This is a proposal - would welcome improvements and comments.
As a first prototype, having the following simple capability would provide teams with a tool to prototype the way their autonomy deals with underwater acoustic beacons used in RobotX.
Provides a simulated measurement of the range, azimuth and elevation between a specific model link and a fixed point (defined as location in gazebo coordinates)
with user configured uncertainty in each of the three dimensions
at a user configured update rate (0.5 - 2 Hz)
Teams have to develop this functionality using a variety of methods (e.g., hydrophone arrays and beam forming), but we can use a higher abstraction for the purposes of developing autonomy.
The description above is a sufficient first step. A couple of next-step extensions to increase fidelity, might include
Uncertainty model should include Gaussian uncertainty, but could also include a probability of an outlier and/or dropout - which is typical of acoustic means.
Ranges are subject to line-of-sight visibility (probably too detailed for RobotX)
Original report (archived issue) by Brian Bingham (Bitbucket: brian_bingham).
This is a proposal - would welcome improvements and comments.
As a first prototype, having the following simple capability would provide teams with a tool to prototype the way their autonomy deals with underwater acoustic beacons used in RobotX.
Teams have to develop this functionality using a variety of methods (e.g., hydrophone arrays and beam forming), but we can use a higher abstraction for the purposes of developing autonomy.
The description above is a sufficient first step. A couple of next-step extensions to increase fidelity, might include