/state_publisher)
    smtcore_x1_19297_5847219690117074294 (shared_memory_transport/smtcore)
    startup_robot (srcsim/init_robot.sh)
    urdf_spawner_x1_19297_3478799680687101772 (val_deploy/delayed_roslaunch.sh)

auto-starting new master
process[master]: started with pid [19309]

setting /run_id to c9154a26-b694-11e6-8ecb-e4a47193b50c
process[rosout-1]: started with pid [19322]
started core service [/rosout]
process[smtcore_x1_19297_5847219690117074294-2]: started with pid [19333]
process[control_py_x1_19297_6668942849486360556-3]: started with pid [19335]
delaying: 10 seconds
process[controller_manager_x1_19297_5058499308146275020-4]: started with pid [19348]
process[gazebo-5]: started with pid [19350]
process[gazebo_gui-6]: started with pid [19354]
delaying: 30 seconds
process[urdf_spawner_x1_19297_3478799680687101772-7]: started with pid [19360]
Log file /home/dbarry/.log already exists, proceeding...
process[robot_state_publisher-8]: started with pid [19364]
process[IHMCValkyrieROSAPI-9]: started with pid [19366]
process[controller_spawner_x1_19297_1271817946777371155-10]: started with pid [19374]
wait 60s for system to load
process[startup_robot-11]: started with pid [19404]
Log file /home/dbarry/.log already exists, proceeding...
process[multisense/camera/stereo_proc-12]: started with pid [19406]
process[multisense_points2_relay-13]: started with pid [19417]
process[multisense_points2_color_relay-14]: started with pid [19421]
Gazebo multi-robot simulator, version 7.4.0
Copyright (C) 2012-2016 Open Source Robotics Foundation.
Released under the Apache 2 License.

[ INFO] [1480466083.452890771]: Finished loading Gazebo ROS API Plugin.
[Msg] Waiting for master.
[ INFO] [1480466083.455694019]: waitForService: Service [/gazebo/set_physics_properties] has not been advertised, waiting...
[Msg] Connected to gazebo master @
[Msg] Publicized address:
[INFO] [WallTime: 1480466083.853529] [0.000000] Controller Spawner: Waiting for service controller_manager/load_controller
[ INFO] [1480466085.044336208, 0.023000000]: waitForService: Service [/gazebo/set_physics_properties] is now available.
[ INFO] [1480466085.163455181, 0.130000000]: Physics dynamic reconfigure ready.
:buildSrc:compileJava UP-TO-DATE
:buildSrc:compileGroovy UP-TO-DATE
:buildSrc:processResources UP-TO-DATE
:buildSrc:classes UP-TO-DATE
:buildSrc:jar UP-TO-DATE
:buildSrc:assemble UP-TO-DATE
:buildSrc:compileTestJava UP-TO-DATE
:buildSrc:compileTestGroovy UP-TO-DATE
:buildSrc:processTestResources UP-TO-DATE
:buildSrc:testClasses UP-TO-DATE
:buildSrc:test UP-TO-DATE
:buildSrc:check UP-TO-DATE
:buildSrc:build UP-TO-DATE
:parseYaml UP-TO-DATE
Loading robot model from: 'models/val_description/sdf/valkyrie_sim.sdf'
[INFO] (NetworkParameters.java:38): Looking for network parameters in network parameters file at /opt/ros/indigo/share/ihmc_valkyrie_ros/configurations/IHMCNetworkParametersSim.ini
[INFO] (NetworkParameters.java:42): Found Network parameters file at /opt/ros/indigo/share/ihmc_valkyrie_ros/configurations/IHMCNetworkParametersSim.ini
[INFO] (NetworkParameters.java:69): Looking for network parameters in environment variables
[INFO] (NetworkParameters.java:70): Environment variables will override entries in the network parameters file.
Connecting to controller using TCP on localhost
[WARN] YoVariable: desiredMomentumRateLinearX is getting created with a null registry
[WARN] YoVariable: desiredMomentumRateLinearY is getting created with a null registry
[WARN] YoVariable: desiredMomentumRateLinearZ is getting created with a null registry
[WARN] YoVariable: achievedMomentumRateLinearX is getting created with a null registry
[WARN] YoVariable: achievedMomentumRateLinearY is getting created with a null registry
[WARN] YoVariable: achievedMomentumRateLinearZ is getting created with a null registry
[WARN] YoVariable: residualRootJointForceX is getting created with a null registry
[WARN] YoVariable: residualRootJointForceY is getting created with a null registry
[WARN] YoVariable: residualRootJointForceZ is getting created with a null registry
[WARN] YoVariable: residualRootJointTorqueX is getting created with a null registry
[WARN] YoVariable: residualRootJointTorqueY is getting created with a null registry
[WARN] YoVariable: residualRootJointTorqueZ is getting created with a null registry
log4j:WARN No appenders could be found for logger (org.ros.internal.node.client.Registrar).
log4j:WARN Please initialize the log4j system properly.
IHMC ROS API node successfully started.
> Building 50% > :runJavaDelegatestarting: roslaunch val_deploy val_control_sim.launch controller_manager_looprate:=500 __name:=controller_manager_x1_19297_5058499308146275020 __log:=/home/dbarry/.ros/log/c9154a26-b694-11e6-8ecb-e4a47193b50c/controller_manager_x1_19297_5058499308146275020-4.log
... logging to /home/dbarry/.ros/log/c9154a26-b694-11e6-8ecb-e4a47193b50c/roslaunch-x1-21335.log
Checking log directory for disk usage. This may take awhile.
Press Ctrl-C to interrupt
Done checking log file disk usage. Usage is <1GB.

started roslaunch server


 * /rosdistro: indigo
 * /rosversion: 1.11.20

    controller_manager_x1_21335_961541160081143946 (val_controller_manager_rtt/controller_exec)


core service [/rosout] found
process[controller_manager_x1_21335_961541160081143946-1]: started with pid [21355]
[WARN] [WallTime: 1480466114.118856] [28.804000] Controller Spawner couldn't find the expected controller_manager ROS interface.
[controller_spawner_x1_19297_1271817946777371155-10] process has finished cleanly
log file: /home/dbarry/.ros/log/c9154a26-b694-11e6-8ecb-e4a47193b50c/controller_spawner_x1_19297_1271817946777371155-10*.log
2016-11-29 19:35:14 localhost ncl_cpp: [NOTICE  ] [gov.nasa.HardwareInterface.makeHandle] Robot Hardware has Initialized. Ready to start loading Controllers. 

starting: roslaunch val_gazebo spawn_urdf_model_from_robot_description.launch modelName:=valkyrie zOffset:=1.25 __name:=urdf_spawner_x1_19297_3478799680687101772 __log:=/home/dbarry/.ros/log/c9154a26-b694-11e6-8ecb-e4a47193b50c/urdf_spawner_x1_19297_3478799680687101772-7.log
... logging to /home/dbarry/.ros/log/c9154a26-b694-11e6-8ecb-e4a47193b50c/roslaunch-x1-21422.log
Checking log directory for disk usage. This may take awhile.
Press Ctrl-C to interrupt
Done checking log file disk usage. Usage is <1GB.

started roslaunch server


 * /rosdistro: indigo
 * /rosversion: 1.11.20

    urdf_spawner (gazebo_ros/spawn_model)


core service [/rosout] found
process[urdf_spawner-1]: started with pid [21440]
spawn_model script started
[INFO] [WallTime: 1480466174.030600] [0.000000] Loading model xml from ros parameter
[INFO] [WallTime: 1480466174.052407] [0.000000] Waiting for service /gazebo/spawn_urdf_model
[INFO] [WallTime: 1480466174.058958] [0.000000] Calling service /gazebo/spawn_urdf_model
Warning [parser.cc:778] XML Element[imuTransform], child of element[sensor] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[imuTransform]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element.
Warning [parser.cc:778] XML Element[node], child of element[sensor] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[node]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element.
Warning [parser.cc:778] XML Element[api], child of element[sensor] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[api]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element.
Warning [parser.cc:778] XML Element[port], child of element[sensor] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[port]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element.
Warning [parser.cc:778] XML Element[imuTransform], child of element[sensor] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[imuTransform]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element.
Warning [parser.cc:778] XML Element[node], child of element[sensor] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[node]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element.
Warning [parser.cc:778] XML Element[api], child of element[sensor] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[api]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element.
Warning [parser.cc:778] XML Element[port], child of element[sensor] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[port]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element.
Warning [parser.cc:778] XML Element[sensor_number], child of element[sensor] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[sensor_number]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element.
Warning [parser.cc:778] XML Element[node], child of element[sensor] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[node]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element.
Warning [parser.cc:778] XML Element[api], child of element[sensor] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[api]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element.
Warning [parser.cc:778] XML Element[sensor_number], child of element[sensor] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[sensor_number]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element.
Warning [parser.cc:778] XML Element[node], child of element[sensor] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[node]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element.
Warning [parser.cc:778] XML Element[api], child of element[sensor] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[api]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element.
Warning [parser.cc:778] XML Element[imuTransform], child of element[sensor] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[imuTransform]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element.
Warning [parser.cc:778] XML Element[node], child of element[sensor] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[node]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element.
Warning [parser.cc:778] XML Element[api], child of element[sensor] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[api]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element.
Warning [parser.cc:778] XML Element[port], child of element[sensor] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[port]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element.
[ INFO] [1480466175.044258665, 88.399000000]: Camera Plugin (robotNamespace = /), Info: Using the 'robotNamespace' param: '/'
[ INFO] [1480466175.044384135, 88.399000000]: Camera Plugin (robotNamespace = /), Info: Using the 'robotNamespace' param: '/'
[ INFO] [1480466175.072242076, 88.399000000]: Camera Plugin (ns = /)  <tf_prefix_>, set to ""
[ INFO] [1480466175.079627977, 88.399000000]: Laser Plugin (robotNamespace = /), Info: Using the 'robotNamespace' param: '/'
[ INFO] [1480466175.079689089, 88.399000000]: Starting GazeboRosLaser Plugin (ns = /)!
[ INFO] [1480466175.084340771, 88.399000000]: GPU Laser Plugin (ns = /) <tf_prefix_>, set to ""
[ INFO] [1480466175.091686519, 88.399000000]: LoadThread function completed
[ INFO] [1480466175.092503641, 88.399000000]: Camera Plugin (ns = /)  <tf_prefix_>, set to ""
[Wrn] [msgs.cc:1793] Conversion of sensor type[imu] not suppported.
[Wrn] [msgs.cc:1793] Conversion of sensor type[imu] not suppported.
[Wrn] [msgs.cc:1793] Conversion of sensor type[imu] not suppported.
[Wrn] [msgs.cc:1793] Conversion of sensor type[imu] not suppported.
[Wrn] [msgs.cc:1793] Conversion of sensor type[multicamera] not suppported.
[Wrn] [msgs.cc:1793] Conversion of sensor type[gpu_ray] not suppported.
[Wrn] [msgs.cc:1793] Conversion of sensor type[force_torque] not suppported.
[Wrn] [msgs.cc:1793] Conversion of sensor type[force_torque] not suppported.
[INFO] [WallTime: 1480466175.204554] [88.399000] Spawn status: SpawnModel: Successfully spawned model
[urdf_spawner-1] process has finished cleanly
log file: /home/dbarry/.ros/log/c9154a26-b694-11e6-8ecb-e4a47193b50c/urdf_spawner-1*.log
all processes on machine have died, roslaunch will exit
[Wrn] [ColladaLoader.cc:1461] Polylist input semantic: 'COLOR' is currently not supported
shutting down processing monitor...
... shutting down processing monitor complete
[Wrn] [msgs.cc:1793] Conversion of sensor type[force_torque] not suppported.
[Wrn] [msgs.cc:1793] Conversion of sensor type[force_torque] not suppported.
[ INFO] [1480466175.607951417, 88.399000000]: SharedMemoryInterfacePlugin: Loading
2016-11-29 19:36:15 localhost ncl_cpp: [ERROR   ] [gov.nasa.SharedMemorySimInterfacePlugin.findUrdfSensors] Possibly missing an api or node tag from one or more imu sensors
2016-11-29 19:36:15 localhost ncl_cpp: [WARN    ] [gov.nasa.SharedMemorySimInterfacePlugin.findUrdfSensors] Imu sensor head_imu_sensor doesn't have <imuTransform> tag. It is likely that the data you receive from this sensor will be incorrect.
[urdf_spawner_x1_19297_3478799680687101772-7] process has finished cleanly
log file: /home/dbarry/.ros/log/c9154a26-b694-11e6-8ecb-e4a47193b50c/urdf_spawner_x1_19297_3478799680687101772-7*.log
[ INFO] [1480466175.744057086, 88.399000000]: SharedMemorySimInterfacePlugin: Loading complete!
[ INFO] [1480466175.989136937, 88.399000000]: imu plugin missing <frameName>, defaults to <bodyName>
[ INFO] [1480466175.992610886, 88.399000000]: imu plugin missing <frameName>, defaults to <bodyName>
[ INFO] [1480466176.009192222, 88.400000000]: imu plugin missing <frameName>, defaults to <bodyName>
[Wrn] [msgs.cc:1793] Conversion of sensor type[imu] not suppported.
[Wrn] [msgs.cc:1793] Conversion of sensor type[imu] not suppported.
[Wrn] [msgs.cc:1793] Conversion of sensor type[imu] not suppported.
[Wrn] [msgs.cc:1793] Conversion of sensor type[imu] not suppported.
[Wrn] [msgs.cc:1793] Conversion of sensor type[multicamera] not suppported.
[Wrn] [msgs.cc:1793] Conversion of sensor type[gpu_ray] not suppported.
[Wrn] [msgs.cc:1793] Conversion of sensor type[force_torque] not suppported.
[Wrn] [msgs.cc:1793] Conversion of sensor type[force_torque] not suppported.
[ INFO] [1480466180.123113544, 89.263000000]: advertised as /multisense/image_points2

