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Update Follow-the-path scoring #635

Closed caguero closed 1 year ago

caguero commented 1 year ago

Fixes #623 .

This patch updates the Follow-the-path task according to the discussion in issue #623 .

How to test it?

Launch the teleoperation node:

ros2 launch vrx_gz usv_joy_teleop.py

Launch a practice world. E.g.:

ros2 launch vrx_gz competition.launch.py world:=practice_2022_follow_path2_task

Verify the following things:

Some notes:

M1chaelM commented 1 year ago
  • Make sure that if you invalidate a gate (crossing it backwards), it no longer produces points even if you later cross it properly.

@caguero In the documentation it says going backwards across a gate will result in a deduction of 5 points. "Invalidating" the gate is an interesting alternative. In this case, what happens if you go through a gate correctly and then go through it backward?

caguero commented 1 year ago
  • Make sure that if you invalidate a gate (crossing it backwards), it no longer produces points even if you later cross it properly.

@caguero In the documentation it says going backwards across a gate will result in a deduction of 5 points. "Invalidating" the gate is an interesting alternative. In this case, what happens if you go through a gate correctly and then go through it backward?

Oh, I see. We can add the penalty as well. Currently, it doesn´t grant you any points and reset the bonus for crossing consecutive gates.

M1chaelM commented 1 year ago

Here is the output I got from running through world 1, crossing all 6 gates in order and hitting one obstacle:

[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Dbg] [NavigationScoringPlugin.cc:509] New gate crossed!
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Dbg] [NavigationScoringPlugin.cc:539] Score: 10
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Dbg] [NavigationScoringPlugin.cc:509] New gate crossed!
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Dbg] [NavigationScoringPlugin.cc:519] Num consecutive gates: 0
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Dbg] [NavigationScoringPlugin.cc:532] New bonus: 1
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Dbg] [NavigationScoringPlugin.cc:539] Score: 21
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Dbg] [ScoringPlugin.cc:631] [1] New collision counted between [wamv::wamv/base_link::wamv/base_link_fixed_joint_lump__right_float_collision_12] and [short_navigation_course_1::red_bound_1::link::collision_outer]
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Dbg] [NavigationScoringPlugin.cc:472] New penalty. score: 18
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Dbg] [NavigationScoringPlugin.cc:509] New gate crossed!
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Dbg] [NavigationScoringPlugin.cc:519] Num consecutive gates: 1
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Dbg] [NavigationScoringPlugin.cc:532] New bonus: 2
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Dbg] [NavigationScoringPlugin.cc:539] Score: 30
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Dbg] [NavigationScoringPlugin.cc:509] New gate crossed!
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Dbg] [NavigationScoringPlugin.cc:519] Num consecutive gates: 2
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Dbg] [NavigationScoringPlugin.cc:532] New bonus: 4
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Dbg] [NavigationScoringPlugin.cc:539] Score: 44
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Dbg] [NavigationScoringPlugin.cc:509] New gate crossed!
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Dbg] [NavigationScoringPlugin.cc:519] Num consecutive gates: 3
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Dbg] [NavigationScoringPlugin.cc:532] New bonus: 7
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Dbg] [NavigationScoringPlugin.cc:539] Score: 61
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Dbg] [NavigationScoringPlugin.cc:509] New gate crossed!
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Dbg] [NavigationScoringPlugin.cc:519] Num consecutive gates: 4
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Dbg] [NavigationScoringPlugin.cc:532] New bonus: 11
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Dbg] [NavigationScoringPlugin.cc:539] Score: 82
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Dbg] [NavigationScoringPlugin.cc:545] Course completed!

It seems like the number of consecutive gates crossed is off by 2.

M1chaelM commented 1 year ago

Oh, I see. We can add the penalty as well. Currently, it doesn´t grant you any points and reset the bonus for crossing consecutive gates.

OK, if we are going to deduct a penalty I'm not sure whether we should also invalidate the gate. Not that it's unreasonable, but it just seems like a lot of rules. What do you think? Do we need it?

caguero commented 1 year ago

OK, if we are going to deduct a penalty I'm not sure whether we should also invalidate the gate. Not that it's unreasonable, but it just seems like a lot of rules. What do you think? Do we need it?

