osrf / vrx

Virtual RobotX (VRX) resources.
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Low RTF / Docker #741

Closed JunghwanRo closed 9 months ago

JunghwanRo commented 9 months ago

Describe the bug With the basic tutorial, I could run the VRX simulation on Docker. But the RTF is 5.0 ~ 6.0, which is really low and slow. Am using a laptop with RTX3080

Expected behavior get at least 60~100 RTF

To Reproduce List the steps to reproduce the problem: 1. . ~/rocker_venv/bin/activate

  1. cd ~/dockwater ./run.bash dockwater:humble

  2. source /opt/ros/humble/setup.bash

  3. cd ~/vrx_ws colcon build --merge-install

  4. cd ~/vrx_ws . install/setup.bash

  5. ros2 launch vrx_gz competition.launch.py world:=sydney_regatta

System Configuration: Tell us about your system.

Screenshots If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem. (If the problem is terminal output, it is better to cut and paste the text than to take a screenshot.)

julia@JULIA:~$ . ~/rocker_venv/bin/activate (rocker_venv) julia@JULIA:~$ (rocker_venv) julia@JULIA:~$ cd ~/dockwater (rocker_venv) julia@JULIA:~/dockwater$ ./run.bash dockwater:humble Using image to start container Extension volume doesn't support default arguments. Please extend it. Active extensions ['dev_helpers', 'devices', 'git', 'home', 'name', 'nvidia', 'x11', 'user'] Step 1/6 : FROM golang:1.19 as detector ---> 80b76a6c918c Step 2/6 : RUN git clone -q https://github.com/dekobon/distro-detect.git && cd distro-detect && git checkout -q 5f5b9c724b9d9a117732d2a4292e6288905734e1 && CGO_ENABLED=0 go build . ---> Using cache ---> e7db1b6732f8 Step 3/6 : FROM dockwater:humble ---> 6049594a4c51 Step 4/6 : COPY --from=detector /go/distro-detect/distro-detect /tmp/detect_os ---> 1832c6e70ea6 Step 5/6 : ENTRYPOINT [ "/tmp/detect_os", "-format", "json-one-line" ] ---> Running in 18b8e8a3750b Removing intermediate container 18b8e8a3750b ---> 98fcb8f3031d Step 6/6 : CMD [ "" ] ---> Running in d96cc1c4fbff Removing intermediate container d96cc1c4fbff ---> 737324bd06f0 Successfully built 737324bd06f0 Successfully tagged rocker:os_detect_dockwater_humble running, docker run -it --rm 737324bd06f0 output: {"name":"Ubuntu","id":"ubuntu","version":"22.04","lsb_release":{"DISTRIB_CODENAME":"jammy","DISTRIB_DESCRIPTION":"Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS","DISTRIB_ID":"Ubuntu","DISTRIB_RELEASE":"22.04"},"os_release":{"BUG_REPORT_URL":"https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/","HOME_URL":"https://www.ubuntu.com/","ID":"ubuntu","ID_LIKE":"debian","NAME":"Ubuntu","PRETTY_NAME":"Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS","PRIVACY_POLICY_URL":"https://www.ubuntu.com/legal/terms-and-policies/privacy-policy","SUPPORT_URL":"https://help.ubuntu.com/","UBUNTU_CODENAME":"jammy","VERSION":"22.04.3 LTS (Jammy Jellyfish)","VERSION_CODENAME":"jammy","VERSION_ID":"22.04"}}

Writing dockerfile to /tmp/tmpn_a0djg5/Dockerfile vvvvvv

Preamble from extension [dev_helpers]

Preamble from extension [devices]

Preamble from extension [git]

Preamble from extension [home]

Preamble from extension [name]

Preamble from extension [nvidia]

Ubuntu 16.04 with nvidia-docker2 beta opengl support

FROM nvidia/opengl:1.0-glvnd-devel-ubuntu18.04 as glvnd

Preamble from extension [x11]

Preamble from extension [user]

FROM dockwater:humble USER root

Snippet from extension [dev_helpers]

workspace development helpers

RUN apt-get update \ && apt-get install -y \ byobu \ emacs \ && apt-get clean

Snippet from extension [devices]

Snippet from extension [git]

Snippet from extension [home]

Snippet from extension [name]

Snippet from extension [nvidia]

RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends \ libglvnd0 \ libgl1 \ libglx0 \ libegl1 \ libgles2 \ && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* COPY --from=glvnd /usr/share/glvnd/egl_vendor.d/10_nvidia.json /usr/share/glvnd/egl_vendor.d/10_nvidia.json