[ INFO] [1480466180.129231372, 89.264000000]: advertised as /multisense/image_points2_color

lower harness
publishing and latching message for 3.0 seconds
switch to high level control after 20 seconds
publishing and latching message for 3.0 seconds
detach in 5 seconds
[startup_robot-11] process has finished cleanly
log file: /home/dbarry/.ros/log/c9154a26-b694-11e6-8ecb-e4a47193b50c/startup_robot-11*.log
publishing and latching message for 3.0 seconds

at this point the harness releases and the robot collapses.

Then Ctrl-c, then this output:


^C[multisense_points2_color_relay-14] killing on exit
[multisense_points2_relay-13] killing on exit
[multisense/camera/stereo_proc-12] killing on exit
[IHMCValkyrieROSAPI-9] killing on exit
[robot_state_publisher-8] killing on exit
[gazebo_gui-6] killing on exit
[gazebo-5] killing on exit
[controller_manager_x1_19297_5058499308146275020-4] killing on exit
[control_py_x1_19297_6668942849486360556-3] killing on exit
[smtcore_x1_19297_5847219690117074294-2] killing on exit
[controller_manager_x1_21335_961541160081143946-1] killing on exit
2016-11-29 19:46:42 localhost ncl_cpp: [FATAL   ] [gov.nasa.ControllerExec.ORO_main] Controller manager has stopped running! Stopping controller exec.
shutting down processing monitor...
... shutting down processing monitor complete
[gazebo-5] escalating to SIGTERM
[rosout-1] killing on exit
[master] killing on exit
shutting down processing monitor...
... shutting down processing monitor complete
osrf-migration commented 7 years ago

Original comment by Frank Mathis (Bitbucket: frank_b_mathis).

@dan77062 , can you confirm that the controller is running on your system. The issue you are having appears to lie here:


[WARN] [WallTime: 1480466114.118856] [28.804000] Controller Spawner couldn't find the expected controller_manager ROS interface.
[controller_spawner_x1_19297_1271817946777371155-10] process has finished cleanly
log file: /home/dbarry/.ros/log/c9154a26-b694-11e6-8ecb-e4a47193b50c/controller_spawner_x1_19297_1271817946777371155-10*.log
2016-11-29 19:35:14 localhost ncl_cpp: [NOTICE  ] [gov.nasa.HardwareInterface.makeHandle] Robot Hardware has Initialized. Ready to start loading Controllers. 

Something is causing the controller spawner to shutdown, and when the spawner shuts down it unloads the controller that it spawned. I don't see the exact cause of the spawner shutting down, but the stack trace appears to point to a timeout in the request from the spawner.

osrf-migration commented 7 years ago

Original comment by Rud Merriam (Bitbucket: rmerriam).

I'll toss out some questions some which you've probably tried or thought about but just in case...

When you changed your times in the init script did you change the echo comments also? They are still reporting the shorter times.

Have you tried this multiple times? I'll get a collapse the first run after a reboot or if it hasn't been run in awhile. Guessing it's the spinup of JVM or something along the lines of getting files into a memory cache.

These lines are in your output during startup but not mine which look like they'd be the problem:

[WARN] [WallTime: 1480466114.118856] [28.804000] Controller Spawner couldn't find the expected controller_manager ROS interface. [controller_spawner_x1_19297_1271817946777371155-10] process has finished cleanly log file: /home/dbarry/.ros/log/c9154a26-b694-11e6-8ecb-e4a47193b50c/controller_spawner_x1_19297_1271817946777371155-10*.log

---after the ^C these lines are missing from your output which means the 'spawner' should be running:

[controller_spawner_MysticLakeLinux_30103_4727434693628649326-10] killing on exit [INFO] [WallTime: 1480471405.600203] [2250.443000] Shutting down spawner. Stopping and unloading controllers...

A guess is the controller manager isn't ready to run when the spawner looks for it so may be a race condition.

<Frank - was working on my message as your's was posted...great minds, etc.>

osrf-migration commented 7 years ago

Original comment by dan (Bitbucket: dan77062).

ah, ok, this is very helpful. I will go back and break up the launch files to see if I can isolate what is going on. Good catch, I did not update the echo comments regarding the times.

osrf-migration commented 7 years ago

Original comment by dan (Bitbucket: dan77062).

I broke up the launch files into 5 sections and run them one at a time. Now it looks like the controller spawner is loading the controller. In fact, I am now only seeing one error message. However, the robot still collapses when it is released. The error message is:


[Err] [Model.cc:1073] Exception occured in the Load function of plugin with name[SharedMemorySimInterfacePlugin] and filename[libval_gazebo.so]. This plugin will not run.

It occurs with this abbreviated launch file:


  <!-- start with robot harnessed by default. -->
  <!-- set:
         roslaunch srcsim qual2.launch init:=true
       to automatically lower robot harnessed, start high level controller and detach harness. -->
  <!-- set:
         roslaunch srcsim qual2.launch init:=true walk_test:=walk
       to automatically walk forward after harness detach. -->
  <arg name="debug" default="false" />
  <arg name="extra_gazebo_args" default=""/>
  <arg name="init" default="false" />
  <arg name="paused" default="false" />
  <arg name="use_local_build" default="false" />
  <arg name="verbose" default="true" />
  <arg name="walk_test" default="false"/>
  <arg name="world_name" default="$(find srcsim)/worlds/qual2.world" />

  <include file="$(find val_gazebo)/launch/val_sim_gazebo_sync.launch" pass_all_args="false">
    <arg name="debug" value="$(arg debug)" />
    <arg name="extra_gazebo_args" default="$(arg extra_gazebo_args)"/>
    <arg name="paused" value="$(arg paused)" />
    <arg name="verbose" value="$(arg verbose)" />
    <arg name="world_name" value="$(arg world_name)" />

and when I dug deeper into the long list of launch files, looks like it is generated when the gazebo server launches with this node:


  <!-- start gazebo server-->
  <node name="gazebo" pkg="gazebo_ros" type="$(arg script_type)" respawn="false" output="screen"
    args="$(arg command_arg1) $(arg command_arg2) $(arg command_arg3) -e $(arg physics) $(arg extra_gazebo_args) $(arg world_name)" />

Here is the log output:


dbarry@x1:/opt/ros/indigo/share/srcsim/launch$ roslaunch srcsim Q1.launch 
... logging to /home/dbarry/.ros/log/ac57588c-b731-11e6-9857-e4a47193b50c/roslaunch-x1-9043.log
Checking log directory for disk usage. This may take awhile.
Press Ctrl-C to interrupt
Done checking log file disk usage. Usage is <1GB.

started roslaunch server


 * /robot_description: <?xml version="1....
 * /rosdistro: indigo
 * /rosversion: 1.11.20
 * /use_sim_time: True

    control_py_x1_9043_7435066699575148027 (robonet_tools/control)
    controller_manager_x1_9043_4655632290356106539 (val_deploy/delayed_roslaunch.sh)
    gazebo (gazebo_ros/gzserver)
    gazebo_gui (gazebo_ros/gzclient)
    smtcore_x1_9043_1866005249184712764 (shared_memory_transport/smtcore)
    urdf_spawner_x1_9043_3143573740606295382 (val_deploy/delayed_roslaunch.sh)

auto-starting new master
process[master]: started with pid [9055]

setting /run_id to ac57588c-b731-11e6-9857-e4a47193b50c
process[rosout-1]: started with pid [9068]
started core service [/rosout]
process[smtcore_x1_9043_1866005249184712764-2]: started with pid [9079]
process[control_py_x1_9043_7435066699575148027-3]: started with pid [9085]
process[controller_manager_x1_9043_4655632290356106539-4]: started with pid [9094]
delaying: 10 seconds
process[gazebo-5]: started with pid [9096]
process[gazebo_gui-6]: started with pid [9100]
process[urdf_spawner_x1_9043_3143573740606295382-7]: started with pid [9104]
delaying: 6 seconds
Log file /home/dbarry/.log already exists, proceeding...
Log file /home/dbarry/.log already exists, proceeding...
Gazebo multi-robot simulator, version 7.4.0
Copyright (C) 2012-2016 Open Source Robotics Foundation.
Released under the Apache 2 License.

