osrf / subt

This repostory contains software for the virtual track of the DARPA SubT Challenge. Within this repository you will find Gazebo simulation assets, ROS interfaces, support scripts and plugins, and documentation needed to compete in the SubT Virtual Challenge.
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*** FAQ: How To Migrate Gazebo9 Controller(s) to Ignition *** #151

Closed osrf-migration closed 4 years ago

osrf-migration commented 4 years ago

Original report (archived issue) by Alfredo Bencomo (Bitbucket: bencomo).

Greetings everyone,

Please post here questions on migrating your Gazebo9 based controller(s) to Ignition.

The goal is to assist all the teams with that transition as soon as possible so they are ready to test early and compete.

osrf-migration commented 4 years ago

Original comment by Alfredo Bencomo (Bitbucket: bencomo).

osrf-migration commented 4 years ago

Original comment by Alfredo Bencomo (Bitbucket: bencomo).

osrf-migration commented 4 years ago

Original comment by Alfredo Bencomo (Bitbucket: bencomo).

osrf-migration commented 4 years ago

Original comment by Alfredo Bencomo (Bitbucket: bencomo).

osrf-migration commented 4 years ago

Original comment by Alfredo Bencomo (Bitbucket: bencomo).

osrf-migration commented 4 years ago

Original comment by Sophisticated Engineering (Bitbucket: sopheng).

Sorry for not responding to this FAQ until now. This was a very good idea. But meanwhile we were able to already do this transition and currently we do not have open issues with migrating the controllers. Our main issues are now in other areas.

So, thank you very much for this FAQ although it was not used :smirk:

osrf-migration commented 4 years ago

Original comment by Sarah Kitchen (Bitbucket: snkitche).

Some of these are questions summarizing some of the issues that have come up over the last month and are here for completeness. Some are more requests than questions. Also, I haven’t gone through the wiki in the last few days, so some of the content here may be answered adequately already. In any case, included for completeness:

  1. Give an overview of major changes from the gazebo9 subt. What should we expect to be the same and what should we expect to not be the same? Specifically, what functionalities were *deliberately* removed or altered?
  2. Make a transition guide with updates we may need to make to our code to account for *deliberate* changes (e.g. the tf tree/REP-105 issue)
  3. Give complete instructions on how you expect solutions to be presented: E.g. one docker container per robot on team, implemented in which docker container? Is the subt_shell container the base container? For each agent? Can you make a streamlined container that *only* has the packages in the tunnel_circuit branch that are allowed/required for interfacing with the subt simulation and bridge containers?
  4. How do you want us to launch our solution controller in our solution docker container? Is it ok to start our nodes with a launch file or are you expecting something else?
  5. Why do we need a different docker for each agent? Why can't we launch all controllers simultaneously with one launch file in one solution docker container? Asking primarily because this is different from how we develop in a catkin_ws.
  6. Do I need to learn how to build .ign files to launch my controller? (No, use the subt .ign files to launch the subt simulator and regular launch files to launch any ROS nodes you're interested in using)
  7. Is the catkin install being deprecated? Moving forward after the tunnel circuit will we be expected to do all development in dockers?
  8. Which tiles and artifact models in the Tech Repo are being used for the Tunnel Circuit competition? (Answer is somewhere in the issues.)
  9. When should we expect a feature freeze for the tunnel circuit? What changes are you expecting to make between now and then? Keep an up-to-date development roadmap - it will help us with our own planning.
osrf-migration commented 4 years ago

Original comment by Alfredo Bencomo (Bitbucket: bencomo).

osrf-migration commented 4 years ago

Original comment by Alfredo Bencomo (Bitbucket: bencomo).

Hi Sarah,

Thank you for the feedback, good questions. Please see answers/comments below.

Q1 and Q2. I’ll get back to you on those later.

Q3. Notice that you will be creating and submitting Docker images and NOT containers. See this PR for more details. (tutorial will come after merge).

Q4 & Q6. I suggest starting with this tutorial as a “template”.

Q5. You can either create a single Docker image for all your agents (as shown in the above PR) or a Docker image for each agent. That is up to each team.

Q7. No, the catkin install is NOT being deprecated. However, we do encourage teams to use the Docker image to run the SubT Virtual Simulator; while you continue developing your solution in your local catkin workspace and later spinning out Docker image(s) of your solution to be tested with Docker Composer before submitting it onto the Clousim (as shown below).

Q8. All of them.

Q9. We are currently in feature freeze for the tunnel circuit.

osrf-migration commented 4 years ago

Original comment by Alfredo Bencomo (Bitbucket: bencomo).

osrf-migration commented 4 years ago

Original comment by Sarah Kitchen (Bitbucket: snkitche).

I don’t think “All of them” is the correct answer to Q8. For example, you have tiles for the urban circuit in the repo. But also, there are tunnel circuit tiles that are not used in the practice worlds, and look substantially different (or did a few days ago, at least). There are also artifacts (radio, caving helmet), which are not specified as tunnel circuit artifacts in the competition guide.

osrf-migration commented 4 years ago

Original comment by Alfredo Bencomo (Bitbucket: bencomo).


For competition specific questions, then I suggest you ask in the community forum.


osrf-migration commented 4 years ago

Original comment by Sophisticated Engineering (Bitbucket: sopheng).

Where can I find the answers to Q1 & Q2?

osrf-migration commented 4 years ago

Original comment by Alfredo Bencomo (Bitbucket: bencomo).

For Q1, we are still working on it.

For Q2, teams might have already adapted to the way things are, and worked around by using cartographer as suggested here. We can revisit for Urban though.

osrf-migration commented 4 years ago

Original comment by Sophisticated Engineering (Bitbucket: sopheng).

OK, no problem. I just thought I missed something because the status was changed to RESOLVED.

osrf-migration commented 4 years ago

Original comment by Sarah Kitchen (Bitbucket: snkitche).

Regarding Q2, I was not making any request about the TF tree issue. Rather, I was making a general suggestion of a transition guide outlining major changes that were intentional on your end with anticipated impacts on our end. For example:

Transition guide:

  1. We are not following REP-105 anymore. The tf tree you should expect to use instead should look like [whatever]. You may have to rename frame ids to account for this.
  2. [Some other major change]
  3. [etc]

We have been finding these all out for ourselves over time and posting issues as necessary, but I’m assuming you have a list of major changes maintained internally, so my Q2 is really just a suggestion that you expose the “need to knows” of that internal list to us. You could consider including this as part of Q1.

osrf-migration commented 4 years ago

Original comment by Alfredo Bencomo (Bitbucket: bencomo).