Snippet from extension [x11]

Snippet from extension [user]

make sure sudo is installed to be able to give user sudo access in docker

RUN if ! command -v sudo >/dev/null; then \ apt-get update \ && apt-get install -y sudo \ && apt-get clean; \ fi

RUN existing_user_by_uid=getent passwd "1000" | cut -f1 -d: || true && \ if [ -n "${existing_user_by_uid}" ]; then userdel -r "${existing_user_by_uid}"; fi && \ existing_user_by_name=getent passwd "julia" | cut -f1 -d: || true && \ existing_user_uid=getent passwd "julia" | cut -f3 -d: || true && \ if [ -n "${existing_user_by_name}" ]; then find / -uid ${existing_user_uid} -exec chown -h 1000 {} + || true ; find / -gid ${existing_user_uid} -exec chgrp -h 1000 {} + || true ; fi && \ if [ -n "${existing_user_by_name}" ]; then userdel -r "${existing_user_by_name}"; fi && \ existing_group_by_gid=getent group "1000" | cut -f1 -d: || true && \ if [ -z "${existing_group_by_gid}" ]; then \ groupadd -g "1000" "julia"; \ fi && \ useradd --no-log-init --no-create-home --uid "1000" -s /bin/bash -c "Junghwan Ro,,," -g "1000" -d "/home/julia" "julia" && \ echo "julia ALL=NOPASSWD: ALL" >> /etc/sudoers.d/rocker