[ INFO] [1480533466.128264740]: Finished loading Gazebo ROS API Plugin.
[Msg] Waiting for master.
[ INFO] [1480533466.128944937]: waitForService: Service [/gazebo/set_physics_properties] has not been advertised, waiting...
[Msg] Connected to gazebo master @
[Msg] Publicized address:
[ INFO] [1480533466.843878665, 0.022000000]: waitForService: Service [/gazebo/set_physics_properties] is now available.
[ INFO] [1480533466.877314406, 0.046000000]: Physics dynamic reconfigure ready.
starting: roslaunch val_gazebo spawn_urdf_model_from_robot_description.launch modelName:=valkyrie zOffset:=1.25 __name:=urdf_spawner_x1_9043_3143573740606295382 __log:=/home/dbarry/.ros/log/ac57588c-b731-11e6-9857-e4a47193b50c/urdf_spawner_x1_9043_3143573740606295382-7.log
... logging to /home/dbarry/.ros/log/ac57588c-b731-11e6-9857-e4a47193b50c/roslaunch-x1-9429.log
Checking log directory for disk usage. This may take awhile.
Press Ctrl-C to interrupt
Done checking log file disk usage. Usage is <1GB.

started roslaunch server


 * /rosdistro: indigo
 * /rosversion: 1.11.20

    urdf_spawner (gazebo_ros/spawn_model)


core service [/rosout] found
process[urdf_spawner-1]: started with pid [9452]
spawn_model script started
[INFO] [WallTime: 1480533484.802061] [0.000000] Loading model xml from ros parameter
[INFO] [WallTime: 1480533484.829991] [17.174000] Waiting for service /gazebo/spawn_urdf_model
[INFO] [WallTime: 1480533484.831950] [17.182000] Calling service /gazebo/spawn_urdf_model
Warning [parser.cc:778] XML Element[imuTransform], child of element[sensor] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[imuTransform]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element.
Warning [parser.cc:778] XML Element[node], child of element[sensor] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[node]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element.
Warning [parser.cc:778] XML Element[api], child of element[sensor] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[api]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element.
Warning [parser.cc:778] XML Element[port], child of element[sensor] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[port]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element.
Warning [parser.cc:778] XML Element[imuTransform], child of element[sensor] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[imuTransform]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element.
Warning [parser.cc:778] XML Element[node], child of element[sensor] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[node]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element.
Warning [parser.cc:778] XML Element[api], child of element[sensor] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[api]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element.
Warning [parser.cc:778] XML Element[port], child of element[sensor] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[port]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element.
Warning [parser.cc:778] XML Element[sensor_number], child of element[sensor] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[sensor_number]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element.
Warning [parser.cc:778] XML Element[node], child of element[sensor] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[node]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element.
Warning [parser.cc:778] XML Element[api], child of element[sensor] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[api]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element.
Warning [parser.cc:778] XML Element[sensor_number], child of element[sensor] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[sensor_number]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element.
Warning [parser.cc:778] XML Element[node], child of element[sensor] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[node]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element.
Warning [parser.cc:778] XML Element[api], child of element[sensor] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[api]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element.
Warning [parser.cc:778] XML Element[imuTransform], child of element[sensor] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[imuTransform]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element.
Warning [parser.cc:778] XML Element[node], child of element[sensor] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[node]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element.
Warning [parser.cc:778] XML Element[api], child of element[sensor] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[api]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element.
Warning [parser.cc:778] XML Element[port], child of element[sensor] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[port]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element.
[ INFO] [1480533485.712376012, 17.367000000]: Camera Plugin (robotNamespace = /), Info: Using the 'robotNamespace' param: '/'
[ INFO] [1480533485.712510357, 17.367000000]: Camera Plugin (robotNamespace = /), Info: Using the 'robotNamespace' param: '/'
[ INFO] [1480533485.721609521, 17.367000000]: Camera Plugin (ns = /)  <tf_prefix_>, set to ""
[ INFO] [1480533485.723424605, 17.367000000]: Camera Plugin (ns = /)  <tf_prefix_>, set to ""
[ INFO] [1480533485.733765233, 17.367000000]: Laser Plugin (robotNamespace = /), Info: Using the 'robotNamespace' param: '/'
[ INFO] [1480533485.733849095, 17.367000000]: Starting GazeboRosLaser Plugin (ns = /)!
[ INFO] [1480533485.751797557, 17.367000000]: GPU Laser Plugin (ns = /) <tf_prefix_>, set to ""
[ INFO] [1480533485.753264161, 17.367000000]: LoadThread function completed
[Wrn] [msgs.cc:1793] Conversion of sensor type[imu] not suppported.
[Wrn] [msgs.cc:1793] Conversion of sensor type[imu] not suppported.
[Wrn] [msgs.cc:1793] Conversion of sensor type[imu] not suppported.
[Wrn] [msgs.cc:1793] Conversion of sensor type[imu] not suppported.
[Wrn] [msgs.cc:1793] Conversion of sensor type[multicamera] not suppported.
[Wrn] [msgs.cc:1793] Conversion of sensor type[gpu_ray] not suppported.
[Wrn] [msgs.cc:1793] Conversion of sensor type[force_torque] not suppported.
[Wrn] [msgs.cc:1793] Conversion of sensor type[force_torque] not suppported.
[INFO] [WallTime: 1480533485.839570] [17.367000] Spawn status: SpawnModel: Successfully spawned model
[urdf_spawner-1] process has finished cleanly
log file: /home/dbarry/.ros/log/ac57588c-b731-11e6-9857-e4a47193b50c/urdf_spawner-1*.log
all processes on machine have died, roslaunch will exit
[Wrn] [ColladaLoader.cc:1461] Polylist input semantic: 'COLOR' is currently not supported
[Wrn] [msgs.cc:1793] Conversion of sensor type[force_torque] not suppported.
[Wrn] [msgs.cc:1793] Conversion of sensor type[force_torque] not suppported.
[ INFO] [1480533486.178653075, 17.367000000]: SharedMemoryInterfacePlugin: Loading
shutting down processing monitor...
... shutting down processing monitor complete
2016-11-30 14:18:06 localhost ncl_cpp: [ERROR   ] [gov.nasa.SharedMemorySimInterfacePlugin.findUrdfSensors] Possibly missing an api or node tag from one or more imu sensors
2016-11-30 14:18:06 localhost ncl_cpp: [WARN    ] [gov.nasa.SharedMemorySimInterfacePlugin.findUrdfSensors] Imu sensor head_imu_sensor doesn't have <imuTransform> tag. It is likely that the data you receive from this sensor will be incorrect.
exception subscribing to AngularVelocityX : /sensors/middlePelvisIMU/AngularVelocityX has not been registered.
exception subscribing to AngularVelocityY : /sensors/middlePelvisIMU/AngularVelocityY has not been registered.
exception subscribing to AngularVelocityZ : /sensors/middlePelvisIMU/AngularVelocityZ has not been registered.
exception subscribing to LinearAccelerationX : /sensors/middlePelvisIMU/LinearAccelerationX has not been registered.
exception subscribing to LinearAccelerationY : /sensors/middlePelvisIMU/LinearAccelerationY has not been registered.
exception subscribing to LinearAccelerationZ : /sensors/middlePelvisIMU/LinearAccelerationZ has not been registered.
exception subscribing to QuaternionW : /sensors/middlePelvisIMU/QuaternionW has not been registered.
exception subscribing to QuaternionX : /sensors/middlePelvisIMU/QuaternionX has not been registered.
exception subscribing to QuaternionY : /sensors/middlePelvisIMU/QuaternionY has not been registered.
exception subscribing to QuaternionZ : /sensors/middlePelvisIMU/QuaternionZ has not been registered.
[Err] [Model.cc:1073] Exception occured in the Load function of plugin with name[SharedMemorySimInterfacePlugin] and filename[libval_gazebo.so]. This plugin will not run.
[ INFO] [1480533486.205138576, 17.367000000]: imu plugin missing <frameName>, defaults to <bodyName>
[ INFO] [1480533486.205835123, 17.367000000]: imu plugin missing <frameName>, defaults to <bodyName>
[ INFO] [1480533486.212909389, 17.367000000]: imu plugin missing <frameName>, defaults to <bodyName>
[urdf_spawner_x1_9043_3143573740606295382-7] process has finished cleanly
log file: /home/dbarry/.ros/log/ac57588c-b731-11e6-9857-e4a47193b50c/urdf_spawner_x1_9043_3143573740606295382-7*.log
[Wrn] [msgs.cc:1793] Conversion of sensor type[imu] not suppported.
[Wrn] [msgs.cc:1793] Conversion of sensor type[imu] not suppported.
[Wrn] [msgs.cc:1793] Conversion of sensor type[imu] not suppported.
[Wrn] [msgs.cc:1793] Conversion of sensor type[imu] not suppported.
[Wrn] [msgs.cc:1793] Conversion of sensor type[multicamera] not suppported.
[Wrn] [msgs.cc:1793] Conversion of sensor type[gpu_ray] not suppported.
[Wrn] [msgs.cc:1793] Conversion of sensor type[force_torque] not suppported.
[Wrn] [msgs.cc:1793] Conversion of sensor type[force_torque] not suppported.
starting: roslaunch val_deploy val_control_sim.launch controller_manager_looprate:=500 __name:=controller_manager_x1_9043_4655632290356106539 __log:=/home/dbarry/.ros/log/ac57588c-b731-11e6-9857-e4a47193b50c/controller_manager_x1_9043_4655632290356106539-4.log
... logging to /home/dbarry/.ros/log/ac57588c-b731-11e6-9857-e4a47193b50c/roslaunch-x1-9800.log
Checking log directory for disk usage. This may take awhile.
Press Ctrl-C to interrupt
Done checking log file disk usage. Usage is <1GB.

started roslaunch server


 * /rosdistro: indigo
 * /rosversion: 1.11.20

    controller_manager_x1_9800_8139955598970292627 (val_controller_manager_rtt/controller_exec)


core service [/rosout] found
process[controller_manager_x1_9800_8139955598970292627-1]: started with pid [9818]
2016-11-30 14:18:17 localhost ncl_cpp: [NOTICE  ] [gov.nasa.HardwareInterface.makeHandle] Robot Hardware has Initialized. Ready to start loading Controllers. 

[ INFO] [1480533537.614310120, 27.181000000]: Starting JVM with arguments: -Djava.class.path=ValkyrieController.jar -XX:+UseSerialGC -Xmx4g -Xms4g -XX:NewSize=3g -XX:MaxNewSize=3g -XX:CompileThreshold=1000 -verbosegc -Djava.library.path=lib/
Starting Java VM from path  /home/dbarry/valkyrie
Started Java VM: success
[ INFO] [1480533538.424767063, 27.297000000]: Loading robot model from: 'models/val_description/sdf/valkyrie_sim.sdf'
[ INFO] [1480533542.394195152, 27.836000000]: [INFO] (NetworkParameters.java:38): Looking for network parameters in network parameters file at /home/dbarry/.ihmc/IHMCNetworkParameters.ini
[ INFO] [1480533542.395555439, 27.837000000]: [INFO] (NetworkParameters.java:42): Found Network parameters file at /home/dbarry/.ihmc/IHMCNetworkParameters.ini
[ INFO] [1480533542.397113601, 27.837000000]: [INFO] (NetworkParameters.java:69): Looking for network parameters in environment variables
[ INFO] [1480533542.398530671, 27.837000000]: [INFO] (NetworkParameters.java:70): Environment variables will override entries in the network parameters file.
Attaching native thread 10673 with priority 45 to JVM
[ INFO] [1480533543.586431229, 28.005000000]: Looking for forceSensorDefinition leftAnkleRoll
[ INFO] [1480533543.612898291, 28.008000000]: Looking for forceSensorDefinition rightAnkleRoll
[ INFO] [1480533548.582610085, 28.685000000]: IMUBasedPelvisRotationalStateUpdater: More than 1 IMU sensor, using only the first one: pelvis_pelvisRearImu
[ INFO] [1480533548.671758348, 28.699000000]: PelvisIMUBasedLinearStateCalculator: More than 1 IMU sensor, using only the first one: pelvis_pelvisRearImu
Attaching native thread 10677 with priority 45 to JVM
[ INFO] [1480533552.697313202, 29.298000000]: [INFO] (LogSessionBroadcaster.java:66): Announcing logging session on: name:lo (lo)
[ INFO] [1480533552.770840829, 29.308000000]: [INFO] (LogSessionBroadcaster.java:307): Trying port 56448
Attaching native thread 10689 with priority 40 to JVM
[ INFO] [1480533561.651785692, 30.674000000]: [INFO] (ValkyrieRosControlController.java:307): Running with blocking synchronous execution between estimator and controller
osrf-migration commented 7 years ago

Original comment by Jordan Lack (Bitbucket: jordanlack).