The main reason is to avoid a situation where you cross a gate backwards, and then forward getting 5 points. It seems wrong not to approach it the way it's supposed to be.

caguero commented 1 year ago

It seems like the number of consecutive gates crossed is off by 2.

I just tweaked the message. It should now be:

[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Dbg] [NavigationScoringPlugin.cc:519] Num consecutive gates: 1
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Dbg] [NavigationScoringPlugin.cc:519] Num consecutive gates: 2
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Dbg] [NavigationScoringPlugin.cc:519] Num consecutive gates: 3
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Dbg] [NavigationScoringPlugin.cc:519] Num consecutive gates: 4
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Dbg] [NavigationScoringPlugin.cc:519] Num consecutive gates: 5

Note that in a 6-gate course, we should have a maximum of 5 consecutive gates.

caguero commented 1 year ago

OK, if we are going to deduct a penalty I'm not sure whether we should also invalidate the gate. Not that it's unreasonable, but it just seems like a lot of rules. What do you think? Do we need it?

The main reason is to avoid a situation where you cross a gate backwards, and then forward getting 5 points. It seems wrong not to approach it the way it's supposed to be.

Maybe a penalty of 10 points so the overall effect is 0 when you cross it forward in the right direction?

M1chaelM commented 1 year ago

Note that in a 6-gate course, we should have a maximum of 5 consecutive gates.

I think the standard meaning of "you passed through 5 consecutive gates" is that there were 5 gates total, rather than 6. For example, if you win a contest for 3 consecutive years, it means that you won it 3 times and the years came right after another. Usually no one says "1 consecutive ____," so the numbering should start at 2.

M1chaelM commented 1 year ago

Maybe a penalty of 10 points so the overall effect is 0 when you cross it forward in the right direction?

Ah, it's so tricky because I'm thinking about a time that crosses correctly first and then is blown back through the gate. For them, 10 seems too much. This in convincing me that the way you did it originally is probably better.

How about we keep it the way you did it and I'll just update the documentation.

To make sure I understand correctly, this would mean that we skip the point penalty entirely. If you go through a gate in the wrong direction it becomes invalidated. If you've already crossed it correctly, you get to keep your points but your consecutive gate count goes back to 0.

caguero commented 1 year ago

Note that in a 6-gate course, we should have a maximum of 5 consecutive gates.

I think the standard meaning of "you passed through 5 consecutive gates" is that there were 5 gates total, rather than 6. For example, if you win a contest for 3 consecutive years, it means that you won it 3 times and the years came right after another. Usually no one says "1 consecutive ____," so the numbering should start at 2.

That makes sense, thanks for the clarification.

caguero commented 1 year ago

To make sure I understand correctly, this would mean that we skip the point penalty entirely. If you go through a gate in the wrong direction it becomes invalidated. If you've already crossed it correctly, you get to keep your points but your consecutive gate count goes back to 0.

I just updated the code and here are some notes that hopefully will clarify the current score.

  1. You can only cross one gate one time. If you cross it properly, you get your 10 points, otherwise 0.
  2. After crossing a gate (properly or in the wrong direction), the gate "disappears" for scoring purposes.
  3. An invalid gate cross will reset the consecutive gates count. You'll need two new consecutive gates crossed to start getting a bonus.

As a consequence of (1) and (2):

And answering your questions:

M1chaelM commented 1 year ago

OK, making the gates "disappear" seems fine. Thanks for explaining.

  • Crossing the first gate backwards will enable the course.
  • Crossing the last gate backwards will terminate the task.

This doesn't seem like the behavior we want. Can we make an exception for the first gate? I think the course should not be enabled until the first gate is crossed in the correct direction. I'm on the fence about what should happen if you cross the last gate backward, but maybe it's better to terminate the run than to say it's no longer possible to complete the run.

caguero commented 1 year ago

This doesn't seem like the behavior we want. Can we make an exception for the first gate? I think the course should not be enabled until the first gate is crossed in the correct direction. I'm on the fence about what should happen if you cross the last gate backward, but maybe it's better to terminate the run than to say it's no longer possible to complete the run.