Commands below run as the developer user

USER julia WORKDIR /home/julia

^^^^^^ Building docker file with arguments: {'path': '/tmp/tmpn_a0djg5', 'rm': True, 'nocache': False, 'pull': False} building > Step 1/12 : FROM nvidia/opengl:1.0-glvnd-devel-ubuntu18.04 as glvnd building > ---> 9d806b36b807 building > Step 2/12 : FROM dockwater:humble building > ---> 6049594a4c51 building > Step 3/12 : USER root building > ---> Using cache building > ---> a978e620065b building > Step 4/12 : RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y byobu emacs && apt-get clean building > ---> Using cache building > ---> d0523f196446 building > Step 5/12 : RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends libglvnd0 libgl1 libglx0 libegl1 libgles2 && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* building > ---> Using cache building > ---> 2cdc29a68898 building > Step 6/12 : COPY --from=glvnd /usr/share/glvnd/egl_vendor.d/10_nvidia.json /usr/share/glvnd/egl_vendor.d/10_nvidia.json building > ---> Using cache building > ---> cc93c14a4cbd building > Step 7/12 : ENV NVIDIA_VISIBLE_DEVICES ${NVIDIA_VISIBLE_DEVICES:-all} building > ---> Using cache building > ---> 765975bc20cb building > Step 8/12 : ENV NVIDIA_DRIVER_CAPABILITIES ${NVIDIA_DRIVER_CAPABILITIES:-all} building > ---> Using cache building > ---> 3220a130b312 building > Step 9/12 : RUN if ! command -v sudo >/dev/null; then apt-get update && apt-get install -y sudo && apt-get clean; fi building > ---> Using cache building > ---> 10b5f060bbdd building > Step 10/12 : RUN existing_user_by_uid=getent passwd "1000" | cut -f1 -d: || true && if [ -n "${existing_user_by_uid}" ]; then userdel -r "${existing_user_by_uid}"; fi && existing_user_by_name=getent passwd "julia" | cut -f1 -d: || true && existing_user_uid=getent passwd "julia" | cut -f3 -d: || true && if [ -n "${existing_user_by_name}" ]; then find / -uid ${existing_user_uid} -exec chown -h 1000 {} + || true ; find / -gid ${existing_user_uid} -exec chgrp -h 1000 {} + || true ; fi && if [ -n "${existing_user_by_name}" ]; then userdel -r "${existing_user_by_name}"; fi && existing_group_by_gid=getent group "1000" | cut -f1 -d: || true && if [ -z "${existing_group_by_gid}" ]; then groupadd -g "1000" "julia"; fi && useradd --no-log-init --no-create-home --uid "1000" -s /bin/bash -c "Junghwan Ro,,," -g "1000" -d "/home/julia" "julia" && echo "julia ALL=NOPASSWD: ALL" >> /etc/sudoers.d/rocker building > ---> Using cache building > ---> 3b3a82d4776b building > Step 11/12 : USER julia building > ---> Using cache building > ---> fe0b2cc56daa building > Step 12/12 : WORKDIR /home/julia building > ---> Using cache building > ---> 5ebdc68c913f building > Successfully built 5ebdc68c913f Executing command: docker run --rm -it --device /dev/input/js0 -v /home/julia:/home/julia --name dockwater_humble_runtime --gpus all -e DISPLAY -e TERM -e QT_X11_NO_MITSHM=1 -e XAUTHORITY=/tmp/.dockern06xn8qh.xauth -v /tmp/.dockern06xn8qh.xauth:/tmp/.dockern06xn8qh.xauth -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix -v /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro 5ebdc68c913f julia@4861fbcac44e:~$ source /opt/ros/humble/setup.bash julia@4861fbcac44e:~$ cd ~/vrx_ws julia@4861fbcac44e:~/vrx_ws$ . install/setup.bash julia@4861fbcac44e:~/vrx_ws$ ros2 launch vrx_gz competition.launch.py world:=sydney_regatta [INFO] [launch]: All log files can be found below /home/julia/.ros/log/2023-09-27-17-29-02-404803-4861fbcac44e-82 [INFO] [launch]: Default logging verbosity is set to INFO ['xacro', '/home/julia/vrx_ws/install/share/wamv_gazebo/urdf/wamv_gazebo.urdf.xacro', 'namespace:=wamv', 'locked:=true', 'vrx_sensors_enabled:=true', 'thruster_config:=H'] [INFO] [ruby $(which gz) sim-1]: process started with pid [85] [INFO] [monitor_sim-2]: process started with pid [88] [INFO] [create-3]: process started with pid [90] [INFO] [parameter_bridge-4]: process started with pid [93] [create-3] [INFO] [1695828542.947780795] [ros_gz_sim]: Requesting list of world names. [parameter_bridge-4] [INFO] [1695828542.955205700] [ros_gz_bridge]: Creating GZ->ROS Bridge: [/clock (ignition.msgs.Clock) -> /clock (rosgraph_msgs/msg/Clock)] (Lazy 0) [parameter_bridge-4] [INFO] [1695828542.955621111] [ros_gz_bridge]: Creating GZ->ROS Bridge: [/vrx/task/info (ignition.msgs.Param) -> /vrx/task/info (ros_gz_interfaces/msg/ParamVec)] (Lazy 0) [parameter_bridge-4] [INFO] [1695828542.956400131] [ros_gz_bridge]: Creating GZ->ROS Bridge: [/vrx/debug/wind/speed (ignition.msgs.Float) -> /vrx/debug/wind/speed (std_msgs/msg/Float32)] (Lazy 0) [parameter_bridge-4] [INFO] [1695828542.956650652] [ros_gz_bridge]: Creating GZ->ROS Bridge: [/vrx/debug/wind/direction (ignition.msgs.Float) -> /vrx/debug/wind/direction (std_msgs/msg/Float32)] (Lazy 0) [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] QStandardPaths: XDG_RUNTIME_DIR not set, defaulting to '/tmp/runtime-julia' [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Wrn] [LocalCache.cc:105] Server directory does not exist [/home/julia/.gz/fuel/fuel.ignitionrobotics.org] [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] MESA: error: Failed to query drm device. [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] libGL error: glx: failed to create dri3 screen [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] libGL error: failed to load driver: iris [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] libGL error: failed to open /dev/dri/card0: No such file or directory [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] libGL error: failed to load driver: iris [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Wrn] [LocalCache.cc:105] Server directory does not exist [/home/julia/.gz/fuel/fuel.ignitionrobotics.org] [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Wrn] [LocalCache.cc:105] Server directory does not exist [/home/julia/.gz/fuel/fuel.ignitionrobotics.org] [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Wrn] [LocalCache.cc:105] Server directory does not exist [/home/julia/.gz/fuel/fuel.ignitionrobotics.org] [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Wrn] [LocalCache.cc:105] Server directory does not exist [/home/julia/.gz/fuel/fuel.ignitionrobotics.org] [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Wrn] [LocalCache.cc:105] Server directory does not exist [/home/julia/.gz/fuel/fuel.ignitionrobotics.org] [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Dbg] [gz.cc:163] Subscribing to [/gazebo/starting_world]. [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Dbg] [gz.cc:165] Waiting for a world to be set from the GUI... [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Msg] Received world [sydney_regatta.sdf] from the GUI. [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Dbg] [gz.cc:169] Unsubscribing from [/gazebo/starting_world]. [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Msg] Gazebo Sim Server v7.5.0 [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Msg] Loading SDF world file[/home/julia/vrx_ws/install/share/vrx_gz/worlds/sydney_regatta.sdf]. [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Msg] Serving entity system service on [/entity/system/add] [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Dbg] [Physics.cc:870] Loaded [gz::physics::dartsim::Plugin] from library [/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/gz-physics-6/engine-plugins/libgz-physics-dartsim-plugin.so] [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Dbg] [SystemManager.cc:74] Loaded system [gz::sim::systems::Physics] for entity [1] [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Msg] Create service on [/world/sydney_regatta/create] [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Msg] Remove service on [/world/sydney_regatta/remove] [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Msg] Pose service on [/world/sydney_regatta/set_pose] [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Msg] Pose service on [/world/sydney_regatta/set_pose_vector] [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Msg] Light configuration service on [/world/sydney_regatta/light_config] [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Msg] Physics service on [/world/sydney_regatta/set_physics] [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Msg] SphericalCoordinates service on [/world/sydney_regatta/set_spherical_coordinates] [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Msg] Enable collision service on [/world/sydney_regatta/enable_collision] [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Msg] Disable collision service on [/world/sydney_regatta/disable_collision] [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Msg] Material service on [/world/sydney_regatta/visual_config] [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Msg] Material service on [/world/sydney_regatta/wheel_slip] [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Dbg] [SystemManager.cc:74] Loaded system [gz::sim::systems::UserCommands] for entity [1] [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Dbg] [Sensors.cc:501] Configuring Sensors system [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Dbg] [Sensors.cc:420] SensorsPrivate::Run [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Dbg] [SystemManager.cc:74] Loaded system [gz::sim::systems::Sensors] for entity [1] [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Dbg] [Sensors.cc:397] SensorsPrivate::RenderThread started [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Dbg] [Sensors.cc:243] Waiting for init [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Dbg] [SystemManager.cc:74] Loaded system [gz::sim::systems::Imu] for entity [1] [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Dbg] [SystemManager.cc:74] Loaded system [gz::sim::systems::Magnetometer] for entity [1] [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Dbg] [SystemManager.cc:74] Loaded system [gz::sim::systems::ForceTorque] for entity [1] [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Msg] Serving particle emitter information on [/world/sydney_regatta/particle_emitters] [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Dbg] [SystemManager.cc:74] Loaded system [gz::sim::systems::ParticleEmitter2] for entity [1] [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Dbg] [SystemManager.cc:74] Loaded system [gz::sim::systems::SceneBroadcaster] for entity [1] [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Dbg] [SystemManager.cc:74] Loaded system [gz::sim::systems::Contact] for entity [1] [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Dbg] [SystemManager.cc:74] Loaded system [gz::sim::systems::NavSat] for entity [1] [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Dbg] [USVWind.cc:160] wamv loaded [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Msg] Wind direction unit vector = -0.5 -0.866025 0 [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Msg] Wind mean velocity = 0 [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Msg] var wind gain constants = 0 [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Msg] var wind time constants = 2 [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Msg] update rate = 10 [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Msg] topic wind speed = /vrx/debug/wind/speed [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Msg] topic wind direction = /vrx/debug/wind/direction [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Msg] Random seed value = 10 [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Msg] Var wind filter gain = 0 [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Dbg] [SystemManager.cc:74] Loaded system [vrx::USVWind] for entity [1] [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Dbg] [SystemManager.cc:74] Loaded system [vrx::PublisherPlugin] for entity [1] [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Msg] Input Parameters: [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Msg] model: PMS [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Msg] number: 3 [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Msg] scale: 1.1 [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Msg] Derived Parameters: [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Msg] amplitudes: 0.121167, 0.130759, 0.128568, [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Msg] wavenumbers: 0.133171, 0.161136, 0.194975, [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Msg] omegas: 1.1424, 1.25664, 1.3823, [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Msg] periods: [Msg] 5.5, [Msg] 5, [Msg] 4.54545, [Msg] [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Msg] phases: 0, 0, 0, [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Msg] steepnesses: 0, 0, 0, [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Msg] directions: [Msg] 0.921061 -0.389418; [Msg] 1 0; [Msg] 0.921061 0.389418; [Msg] [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Dbg] [SystemManager.cc:74] Loaded system [vrx::WaveVisual] for entity [17] [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Msg] Input Parameters: [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Msg] model: PMS [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Msg] directions: [Msg] 0.921061 -0.389418; [Msg] 1 0; [Msg] 0.921061 0.389418; [Msg] [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Dbg] [SystemManager.cc:74] Loaded system [vrx::PolyhedraBuoyancyDrag] for entity [18] [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Msg] directions: [Msg] 0.921061 -0.389418; [Msg] 1 0; [Msg] 0.921061 0.389418; [Msg] [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Dbg] [SystemManager.cc:74] Loaded system [vrx::PolyhedraBuoyancyDrag] for entity [23] [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Msg] directions: [Msg] 0.921061 -0.389418; [Msg] 1 0; [Msg] 0.921061 0.389418; [Msg] [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Dbg] [PolyhedraBuoyancyDrag.cc:236] Found buoyancy element(s), looking at each element... [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Dbg] [PolyhedraBuoyancyDrag.cc:248] Buoyancy object: [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] Link: link[29] [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Dbg] [SystemManager.cc:74] Loaded system [vrx::PolyhedraBuoyancyDrag] for entity [28] [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Msg] directions: [Msg] 0.921061 -0.389418; [Msg] 1 0; [Msg] 0.921061 0.389418; [Msg] [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Dbg] [PolyhedraBuoyancyDrag.cc:236] Found buoyancy element(s), looking at each element...