I see what is happening there. There are some variables that are created during initialization of the controller manager that need to exist when the robot is spawned and our gazebo plugin starts running, because it's going to be looking for them. If the spawning of the robot happens before the controller manager is running, then you'll get that exception.

osrf-migration commented 7 years ago

Original comment by Karl Castleton (Bitbucket: KarlCastleton).

To the people who have Valkyrie falling down, can you do a "rosrun" in a terminal after running the "source ...setup.bsh" line? I had identical behavior to the case at the start of this thread. I backed up and installed ros-indigo and then did install steps 1-12 and now Valkyrie is working. The quick check is whether rosrun is installed. That was the failure I noticed, that made me look at installing ros as described in the System Requirements but not explicitly in steps 1-12 of the setup guide.

To install ros-indigo I used


sudo apt-get install -f ros-indigo-desktop-full  ros-indigo-simulators ros-indigo-gazebo-ros-pkgs ros-indigo-gazebo-msgs ros-indigo-gazebo-plugins ros-indigo-gazebo-ros gazebo2 libsdformat1

P.S. We are running on a VM using VSphere server with a fresh 14.04, 4 Cores, 8GB

osrf-migration commented 7 years ago

Original comment by dan (Bitbucket: dan77062).

@jordan, ok, but I tried running the controller manager first and it complained about missing parameters too. Perhaps you cannot split apart the launch files like this.

Regardless, the whole sim is now working nicely on the desktop machine, so I am going to throw in the towel on the laptop. A bit unfortunate, as I am departing for Antarctica on Jan 5 and was hoping to still work on the contest while traveling, but I think I can get a reasonable solution by then.

Thanks for all the help trying to get it working on a laptop.

osrf-migration commented 7 years ago

Original comment by Jordan Lack (Bitbucket: jordanlack).

@dan77062 you can split things up, but there are a few things that do depend on other processes. The smtcore node needs to be kicked off first, then the control node which is launched via this line,

<node name="$(anon control.py)" pkg="robonet_tools" type="control" args="-d -r $(find val_config_files)/$(arg schedule_file) --" />

needs to be running before the controller manager is running, and then before the URDF is spawned, the controller manager needs to be running.

osrf-migration commented 7 years ago

Original comment by Rud Merriam (Bitbucket: rmerriam).

Resolved this collapse by adding ROS_IP= as described in issue #31.


This may not be the same issue but the symptom is the same: Val collapses after the harness is released. After a small time Val straightens out a bit as if the controller were trying to manage.

What's strange is everything was working okay until after I did a system software update which said it was bringing in some security patches. After the system reboot these collapses started. I did a --reinstall of srcsim and re-downloaded the other files but no change - basically steps 10 thru 12.


... logging to /home/rmerriam/.ros/log/cc2b5a12-b79c-11e6-9353-40167e229df0/roslaunch-MysticLakeLinux-6234.log
Checking log directory for disk usage. This may take awhile.
Press Ctrl-C to interrupt
Done checking log file disk usage. Usage is <1GB.

started roslaunch server http://MysticLakeLinux:45918/


 * /ihmc_ros/robot_name: valkyrie
 * /ihmc_ros/valkyrie/left_arm_joint_names: ['leftShoulderPit...
 * /ihmc_ros/valkyrie/left_foot_frame_name: leftFoot
 * /ihmc_ros/valkyrie/right_arm_joint_names: ['rightShoulderPi...
 * /ihmc_ros/valkyrie/right_foot_frame_name: rightFoot
 * /ihmc_valkyrie_control_java_bridge/jvm_args: -Djava.class.path...
 * /ihmc_valkyrie_control_java_bridge/main_class: us.ihmc.valkyrieR...
 * /ihmc_valkyrie_control_java_bridge/type: ihmc_ros_control/...
 * /ihmc_valkyrie_control_java_bridge/working_dir: /home/rmerriam/va...
 * /joint_state_controller/publish_rate: 50
 * /joint_state_controller/type: joint_state_contr...
 * /multisense/camera/stereo_proc/approximate_sync: False
 * /multisense/camera/stereo_proc/disparity_range: 128
 * /multisense_points2_color_relay/lazy: True
 * /multisense_points2_relay/lazy: True
 * /robot_description: <?xml version="1....
 * /rosdistro: indigo
 * /rosversion: 1.11.20
 * /use_sim_time: True
 * /valkyrie/robot_description: <?xml version="1....

    stereo_proc (stereo_image_proc/stereo_image_proc)
    IHMCValkyrieROSAPI (ihmc_ros_java_adapter/gradlew)
    control_py_MysticLakeLinux_6234_4573795890746217877 (robonet_tools/control)
    controller_manager_MysticLakeLinux_6234_3747985407585380631 (val_deploy/delayed_roslaunch.sh)
    controller_spawner_MysticLakeLinux_6234_3319883639680982985 (controller_manager/spawner)
    gazebo (gazebo_ros/gzserver)
    gazebo_gui (gazebo_ros/gzclient)
    multisense_points2_color_relay (topic_tools/relay)
    multisense_points2_relay (topic_tools/relay)
    robot_state_publisher (robot_state_publisher/state_publisher)
    rostopic (rostopic/rostopic)
    smtcore_MysticLakeLinux_6234_7759588032764932650 (shared_memory_transport/smtcore)
    startup_robot (srcsim/init_robot.sh)
    urdf_spawner_MysticLakeLinux_6234_7279723598710583249 (val_deploy/delayed_roslaunch.sh)

auto-starting new master
process[master]: started with pid [6246]

setting /run_id to cc2b5a12-b79c-11e6-9353-40167e229df0
process[rosout-1]: started with pid [6259]
started core service [/rosout]
process[smtcore_MysticLakeLinux_6234_7759588032764932650-2]: started with pid [6279]
process[control_py_MysticLakeLinux_6234_4573795890746217877-3]: started with pid [6284]
process[controller_manager_MysticLakeLinux_6234_3747985407585380631-4]: started with pid [6285]
delaying: 4 seconds
process[gazebo-5]: started with pid [6287]
process[gazebo_gui-6]: started with pid [6291]
process[urdf_spawner_MysticLakeLinux_6234_7279723598710583249-7]: started with pid [6295]
delaying: 6 seconds
process[robot_state_publisher-8]: started with pid [6297]
process[IHMCValkyrieROSAPI-9]: started with pid [6298]
process[controller_spawner_MysticLakeLinux_6234_3319883639680982985-10]: started with pid [6307]
Log file /home/rmerriam/.log already exists, proceeding...
wait 60s for system to load
process[startup_robot-11]: started with pid [6335]
process[multisense/camera/stereo_proc-12]: started with pid [6342]
process[multisense_points2_relay-13]: started with pid [6348]
process[multisense_points2_color_relay-14]: started with pid [6356]
process[rostopic-15]: started with pid [6379]
Log file /home/rmerriam/.log already exists, proceeding...
Gazebo multi-robot simulator, version 7.4.0
Copyright (C) 2012-2016 Open Source Robotics Foundation.
Released under the Apache 2 License.

[ INFO] [1480579475.459611310]: Finished loading Gazebo ROS API Plugin.
[Msg] Waiting for master.
[ INFO] [1480579475.460526714]: waitForService: Service [/gazebo/set_physics_properties] has not been advertised, waiting...
[Msg] Connected to gazebo master @
[Msg] Publicized address:
[INFO] [WallTime: 1480579475.726523] [0.000000] Controller Spawner: Waiting for service controller_manager/load_controller
> Loading > buildSrc[ INFO] [1480579476.816582730, 0.022000000]: waitForService: Service [/gazebo/set_physics_properties] is now available.
[ INFO] [1480579476.853524495, 0.054000000]: Physics dynamic reconfigure ready.
:buildSrc:compileJava UP-TO-DATE
:buildSrc:compileGroovy UP-TO-DATE
:buildSrc:processResources UP-TO-DATE
:buildSrc:classes UP-TO-DATE
:buildSrc:jar UP-TO-DATE
:buildSrc:assemble UP-TO-DATE
:buildSrc:compileTestJava UP-TO-DATE
:buildSrc:compileTestGroovy UP-TO-DATE
:buildSrc:processTestResources UP-TO-DATE
:buildSrc:testClasses UP-TO-DATE
:buildSrc:test UP-TO-DATE
:buildSrc:check UP-TO-DATE
:buildSrc:build UP-TO-DATE
> Configuring > 0/1 projects > root project > Resolving dependencies ':ros'[rostopic-15] process has finished cleanly
log file: /home/rmerriam/.ros/log/cc2b5a12-b79c-11e6-9353-40167e229df0/rostopic-15*.log
:parseYaml UP-TO-DATE
Loading robot model from: 'models/val_description/sdf/valkyrie_sim.sdf'
> Building 50% > :runJavaDelegatestarting: roslaunch val_deploy val_control_sim.launch controller_manager_looprate:=500 __name:=controller_manager_MysticLakeLinux_6234_3747985407585380631 __log:=/home/rmerriam/.ros/log/cc2b5a12-b79c-11e6-9353-40167e229df0/controller_manager_MysticLakeLinux_6234_3747985407585380631-4.log
... logging to /home/rmerriam/.ros/log/cc2b5a12-b79c-11e6-9353-40167e229df0/roslaunch-MysticLakeLinux-7317.log
Checking log directory for disk usage. This may take awhile.
Press Ctrl-C to interrupt
Done checking log file disk usage. Usage is <1GB.

[INFO] (NetworkParameters.java:38): Looking for network parameters in network parameters file at /opt/ros/indigo/share/ihmc_valkyrie_ros/configurations/IHMCNetworkParametersSim.ini
[INFO] (NetworkParameters.java:42): Found Network parameters file at /opt/ros/indigo/share/ihmc_valkyrie_ros/configurations/IHMCNetworkParametersSim.ini
[INFO] (NetworkParameters.java:69): Looking for network parameters in environment variables
[INFO] (NetworkParameters.java:70): Environment variables will override entries in the network parameters file.
> Building 50% > :runJavaDelegatestarted roslaunch server http://MysticLakeLinux:40307/


 * /rosdistro: indigo
 * /rosversion: 1.11.20

    controller_manager_MysticLakeLinux_7317_412140642757343539 (val_controller_manager_rtt/controller_exec)


core service [/rosout] found
process[controller_manager_MysticLakeLinux_7317_412140642757343539-1]: started with pid [7338]
Connecting to controller using TCP on localhost
[WARN] YoVariable: desiredMomentumRateLinearX is getting created with a null registry
[WARN] YoVariable: desiredMomentumRateLinearY is getting created with a null registry
[WARN] YoVariable: desiredMomentumRateLinearZ is getting created with a null registry
[WARN] YoVariable: achievedMomentumRateLinearX is getting created with a null registry
[WARN] YoVariable: achievedMomentumRateLinearY is getting created with a null registry
[WARN] YoVariable: achievedMomentumRateLinearZ is getting created with a null registry
[WARN] YoVariable: residualRootJointForceX is getting created with a null registry
[WARN] YoVariable: residualRootJointForceY is getting created with a null registry
[WARN] YoVariable: residualRootJointForceZ is getting created with a null registry
[WARN] YoVariable: residualRootJointTorqueX is getting created with a null registry
[WARN] YoVariable: residualRootJointTorqueY is getting created with a null registry
[WARN] YoVariable: residualRootJointTorqueZ is getting created with a null registry
> Building 50% > :runJavaDelegate2016-12-01 02:04:40 localhost ncl_cpp: [NOTICE  ] [gov.nasa.HardwareInterface.makeHandle] Robot Hardware has Initialized. Ready to start loading Controllers. 

