Closed AlexWUrobot closed 2 years ago
Hi @AlexWUrobot , I can't reproduce this issue. I'm compiling the current master
branch, and then:
roslaunch vrx_gazebo vrx.launch
roslaunch wamv_gazebo rviz_vrx.launch
And I see lidar measurements in RViz:
I can also echo the topic /wamv/sensors/lidars/lidar_wamv/points
and get data.
Are you testing in a different way?
I can confirm that I am having the same problem as @AlexWUrobot. I ran the exact same commands as you, @caguero :
roslaunch vrx_gazebo vrx.launch roslaunch wamv_gazebo rviz_vrx.launch rostopic echo /wamv/sensors/lidars/lidar_wamv/points
The last command returns:
WARNING: no messages received and simulated time is active. Is /clock being published?
Could you describe your installation please?
It is the master branch from 2 days ago
I also used the updated urdf generation with the components consisting of:
1 GPS 1 IMU 3 VLP-16 lidars Thrusters in default configuration
When I run the command:
roslaunch vrx_gazebo vrx.launch urdf:=/home/username/my_wamv/my_wamv.urdf
I do not receive topics for the gps, imu, or lidar.
@caguero thank you very much for your reply. I try to type your launch command and check rostopic, but it only provide 2D lidar information like the below lines ''' rostopic info /wamv/sensors/lidars/lidar_wamv/points Type: sensor_msgs/LaserScan ''' Usually it should be like ''' Type: sensor_msgs/PointCloud2.msg ''' which a 3D lidar should provide.
That is strange because when I run:
roslaunch vrx_gazebo vrx.launch
roslaunch wamv_gazebo rviz_vrx.launch
rostopic info /wamv/sensors/lidars/lidar_wamv/points
It says that the type is sensor_msgs/PointCloud2 just like it should be.
But I am still not receiving data from this topic.
Make sure Velodyne 3d lidar ros simulator is installed on your computer: sudo apt install ros-noetic-velodyne-simulator
@EdisonPricehan that solved the lidar problem, but I'm still not receiving GPS or IMU data. Do those have similar dependencies?
It should be ros-noetic-hector-gazebo-plugins
@caguero thank you. Now everything works for me.
Are those package installs included in the VRX setup documentation? If so, I apologize for not conducting a thorough enough search. If not, they should be added to the documentation. Thanks again!
They are :)
Checkout the dependencies detailed in
Please reopen if needed, it looks like this was a problem of not installing some of the dependencies.
We use the latest vrx model and find that the lidar sensor doesn't work, even though we enable lidar sensor in launch file or xacro file.
A similar issue happened in 2019.