osrf / subt

This repostory contains software for the virtual track of the DARPA SubT Challenge. Within this repository you will find Gazebo simulation assets, ROS interfaces, support scripts and plugins, and documentation needed to compete in the SubT Virtual Challenge.
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[ERROR]:Cant get transform for distance traveled counter "darpa" passed to lookupTransform argument source_frame does not exist. #1050

Open wanghao1666 opened 2 years ago

wanghao1666 commented 2 years ago

Hi! I am a user using tunnel_urban_reference_datasets. When I enter the following command: roslaunch tunnel_ckt_launch remap.launch bag:=sr_B_route1.bag orbslam:=true course:=sr config:=B, trying to run the dataset with orbslam2, i get the following error:[ERROR] [1652531568.440679340, 1566248611.691736079]: Cant get transform for distance traveled counter "darpa" passed to lookupTransform argument source_frame does not exist.The urban dataset has the same error. The same error also occurs with vins-fusion. How can i fix it ?

fengye4242 commented 9 months ago

I have the same problem. How can i solve it. [ERROR] [1708224736.209616815, 1566245557.139912753]: Cant get transform for distance traveled counter "darpa" passed to lookupTransform argument source_frame does not exist.