[INFO] [WallTime: 1480579480.251484] [3.437000] Controller Spawner: Waiting for service controller_manager/switch_controller
[INFO] [WallTime: 1480579480.253086] [3.439000] Controller Spawner: Waiting for service controller_manager/unload_controller
[INFO] [WallTime: 1480579480.254850] [3.440000] Loading controller: ihmc_valkyrie_control_java_bridge
[ INFO] [1480579480.293727778, 3.476000000]: Starting JVM with arguments: -Djava.class.path=ValkyrieController.jar -XX:+UseSerialGC -Xmx4g -Xms4g -XX:NewSize=3g -XX:MaxNewSize=3g -XX:CompileThreshold=1000 -verbosegc -Djava.library.path=lib/
Starting Java VM from path  /home/rmerriam/valkyrie
Started Java VM: success
log4j:WARN No appenders could be found for logger (org.ros.internal.node.client.Registrar).
log4j:WARN No appenders could be found for logger (org.ros.internal.node.client.Registrar).
log4j:WARN Please initialize the log4j system properly.
log4j:WARN Please initialize the log4j system properly.
> Building 50% > :runJavaDelegate[ INFO] [1480579480.665498620, 3.848000000]: Loading robot model from: 'models/val_description/sdf/valkyrie_sim.sdf'
starting: roslaunch val_gazebo spawn_urdf_model_from_robot_description.launch modelName:=valkyrie zOffset:=1.25 __name:=urdf_spawner_MysticLakeLinux_6234_7279723598710583249 __log:=/home/rmerriam/.ros/log/cc2b5a12-b79c-11e6-9353-40167e229df0/urdf_spawner_MysticLakeLinux_6234_7279723598710583249-7.log
... logging to /home/rmerriam/.ros/log/cc2b5a12-b79c-11e6-9353-40167e229df0/roslaunch-MysticLakeLinux-8194.log
Checking log directory for disk usage. This may take awhile.
Press Ctrl-C to interrupt
Done checking log file disk usage. Usage is <1GB.

IHMC ROS API node successfully started.
> Building 50% > :runJavaDelegatestarted roslaunch server http://MysticLakeLinux:37593/


 * /rosdistro: indigo
 * /rosversion: 1.11.20

    urdf_spawner (gazebo_ros/spawn_model)


core service [/rosout] found
process[urdf_spawner-1]: started with pid [8528]
spawn_model script started
[INFO] [WallTime: 1480579482.019203] [0.000000] Loading model xml from ros parameter
[INFO] [WallTime: 1480579482.036522] [0.000000] Waiting for service /gazebo/spawn_urdf_model
[INFO] [WallTime: 1480579482.040063] [0.000000] Calling service /gazebo/spawn_urdf_model
[ INFO] [1480579482.188853485, 5.367000000]: [INFO] (NetworkParameters.java:38): Looking for network parameters in network parameters file at /home/rmerriam/.ihmc/IHMCNetworkParameters.ini
[ INFO] [1480579482.189195685, 5.368000000]: [INFO] (NetworkParameters.java:42): Found Network parameters file at /home/rmerriam/.ihmc/IHMCNetworkParameters.ini
[ INFO] [1480579482.189518024, 5.368000000]: [INFO] (NetworkParameters.java:69): Looking for network parameters in environment variables
[ INFO] [1480579482.189669657, 5.368000000]: [INFO] (NetworkParameters.java:70): Environment variables will override entries in the network parameters file.
Warning [parser.cc:778] XML Element[imuTransform], child of element[sensor] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[imuTransform]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element.
Warning [parser.cc:778] XML Element[node], child of element[sensor] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[node]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element.
Warning [parser.cc:778] XML Element[api], child of element[sensor] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[api]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element.
Warning [parser.cc:778] XML Element[port], child of element[sensor] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[port]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element.
Warning [parser.cc:778] XML Element[imuTransform], child of element[sensor] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[imuTransform]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element.
Warning [parser.cc:778] XML Element[node], child of element[sensor] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[node]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element.
Warning [parser.cc:778] XML Element[api], child of element[sensor] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[api]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element.
Warning [parser.cc:778] XML Element[port], child of element[sensor] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[port]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element.
Attaching native thread 8569 with priority 45 to JVM
Warning [parser.cc:778] XML Element[sensor_number], child of element[sensor] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[sensor_number]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element.
Warning [parser.cc:778] XML Element[node], child of element[sensor] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[node]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element.
Warning [parser.cc:778] XML Element[api], child of element[sensor] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[api]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element.
Warning [parser.cc:778] XML Element[sensor_number], child of element[sensor] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[sensor_number]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element.
Warning [parser.cc:778] XML Element[node], child of element[sensor] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[node]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element.
Warning [parser.cc:778] XML Element[api], child of element[sensor] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[api]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element.
Warning [parser.cc:778] XML Element[imuTransform], child of element[sensor] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[imuTransform]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element.
Warning [parser.cc:778] XML Element[node], child of element[sensor] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[node]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element.
Warning [parser.cc:778] XML Element[api], child of element[sensor] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[api]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element.
Warning [parser.cc:778] XML Element[port], child of element[sensor] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[port]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element.
[ INFO] [1480579482.589616951, 5.393000000]: Looking for forceSensorDefinition leftAnkleRoll
[ INFO] [1480579482.596823157, 5.393000000]: Looking for forceSensorDefinition rightAnkleRoll
[ INFO] [1480579482.755031219, 5.393000000]: Camera Plugin (robotNamespace = /), Info: Using the 'robotNamespace' param: '/'
[ INFO] [1480579482.755192827, 5.393000000]: Camera Plugin (robotNamespace = /), Info: Using the 'robotNamespace' param: '/'
[ INFO] [1480579482.760180757, 5.393000000]: Camera Plugin (ns = /)  <tf_prefix_>, set to ""
[ INFO] [1480579482.798238182, 5.393000000]: Camera Plugin (ns = /)  <tf_prefix_>, set to ""
[ INFO] [1480579482.952349952, 5.393000000]: Laser Plugin (robotNamespace = /), Info: Using the 'robotNamespace' param: '/'
[ INFO] [1480579482.952441589, 5.393000000]: Starting Laser Plugin (ns = /)!
[ INFO] [1480579482.956398329, 5.393000000]: Laser Plugin (ns = /)  <tf_prefix_>, set to ""
[Wrn] [msgs.cc:1793] Conversion of sensor type[imu] not suppported.
[Wrn] [msgs.cc:1793] Conversion of sensor type[imu] not suppported.
[Wrn] [msgs.cc:1793] Conversion of sensor type[imu] not suppported.
[Wrn] [msgs.cc:1793] Conversion of sensor type[imu] not suppported.
[Wrn] [msgs.cc:1793] Conversion of sensor type[multicamera] not suppported.
[Wrn] [msgs.cc:1793] Conversion of sensor type[force_torque] not suppported.
[Wrn] [msgs.cc:1793] Conversion of sensor type[force_torque] not suppported.
[INFO] [WallTime: 1480579482.997384] [5.393000] Spawn status: SpawnModel: Successfully spawned model
[Wrn] [ColladaLoader.cc:1461] Polylist input semantic: 'COLOR' is currently not supported
[Wrn] [msgs.cc:1793] Conversion of sensor type[force_torque] not suppported.
[Wrn] [msgs.cc:1793] Conversion of sensor type[force_torque] not suppported.
[ INFO] [1480579483.244408623, 5.393000000]: SharedMemoryInterfacePlugin: Loading
2016-12-01 02:04:43 localhost ncl_cpp: [ERROR   ] [gov.nasa.SharedMemorySimInterfacePlugin.findUrdfSensors] Possibly missing an api or node tag from one or more imu sensors
2016-12-01 02:04:43 localhost ncl_cpp: [WARN    ] [gov.nasa.SharedMemorySimInterfacePlugin.findUrdfSensors] Imu sensor head_imu_sensor doesn't have <imuTransform> tag. It is likely that the data you receive from this sensor will be incorrect.
[ INFO] [1480579483.272775329, 5.393000000]: SharedMemorySimInterfacePlugin: Loading complete!
[ INFO] [1480579483.493457251, 5.393000000]: imu plugin missing <frameName>, defaults to <bodyName>
[ INFO] [1480579483.493709034, 5.393000000]: imu plugin missing <frameName>, defaults to <bodyName>
[ INFO] [1480579483.493806569, 5.393000000]: imu plugin missing <frameName>, defaults to <bodyName>
[urdf_spawner-1] process has finished cleanly
log file: /home/rmerriam/.ros/log/cc2b5a12-b79c-11e6-9353-40167e229df0/urdf_spawner-1*.log
all processes on machine have died, roslaunch will exit
[Wrn] [msgs.cc:1793] Conversion of sensor type[imu] not suppported.
[Wrn] [msgs.cc:1793] Conversion of sensor type[imu] not suppported.
[Wrn] [msgs.cc:1793] Conversion of sensor type[imu] not suppported.
[Wrn] [msgs.cc:1793] Conversion of sensor type[imu] not suppported.
[Wrn] [msgs.cc:1793] Conversion of sensor type[multicamera] not suppported.
[Wrn] [msgs.cc:1793] Conversion of sensor type[force_torque] not suppported.
[Wrn] [msgs.cc:1793] Conversion of sensor type[force_torque] not suppported.
shutting down processing monitor...
... shutting down processing monitor complete
[ INFO] [1480579483.977906212, 5.516000000]: IMUBasedPelvisRotationalStateUpdater: More than 1 IMU sensor, using only the first one: pelvis_pelvisRearImu
[urdf_spawner_MysticLakeLinux_6234_7279723598710583249-7] process has finished cleanly
log file: /home/rmerriam/.ros/log/cc2b5a12-b79c-11e6-9353-40167e229df0/urdf_spawner_MysticLakeLinux_6234_7279723598710583249-7*.log
[ INFO] [1480579484.006829319, 5.523000000]: PelvisIMUBasedLinearStateCalculator: More than 1 IMU sensor, using only the first one: pelvis_pelvisRearImu
Attaching native thread 8788 with priority 45 to JVM
[ INFO] [1480579485.277123723, 5.934000000]: [INFO] (LogSessionBroadcaster.java:66): Announcing logging session on: name:lo (lo)
[ INFO] [1480579485.307042792, 5.942000000]: [INFO] (LogSessionBroadcaster.java:307): Trying port 56527
[INFO] (KryoObjectClient.java:130): Success! Connected KryoClient to SCS at ip localhost/ on port 4895
> Building 50% > :runJavaDelegate[ INFO] [1480579486.577147637, 6.369000000]: advertised as /multisense/image_points2

[ INFO] [1480579486.578973940, 6.370000000]: advertised as /multisense/image_points2_color