But if we make an exception with the first gate, you could approach it backwards and then, move forward a bit "enabling" the course. Is that something that we want?

M1chaelM commented 1 year ago

But if we make an exception with the first gate, you could approach it backwards and then, move forward a bit "enabling" the course. Is that something that we want?

Let's discuss but I guess the short answer is I think it's OK. I think it's an unlikely case either way, given the courses we tend to build.

M1chaelM commented 1 year ago

@caguero Since this comment is long I added a summary of what I'm actually proposing to the top. If this works for you let me know and I'll update the documentation.

Proposed Scoring


Per our discussion yesterday I calculated the outcomes of all possible paths through a 9-gate course using the "sum of runs" bonus. This method assigns a bonus equal to the sum of the lengths of all "runs", where a run is defined as any group of 2 or more consecutive gates the team traversed correctly.

The idea behind this metric is to reward staying on course. It was proposed to eliminate some of the arbitrariness of the "longest run bonus," which had the same goal but artificially increases the cost of missing a gate in the middle of the run.

Unfortunately, the "sum of runs" approach also produces a similar effect around the edges of the course. In particular, missing the second gate or the second to last gate is worse than missing the 3rd or 3rd to last gate because there are not enough gates on either side to form a run. E.g a team that misses just gate 2


would score 87 (80+7 bonus), but a team that misses just gate 3


would score 88 (80+2 bonus + 6 bonus).

Looking at this helped to clarify for me that what we really want is to discourage teams from going off course and back on many times. I think the best way to do this is the consecutive pair bonus you originally proposed, in which a team gets a bonus for passing through a gate if they also passed through the previous gate. This only leaves one edge case: if the team misses only one gate they will do better if it's the last gate, since there is no bonus to lose. This means that


would score 87 (80+7 bonus), but a team that misses just gate 3 (or any gate but the last one)


would score 86 (80 + 1 + 5). This one case can be addressed by giving a bonus point for going through the last gate. I've persuaded myself that this scoring does a reasonably good job of capturing what we're trying to incentive by calculating it for all possible paths and looking through the results to check qualitatively that it rewards the teams that do a better job of staying on course.

caguero commented 1 year ago

@caguero Since this comment is long I added a summary of what I'm actually proposing to the top. If this works for you let me know and I'll update the documentation.

Proposed Scoring

  • 10 points for each gate
  • 1 bonus point for correctly traversing a gate if the previous gate was also traversed.
  • 1 bonus point for completing the course (passing through the last gate)
  • 3 point deduction for each obstacle.
  • Break ties by time.

Thanks for the detailed explanation and the exercise figuring out the right scoring scheme. I just updated the code with the new strategy, looks good to me. 5d64919

M1chaelM commented 1 year ago

Everything is looking good except one rule we had in the documentation, which is that you can't skip a gate, pass through the next one, and then go back and get the gate you skipped. What we say in the documentation is:

A team may miss one or more gates and still receive points for traversing gates that come later in the course; however, once a gate is crossed, no further points will be awarded for crossing gates that come before it.

I think we should enforce this rule whenever a gate is crossed correctly OR incorrectly. What do you think?

caguero commented 1 year ago

Everything is looking good except one rule we had in the documentation, which is that you can't skip a gate, pass through the next one, and then go back and get the gate you skipped. What we say in the documentation is:

A team may miss one or more gates and still receive points for traversing gates that come later in the course; however, once a gate is crossed, no further points will be awarded for crossing gates that come before it.

I think we should enforce this rule whenever a gate is crossed correctly OR incorrectly. What do you think?

Just to be clear, no penalty either right?

I'm not 100% sure about it. What's the spirit of that rule? It gives the option to the teams to recover, which looks positive to me.

caguero commented 1 year ago


As discussed offline, I've disabled the gates not crossed right before an already crossed gate.