Attaching native thread 8850 with priority 40 to JVM
[ INFO] [1480579489.100435507, 7.218000000]: [INFO] (ValkyrieRosControlController.java:307): Running with blocking synchronous execution between estimator and controller
[INFO] [WallTime: 1480579489.133873] [7.232000] Controller Spawner: Loaded controllers: ihmc_valkyrie_control_java_bridge
[INFO] [WallTime: 1480579489.347379] [7.332000] Started controllers: ihmc_valkyrie_control_java_bridge
lower harness
publishing and latching message for 3.0 seconds
switch to high level control after 20 seconds
publishing and latching message for 3.0 seconds
detach in 5 seconds
[startup_robot-11] process has finished cleanly
log file: /home/rmerriam/.ros/log/cc2b5a12-b79c-11e6-9353-40167e229df0/startup_robot-11*.log
publishing and latching message for 3.0 seconds

And after ctrl-C


[multisense_points2_color_relay-14] killing on exit
[multisense_points2_relay-13] killing on exit
[multisense/camera/stereo_proc-12] killing on exit
[controller_spawner_MysticLakeLinux_6234_3319883639680982985-10] killing on exit
[IHMCValkyrieROSAPI-9] killing on exit
[gazebo_gui-6] killing on exit
[gazebo-5] killing on exit
[robot_state_publisher-8] killing on exit
[controller_manager_MysticLakeLinux_6234_3747985407585380631-4] killing on exit
[INFO] [WallTime: 1480579788.125892] [103.940000] Shutting down spawner. Stopping and unloading controllers...
[control_py_MysticLakeLinux_6234_4573795890746217877-3] killing on exit
[controller_manager_MysticLakeLinux_7317_412140642757343539-1] killing on exit
[smtcore_MysticLakeLinux_6234_7759588032764932650-2] killing on exit
2016-12-01 02:09:48 localhost ncl_cpp: [FATAL   ] [gov.nasa.ControllerExec.ORO_main] Controller manager has stopped running! Stopping controller exec.
# A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment:
#  SIGSEGV (0xb) at pc=0x00007f31aa871c4a, pid=7338, tid=139851297703872
# JRE version: OpenJDK Runtime Environment (7.0_121) (build 1.7.0_121-b00)
# Java VM: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (24.121-b00 mixed mode linux-amd64 compressed oops)
# Derivative: IcedTea 2.6.8
# Distribution: Ubuntu 14.04 LTS, package 7u121-2.6.8-1ubuntu0.14.04.1
# Problematic frame:
# C  [liborocos-rtt-gnulinux.so.2.8+0x159c4a]  RTT::ComponentLoader::unloadComponent(RTT::TaskContext*)+0x6a
# Failed to write core dump. Core dumps have been disabled. To enable core dumping, try "ulimit -c unlimited" before starting Java again
# An error report file with more information is saved as:
# /home/rmerriam/.ros/hs_err_pid7338.log
*** Error in `/opt/nasa/indigo/lib/val_controller_manager_rtt/controller_exec': corrupted double-linked list: 0x0000000000f96150 ***
shutting down processing monitor...
... shutting down processing monitor complete
[controller_spawner_MysticLakeLinux_6234_3319883639680982985-10] escalating to SIGTERM
[gazebo-5] escalating to SIGTERM
[controller_spawner_MysticLakeLinux_6234_3319883639680982985-10] escalating to SIGKILL
[rosout-1] killing on exit
[master] killing on exit
Shutdown errors:
 * process[controller_spawner_MysticLakeLinux_6234_3319883639680982985-10, pid 6307]: required SIGKILL. May still be running.
shutting down processing monitor...
... shutting down processing monitor complete

Should have kept a copy of a good run to compare. System is Ubuntu 14.04.4 with I7 4 core, 16 Gb. It's been working fine until now except for issue #35.

osrf-migration commented 7 years ago

Original comment by Jake Webster (Bitbucket: TopGunSnake).

Having similar issues. Val goes to the ready position, and it appears that the controllers are starting correctly, but fails to maintain posture when the harness is detached:

jake@ubuntu-SER3040:~$ roslaunch srcsim qual1.launch init:=false 
... logging to /home/jake/.ros/log/a9dbe9c8-bc9b-11e6-8b84-0cc47a6ee6d6/roslaunch-ubuntu-SER3040-7580.log 
Checking log directory for disk usage. This may take awhile. 
Press Ctrl-C to interrupt 
Done checking log file disk usage. Usage is <1GB. 

started roslaunch server 


 * /ihmc_ros/robot_name: valkyrie 
 * /ihmc_ros/valkyrie/left_arm_joint_names: ['leftShoulderPit... 
 * /ihmc_ros/valkyrie/left_foot_frame_name: leftFoot 
 * /ihmc_ros/valkyrie/right_arm_joint_names: ['rightShoulderPi... 
 * /ihmc_ros/valkyrie/right_foot_frame_name: rightFoot 
 * /ihmc_valkyrie_control_java_bridge/jvm_args: -Djava.class.path... 
 * /ihmc_valkyrie_control_java_bridge/main_class: us.ihmc.valkyrieR... 
 * /ihmc_valkyrie_control_java_bridge/type: ihmc_ros_control/... 
 * /ihmc_valkyrie_control_java_bridge/working_dir: /home/jake/valkyrie 
 * /joint_state_controller/publish_rate: 50 
 * /joint_state_controller/type: joint_state_contr... 
 * /robot_description: <?xml version="1.... 
 * /rosdistro: indigo 
 * /rosversion: 1.11.20 
 * /use_sim_time: True 
 * /valkyrie/robot_description: <?xml version="1.... 

    IHMCValkyrieROSAPI (ihmc_ros_java_adapter/gradlew) 
    control_py_ubuntu_SER3040_7580_2688667905130985354 (robonet_tools/control) 
    controller_manager_ubuntu_SER3040_7580_1344986617858879785 (val_deploy/delayed_roslaunch.sh) 
    controller_spawner_ubuntu_SER3040_7580_9065791514232437326 (controller_manager/spawner) 
    gazebo (gazebo_ros/gzserver) 
    gazebo_gui (gazebo_ros/gzclient) 
    robot_state_publisher (robot_state_publisher/state_publisher) 
    smtcore_ubuntu_SER3040_7580_8269518574175865963 (shared_memory_transport/smtcore) 
    urdf_spawner_ubuntu_SER3040_7580_7171208812148179535 (val_deploy/delayed_roslaunch.sh) 

auto-starting new master 
process[master]: started with pid [7592] 

setting /run_id to a9dbe9c8-bc9b-11e6-8b84-0cc47a6ee6d6 
process[rosout-1]: started with pid [7605] 
started core service [/rosout] 
process[smtcore_ubuntu_SER3040_7580_8269518574175865963-2]: started with pid [7621] 
process[control_py_ubuntu_SER3040_7580_2688667905130985354-3]: started with pid [7629] 
process[controller_manager_ubuntu_SER3040_7580_1344986617858879785-4]: started with pid [7631] 
delaying: 4 seconds 
process[gazebo-5]: started with pid [7633] 
process[gazebo_gui-6]: started with pid [7637] 
process[urdf_spawner_ubuntu_SER3040_7580_7171208812148179535-7]: started with pid [7641] 
delaying: 6 seconds 
process[robot_state_publisher-8]: started with pid [7644] 
process[IHMCValkyrieROSAPI-9]: started with pid [7646] 
Log file /home/jake/.log already exists, proceeding... 
process[controller_spawner_ubuntu_SER3040_7580_9065791514232437326-10]: started with pid [7655] 
Log file /home/jake/.log already exists, proceeding... 
Gazebo multi-robot simulator, version 7.4.0 
Copyright (C) 2012-2016 Open Source Robotics Foundation. 
Released under the Apache 2 License. 

[ INFO] [1481128744.641704735]: Finished loading Gazebo ROS API Plugin. 
[Msg] Waiting for master. 
[ INFO] [1481128744.642499455]: waitForService: Service [/gazebo/set_physics_properties] has not been advertised, waiting... 
[Msg] Connected to gazebo master @ 
[Msg] Publicized address: 
[INFO] [WallTime: 1481128744.946974] [0.000000] Controller Spawner: Waiting for service controller_manager/load_controller 
> Loading > buildSrc[ INFO] [1481128746.147874602, 0.023000000]: waitForService: Service [/gazebo/set_physics_properties] is now available. 
[ INFO] [1481128746.206488168, 0.077000000]: Physics dynamic reconfigure ready. 
:buildSrc:compileJava UP-TO-DATE 
:buildSrc:compileGroovy UP-TO-DATE 
:buildSrc:processResources UP-TO-DATE 
:buildSrc:classes UP-TO-DATE 
:buildSrc:jar UP-TO-DATE 
:buildSrc:assemble UP-TO-DATE 
:buildSrc:compileTestJava UP-TO-DATE 
:buildSrc:compileTestGroovy UP-TO-DATE 
:buildSrc:processTestResources UP-TO-DATE 
:buildSrc:testClasses UP-TO-DATE 
:buildSrc:test UP-TO-DATE 
:buildSrc:check UP-TO-DATE 
:buildSrc:build UP-TO-DATE 
> Configuring > 0/1 projects > root project > Resolving dependencies ':ros'starting: roslaunch val_deploy val_control_sim.launch controller_manager_looprate:=500 __name:=controller_manager_ubuntu_SER3040_7580_1344986617858879785 __log:=/home/jake/.ros/log/a9dbe9c8-bc9b-11e6-8b84-0cc47a6ee6d6/controller_manager_ubuntu_SER3040_7580_1344986617858879785-4.log 
... logging to /home/jake/.ros/log/a9dbe9c8-bc9b-11e6-8b84-0cc47a6ee6d6/roslaunch-ubuntu-SER3040-8110.log 
Checking log directory for disk usage. This may take awhile. 
Press Ctrl-C to interrupt 
Done checking log file disk usage. Usage is <1GB. 

started roslaunch server 


 * /rosdistro: indigo 
 * /rosversion: 1.11.20 

    controller_manager_ubuntu_SER3040_8110_3062909781742331876 (val_controller_manager_rtt/controller_exec) 


core service [/rosout] found 
process[controller_manager_ubuntu_SER3040_8110_3062909781742331876-1]: started with pid [8135] 
:parseYaml UP-TO-DATE 
> Building 50% > :runJavaDelegate2016-12-07 10:39:09 localhost ncl_cpp: [NOTICE  ] [gov.nasa.HardwareInterface.makeHandle] Robot Hardware has Initialized. Ready to start loading Controllers. 

Loading robot model from: 'models/val_description/sdf/valkyrie_sim.sdf' 
> Building 50% > :runJavaDelegate[INFO] [WallTime: 1481128749.482820] [3.340000] Controller Spawner: Waiting for service controller_manager/switch_controller 
[INFO] [WallTime: 1481128749.484421] [3.342000] Controller Spawner: Waiting for service controller_manager/unload_controller 
[INFO] [WallTime: 1481128749.486102] [3.343000] Loading controller: ihmc_valkyrie_control_java_bridge 
[ INFO] [1481128749.522208468, 3.380000000]: Starting JVM with arguments: -Djava.class.path=ValkyrieController.jar -XX:+UseSerialGC -Xmx4g -Xms4g -XX:NewSize=3g -XX:MaxNewSize=3g -XX:CompileThreshold=1000 -verbosegc -Djava.library.path=lib/ 
Starting Java VM from path  /home/jake/valkyrie 
Started Java VM: success 
[ERROR] [1481128749.832232324, 3.690000000]: Dec 07, 2016 10:39:09 AM us.ihmc.valkyrieRosControl.ValkyrieAffinity <init> 
[ERROR] [1481128749.832287307, 3.690000000]: SEVERE: WARNING: Hyper-Threading is enabled. Expect higher amounts of jitter 
[INFO] (NetworkParameters.java:38): Looking for network parameters in network parameters file at /opt/ros/indigo/share/ihmc_valkyrie_ros/configurations/IHMCNetworkParametersSim.ini 
[INFO] (NetworkParameters.java:42): Found Network parameters file at /opt/ros/indigo/share/ihmc_valkyrie_ros/configurations/IHMCNetworkParametersSim.ini 
[INFO] (NetworkParameters.java:69): Looking for network parameters in environment variables 
[INFO] (NetworkParameters.java:70): Environment variables will override entries in the network parameters file. 
> Building 50% > :runJavaDelegate[ INFO] [1481128749.932899341, 3.791000000]: Loading robot model from: 'models/val_description/sdf/valkyrie_sim.sdf' 
Connecting to controller using TCP on localhost 
[WARN] YoVariable: desiredMomentumRateLinearX is getting created with a null registry 
[WARN] YoVariable: desiredMomentumRateLinearY is getting created with a null registry 
[WARN] YoVariable: desiredMomentumRateLinearZ is getting created with a null registry 
[WARN] YoVariable: achievedMomentumRateLinearX is getting created with a null registry 
[WARN] YoVariable: achievedMomentumRateLinearY is getting created with a null registry 
> Building 50% > :runJavaDelegatestarting: roslaunch val_gazebo spawn_urdf_model_from_robot_description.launch modelName:=valkyrie zOffset:=1.25 __name:=urdf_spawner_ubuntu_SER3040_7580_7171208812148179535 __log:=/home/jake/.ros/log/a9dbe9c8-bc9b-11e6-8b84-0cc47a6ee6d6/urdf_spawner_ubuntu_SER3040_7580_7171208812148179535-7.log 
[WARN] YoVariable: achievedMomentumRateLinearZ is getting created with a null registry 
[WARN] YoVariable: residualRootJointForceX is getting created with a null registry 
[WARN] YoVariable: residualRootJointForceY is getting created with a null registry 
[WARN] YoVariable: residualRootJointForceZ is getting created with a null registry 
[WARN] YoVariable: residualRootJointTorqueX is getting created with a null registry 
[WARN] YoVariable: residualRootJointTorqueY is getting created with a null registry 
[WARN] YoVariable: residualRootJointTorqueZ is getting created with a null registry 
> Building 50% > :runJavaDelegate... logging to /home/jake/.ros/log/a9dbe9c8-bc9b-11e6-8b84-0cc47a6ee6d6/roslaunch-ubuntu-SER3040-8291.log 
Checking log directory for disk usage. This may take awhile. 
Press Ctrl-C to interrupt 
Done checking log file disk usage. Usage is <1GB. 

started roslaunch server 


 * /rosdistro: indigo 
 * /rosversion: 1.11.20 

    urdf_spawner (gazebo_ros/spawn_model) 


core service [/rosout] found 
process[urdf_spawner-1]: started with pid [8317] 
spawn_model script started 
[INFO] [WallTime: 1481128751.179479] [0.000000] Loading model xml from ros parameter 
[INFO] [WallTime: 1481128751.197872] [0.000000] Waiting for service /gazebo/spawn_urdf_model 
[INFO] [WallTime: 1481128751.201513] [0.000000] Calling service /gazebo/spawn_urdf_model 
log4j:WARN No appenders could be found for logger (org.ros.internal.node.client.Registrar). 
log4j:WARN No appenders could be found for logger (org.ros.internal.node.client.Registrar). 
log4j:WARN No appenders could be found for logger (org.ros.internal.node.client.Registrar). 
log4j:WARN Please initialize the log4j system properly. 
log4j:WARN Please initialize the log4j system properly. 
log4j:WARN Please initialize the log4j system properly. 
> Building 50% > :runJavaDelegateWarning [parser.cc:778] XML Element[imuTransform], child of element[sensor] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[imuTransform]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element. 
Warning [parser.cc:778] XML Element[node], child of element[sensor] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[node]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element. 
Warning [parser.cc:778] XML Element[api], child of element[sensor] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[api]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element. 
Warning [parser.cc:778] XML Element[port], child of element[sensor] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[port]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element. 
Warning [parser.cc:778] XML Element[imuTransform], child of element[sensor] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[imuTransform]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element. 
Warning [parser.cc:778] XML Element[node], child of element[sensor] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[node]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element. 
Warning [parser.cc:778] XML Element[api], child of element[sensor] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[api]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element. 
Warning [parser.cc:778] XML Element[port], child of element[sensor] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[port]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element. 
Warning [parser.cc:778] XML Element[sensor_number], child of element[sensor] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[sensor_number]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element. 
Warning [parser.cc:778] XML Element[node], child of element[sensor] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[node]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element. 
Warning [parser.cc:778] XML Element[api], child of element[sensor] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[api]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element. 
Warning [parser.cc:778] XML Element[sensor_number], child of element[sensor] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[sensor_number]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element. 
Warning [parser.cc:778] XML Element[node], child of element[sensor] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[node]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element. 
Warning [parser.cc:778] XML Element[api], child of element[sensor] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[api]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element. 
Warning [parser.cc:778] XML Element[imuTransform], child of element[sensor] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[imuTransform]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element. 
Warning [parser.cc:778] XML Element[node], child of element[sensor] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[node]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element. 
Warning [parser.cc:778] XML Element[api], child of element[sensor] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[api]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element. 
Warning [parser.cc:778] XML Element[port], child of element[sensor] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[port]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element. 
[ INFO] [1481128751.796053202, 5.188000000]: [INFO] (NetworkParameters.java:38): Looking for network parameters in network parameters file at /home/jake/.ihmc/IHMCNetworkParameters.ini 
[ INFO] [1481128751.796317130, 5.188000000]: [INFO] (NetworkParameters.java:42): Found Network parameters file at /home/jake/.ihmc/IHMCNetworkParameters.ini 
[ INFO] [1481128751.796645297, 5.188000000]: [INFO] (NetworkParameters.java:69): Looking for network parameters in environment variables 
[ INFO] [1481128751.796800182, 5.188000000]: [INFO] (NetworkParameters.java:70): Environment variables will override entries in the network parameters file. 
Attaching native thread 9297 with priority 45 to JVM 
IHMC ROS API node successfully started. 
> Building 50% > :runJavaDelegate[ INFO] [1481128752.218366148, 5.188000000]: Looking for forceSensorDefinition leftAnkleRoll 
[ INFO] [1481128752.224139429, 5.188000000]: Looking for forceSensorDefinition rightAnkleRoll 
[ INFO] [1481128752.424447142, 5.188000000]: Camera Plugin (robotNamespace = /), Info: Using the 'robotNamespace' param: '/' 
[ INFO] [1481128752.424628734, 5.188000000]: Camera Plugin (robotNamespace = /), Info: Using the 'robotNamespace' param: '/' 
[ INFO] [1481128752.432832840, 5.188000000]: Camera Plugin (ns = /)  <tf_prefix_>, set to "" 
[ INFO] [1481128752.433324070, 5.188000000]: Camera Plugin (ns = /)  <tf_prefix_>, set to "" 
[ INFO] [1481128752.438513320, 5.188000000]: Laser Plugin (robotNamespace = /), Info: Using the 'robotNamespace' param: '/' 
[ INFO] [1481128752.438582220, 5.188000000]: Starting GazeboRosLaser Plugin (ns = /)! 
[ INFO] [1481128752.441041088, 5.188000000]: GPU Laser Plugin (ns = /) <tf_prefix_>, set to "" 
[ INFO] [1481128752.442219566, 5.188000000]: LoadThread function completed 
[Wrn] [msgs.cc:1793] Conversion of sensor type[imu] not suppported. 
[Wrn] [msgs.cc:1793] Conversion of sensor type[imu] not suppported. 
[Wrn] [msgs.cc:1793] Conversion of sensor type[imu] not suppported. 
[Wrn] [msgs.cc:1793] Conversion of sensor type[imu] not suppported. 
[Wrn] [msgs.cc:1793] Conversion of sensor type[multicamera] not suppported. 
[Wrn] [msgs.cc:1793] Conversion of sensor type[gpu_ray] not suppported. 
[Wrn] [msgs.cc:1793] Conversion of sensor type[force_torque] not suppported. 
[Wrn] [msgs.cc:1793] Conversion of sensor type[force_torque] not suppported. 
[INFO] [WallTime: 1481128752.515140] [5.188000] Spawn status: SpawnModel: Successfully spawned model 
[Wrn] [ColladaLoader.cc:1461] Polylist input semantic: 'COLOR' is currently not supported 
[urdf_spawner-1] process has finished cleanly 
log file: /home/jake/.ros/log/a9dbe9c8-bc9b-11e6-8b84-0cc47a6ee6d6/urdf_spawner-1*.log 
all processes on machine have died, roslaunch will exit 
[Wrn] [msgs.cc:1793] Conversion of sensor type[force_torque] not suppported. 
[Wrn] [msgs.cc:1793] Conversion of sensor type[force_torque] not suppported. 
[ INFO] [1481128752.782766222, 5.188000000]: SharedMemoryInterfacePlugin: Loading 
2016-12-07 10:39:12 localhost ncl_cpp: [ERROR   ] [gov.nasa.SharedMemorySimInterfacePlugin.findUrdfSensors] Possibly missing an api or node tag from one or more imu sensors 
2016-12-07 10:39:12 localhost ncl_cpp: [WARN    ] [gov.nasa.SharedMemorySimInterfacePlugin.findUrdfSensors] Imu sensor head_imu_sensor doesn't have <imuTransform> tag. It is likely that the data you receive from this sensor will be incorrect. 
[ INFO] [1481128752.829203219, 5.188000000]: SharedMemorySimInterfacePlugin: Loading complete! 
shutting down processing monitor... 
... shutting down processing monitor complete 
[urdf_spawner_ubuntu_SER3040_7580_7171208812148179535-7] process has finished cleanly 
log file: /home/jake/.ros/log/a9dbe9c8-bc9b-11e6-8b84-0cc47a6ee6d6/urdf_spawner_ubuntu_SER3040_7580_7171208812148179535-7*.log 
[ INFO] [1481128753.091521935, 5.188000000]: imu plugin missing <frameName>, defaults to <bodyName> 
[ INFO] [1481128753.092142597, 5.188000000]: imu plugin missing <frameName>, defaults to <bodyName> 
[ INFO] [1481128753.092666751, 5.188000000]: imu plugin missing <frameName>, defaults to <bodyName> 
[Wrn] [msgs.cc:1793] Conversion of sensor type[imu] not suppported. 
[Wrn] [msgs.cc:1793] Conversion of sensor type[imu] not suppported. 
[Wrn] [msgs.cc:1793] Conversion of sensor type[imu] not suppported. 
[Wrn] [msgs.cc:1793] Conversion of sensor type[imu] not suppported. 
[Wrn] [msgs.cc:1793] Conversion of sensor type[multicamera] not suppported. 
[Wrn] [msgs.cc:1793] Conversion of sensor type[gpu_ray] not suppported. 
[Wrn] [msgs.cc:1793] Conversion of sensor type[force_torque] not suppported. 
[Wrn] [msgs.cc:1793] Conversion of sensor type[force_torque] not suppported. 
[ INFO] [1481128754.121234163, 5.512000000]: IMUBasedPelvisRotationalStateUpdater: More than 1 IMU sensor, using only the first one: pelvis_pelvisRearImu 
[ INFO] [1481128754.156596094, 5.522000000]: PelvisIMUBasedLinearStateCalculator: More than 1 IMU sensor, using only the first one: pelvis_pelvisRearImu 
Attaching native thread 10240 with priority 45 to JVM 
[ INFO] [1481128755.761617834, 5.916000000]: [INFO] (LogSessionBroadcaster.java:66): Announcing logging session on: name:lo (lo) 
[ INFO] [1481128755.792251627, 5.923000000]: [INFO] (LogSessionBroadcaster.java:307): Trying port 56422 
[INFO] (KryoObjectClient.java:130): Success! Connected KryoClient to SCS at ip localhost/ on port 4895 
> Building 50% > :runJavaDelegateAttaching native thread 10282 with priority 40 to JVM 
[ INFO] [1481128761.353043534, 7.362000000]: [INFO] (ValkyrieRosControlController.java:307): Running with blocking synchronous execution between estimator and controller 
[INFO] [WallTime: 1481128761.395645] [7.374000] Controller Spawner: Loaded controllers: ihmc_valkyrie_control_java_bridge 
[INFO] [WallTime: 1481128761.805157] [7.474000] Started controllers: ihmc_valkyrie_control_java_bridge 
[ INFO] [1481128761.805631902, 7.474000000]: Setting estimator thread affinity to processor 1 
^[[1;5C^C[controller_spawner_ubuntu_SER3040_7580_9065791514232437326-10] killing on exit 
[IHMCValkyrieROSAPI-9] killing on exit 
[robot_state_publisher-8] killing on exit 
[INFO] [WallTime: 1481128985.715330] [58.349000] Shutting down spawner. Stopping and unloading controllers... 
[gazebo_gui-6] killing on exit 
[gazebo-5] killing on exit 
[controller_manager_ubuntu_SER3040_7580_1344986617858879785-4] killing on exit 
[control_py_ubuntu_SER3040_7580_2688667905130985354-3] killing on exit 
[smtcore_ubuntu_SER3040_7580_8269518574175865963-2] killing on exit 
[controller_manager_ubuntu_SER3040_8110_3062909781742331876-1] killing on exit 
2016-12-07 10:43:06 localhost ncl_cpp: [FATAL   ] [gov.nasa.ControllerExec.ORO_main] Controller manager has stopped running! Stopping controller exec. 
# A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment: 
#  SIGSEGV (0xb) at pc=0x00007fbcf9a3ec54, pid=8135, tid=140449625515968 
# JRE version: OpenJDK Runtime Environment (7.0_121) (build 1.7.0_121-b00) 
# Java VM: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (24.121-b00 mixed mode linux-amd64 compressed oops) 
# Derivative: IcedTea 2.6.8 
# Distribution: Ubuntu 14.04 LTS, package 7u121-2.6.8-1ubuntu0.14.04.1 
# Problematic frame: 
# C  [liborocos-rtt-gnulinux.so.2.8+0x159c54]  RTT::ComponentLoader::unloadComponent(RTT::TaskContext*)+0x74 
# Failed to write core dump. Core dumps have been disabled. To enable core dumping, try "ulimit -c unlimited" before starting Java again 
# An error report file with more information is saved as: 
# /home/jake/.ros/hs_err_pid8135.log 
pure virtual method called 
terminate called without an active exception 
shutting down processing monitor... 
... shutting down processing monitor complete 
[controller_spawner_ubuntu_SER3040_7580_9065791514232437326-10] escalating to SIGTERM 
[gazebo-5] escalating to SIGTERM 
[controller_spawner_ubuntu_SER3040_7580_9065791514232437326-10] escalating to SIGKILL 
[rosout-1] killing on exit 
[master] killing on exit 
Shutdown errors: 
 * process[controller_spawner_ubuntu_SER3040_7580_9065791514232437326-10, pid 7655]: required SIGKILL. May still be running. 
shutting down processing monitor... 
... shutting down processing monitor complete 

It appears that the robot still tries to maintain posture, but simply cannot balance. I have the ROS_IP set, system is Ubuntu 14.04.5 with 2 Intel Xeon 6 core, 64 GB.

osrf-migration commented 7 years ago

Original comment by Nathan Mertins (Bitbucket: nmertins).

@TopGunSnake it looks like you hit Ctrl-C before everything finished starting up.

[ INFO] [1481128761.805631902, 7.474000000]: Setting estimator thread affinity to processor 1 
^[[1;5C^C[controller_spawner_ubuntu_SER3040_7580_9065791514232437326-10] killing on exit 
[IHMCValkyrieROSAPI-9] killing on exit

If everything starts up correctly, you should see a message at the very end saying:

IHMC ROS API node successfully started.

It could be that the IHMC network processor which shuttles messages to and from the controller isn't starting up though. Was text still being printed to the console when you killed the process?

osrf-migration commented 7 years ago

Original comment by Jake Webster (Bitbucket: TopGunSnake).

@nmertins Ok. Note that the message "IHMC ROS API node successfully started" was displayed. I performed a manual release of the robot, after lowering the robot to contact with the ground, in order to prevent release before the controller was ready.

osrf-migration commented 7 years ago

Original comment by Nathan Mertins (Bitbucket: nmertins).

Ah, totally missed that message when I was scanning through the output you posted. Roughly how far did you manually lower Val? If you released just as the feet hit the ground the controller may not have detected contact and thus wouldn't switch to "walking" mode. You should wait to see the knees bend a bit, then send a HighLevelStateRosMessage to change to "walking", and then detach the harness.

osrf-migration commented 7 years ago

Original comment by Jake Webster (Bitbucket: TopGunSnake).

Response is the same as when I tried the walk_test option. Robot goes to ready position. Robot is lowered until knees bend from load. Harness is released, and robot collapses. No errors show, no warnings. However, this is of interest:

I get this building notification across multiple lines, but it never seems to confirm that it was built. Also shows up after ^C.


> Building 50% > :runJavaDelegate
osrf-migration commented 7 years ago

Original comment by Jake Webster (Bitbucket: TopGunSnake).

Maybe useful: roswtf output:


jake@ubuntu-SER3040:~$ roswtf 
Loaded plugin tf.tfwtf 
No package or stack in context 
Static checks summary: 

No errors or warnings 
Beginning tests of your ROS graph. These may take awhile... 
analyzing graph... 
... done analyzing graph 
running graph rules... 
... done running graph rules 
running tf checks, this will take a second... 
... tf checks complete 

Online checks summary: 

Found 3 warning(s). 
Warnings are things that may be just fine, but are sometimes at fault 

WARNING The following node subscriptions are unconnected: 
 * /gazebo: 
   * /multisense/set_fps 
   * /gazebo/set_link_state 
   * /multisense/fps 
   * /gazebo/set_model_state 
 * /ihmc_ros/valkyrie/controller: 
   * /ihmc_ros/valkyrie/control/request_stop 
   * /ihmc_ros/localization/pelvis_odom_pose_correction 
   * /ihmc_ros/valkyrie/control/low_level_control_mode 
   * /ihmc_ros/localization/pelvis_pose_correction 

WARNING The following nodes are unexpectedly connected: 
 * /ihmc_ros/valkyrie/controller->/rviz_1481133864168192254 (/tf) 
 * /ihmc_ros/valkyrie/controller->/rostopic_6537_1481134151823 (/ihmc_ros/valkyrie/output/joint_states) 
 * /ihmc_ros/valkyrie/controller->/rostopic_6610_1481134188110 (/ihmc_ros/valkyrie/output/joint_states) 
 * /ihmc_ros/valkyrie/controller->/rviz_1481135170508635990 (/tf) 

WARNING These nodes have died: 
 * urdf_spawner_ubuntu_SER3040_3252_284054467496187545-7 

Found 1 error(s). 

ERROR The following nodes should be connected but aren't: 
 * /ihmc_ros/valkyrie->/ihmc_ros/valkyrie/controller (/ihmc_ros/valkyrie/control/hand_trajectory) 
osrf-migration commented 7 years ago

Original comment by Nathan Mertins (Bitbucket: nmertins).

The message

> Building 50% > :runJavaDelegate

is normal and expected behavior. Could you start the simulation and once it's loaded, echo the /ihmc_ros/valkyrie/output/joint_states topic? This should tell us whether the controller is actually running or if it's silently crashed for some reason.

osrf-migration commented 7 years ago

Original comment by Jake Webster (Bitbucket: TopGunSnake).

echo of the topic is returning what appears to be reasonable values. Joint effort is nonzero for most cases.



  seq: 10430
    secs: 29
    nsecs: 240000000
  frame_id: /world
name: ['leftHipYaw', 'leftHipRoll', 'leftHipPitch', 'leftKneePitch', 'leftAnklePitch', 'leftAnkleRoll', 'rightHipYaw', 'rightHipRoll', 'rightHipPitch', 'rightKneePitch', 'rightAnklePitch', 'rightAnkleRoll', 'torsoYaw', 'torsoPitch', 'torsoRoll', 'leftShoulderPitch', 'leftShoulderRoll', 'leftShoulderYaw', 'leftElbowPitch', 'leftForearmYaw', 'leftWristRoll', 'leftWristPitch', 'lowerNeckPitch', 'neckYaw', 'upperNeckPitch', 'hokuyo_joint', 'rightShoulderPitch', 'rightShoulderRoll', 'rightShoulderYaw', 'rightElbowPitch', 'rightForearmYaw', 'rightWristRoll', 'rightWristPitch']
position: [0.7970216274261475, 0.032256118953228, -0.8150596618652344, 1.8509409427642822, 0.3145010471343994, 0.3483901917934418, -0.5857467651367188, -0.09591327607631683, -0.7300394773483276, 1.820588231086731, 0.1787233203649521, -0.39733001589775085, -0.13148662447929382, 0.04207068309187889, -0.0836738720536232, 0.8103628158569336, -1.2486419677734375, -0.48417893052101135, -1.2952854633331299, 0.3905876576900482, 0.0020794745068997145, 0.00012744033301714808, -4.166360668023117e-05, 0.08788292109966278, -0.03482929617166519, 0.0, 0.7447920441627502, 1.237098217010498, -0.28573477268218994, 1.2229528427124023, 0.39049115777015686, -0.001256243442185223, -0.0017029347363859415]
velocity: [0.19176270067691803, -0.36862245202064514, 0.029567144811153412, -0.14313361048698425, 0.2601916790008545, 0.0, 0.15969209372997284, -0.1538732945919037, -0.031183278188109398, 0.035674769431352615, 0.15651462972164154, 13.931407928466797, -0.34909704327583313, -0.1053350642323494, -0.313442200422287, 0.001833114423789084, 0.09660062938928604, 1.104041337966919, 0.15875566005706787, -0.048709090799093246, -0.06188817694783211, 0.0, -0.0, 1.9700775146484375, 0.46538299322128296, 0.0, -0.09982334822416306, -0.13375872373580933, 1.3871582746505737, -0.462049663066864, -0.06707503646612167, 0.03416658937931061, 0.025708267465233803]
effort: [-24.139183044433594, -2.4443275928497314, 34.94835662841797, -42.39039611816406, -20.653125762939453, -5.803210258483887, 17.042322158813477, 15.602879524230957, 21.654150009155273, -40.620845794677734, -17.557706832885742, -21.153671264648438, 4.820193290710449, -6.073288440704346, 18.5036563873291, -15.17684268951416, 0.5308189988136292, 4.44999361038208, -3.090346336364746, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -13.982342720031738, -0.3695939779281616, 1.7752536535263062, 3.8880105018615723, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
osrf-migration commented 7 years ago

Original comment by Jake Webster (Bitbucket: TopGunSnake).

What kind of connections should I see between the controller nodes and gazebo? I.E., what is the path from controller to gazebo environment?