[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Msg] directions: [Msg] 0.921061 -0.389418; [Msg] 1 0; [Msg] 0.921061 0.389418; [Msg] [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Dbg] [PolyhedraBuoyancyDrag.cc:236] Found buoyancy element(s), looking at each element... [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Dbg] [SystemManager.cc:74] Loaded system [vrx::PolyhedraBuoyancyDrag] for entity [38] [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Msg] Derived Parameters: [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Msg] directions: [Msg] 0.921061 -0.389418; [Msg] 1 0; [Msg] 0.921061 0.389418; [Msg] [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Dbg] [PolyhedraBuoyancyDrag.cc:236] Found buoyancy element(s), looking at each element... [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Dbg] [SystemManager.cc:74] Loaded system [vrx::PolyhedraBuoyancyDrag] for entity [42] [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Msg] Input Parameters: [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Msg] model: PMS [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Msg] number: 3 [create-3] [INFO] [1695828543.980494720] [ros_gz_sim]: Requested creation of entity. [create-3] [INFO] [1695828543.980624166] [ros_gz_sim]: OK creation of entity. [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [GUI] [Wrn] [Application.cc:859] [QT] file::/EntityContextMenuPlugin/EntityContextMenuPlugin.qml:52:3: QML RenderWindowOverlay: Detected anchors on an item that is managed by a layout. This is undefined behavior; use Layout.alignment instead. [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [GUI] [Wrn] [Application.cc:859] [QT] file::/EntityContextMenuPlugin/EntityContextMenuPlugin.qml:67:3: QML EntityContextMenu: Detected anchors on an item that is managed by a layout. This is undefined behavior; use Layout.alignment instead. [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [GUI] [Wrn] [Application.cc:859] [QT] file::/EntityContextMenuPlugin/EntityContextMenuPlugin.qml:52:3: QML RenderWindowOverlay: Detected anchors on an item that is managed by a layout. This is undefined behavior; use Layout.alignment instead. [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [GUI] [Wrn] [Application.cc:859] [QT] file::/EntityContextMenuPlugin/EntityContextMenuPlugin.qml:67:3: QML EntityContextMenu: Detected anchors on an item that is managed by a layout. This is undefined behavior; use Layout.alignment instead. [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [GUI] [Wrn] [Application.cc:859] [QT] file::/EntityContextMenuPlugin/EntityContextMenuPlugin.qml:52:3: QML RenderWindowOverlay: Detected anchors on an item that is managed by a layout. This is undefined behavior; use Layout.alignment instead. [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [GUI] [Wrn] [Application.cc:859] [QT] file::/EntityContextMenuPlugin/EntityContextMenuPlugin.qml:67:3: QML EntityContextMenu: Detected anchors on an item that is managed by a layout. This is undefined behavior; use Layout.alignment instead. [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [GUI] [Wrn] [Application.cc:859] [QT] file::/EntityContextMenuPlugin/EntityContextMenuPlugin.qml:52:3: QML RenderWindowOverlay: Detected anchors on an item that is managed by a layout. This is undefined behavior; use Layout.alignment instead. textMenuPlugin/EntityContextMenuPlugin.qml:52:3: QML RenderWindowOverlay: Detected anchors on an item that is managed by a layout. This is undefined behavior; use Layout.alignment instead. [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [GUI] [Wrn] [Application.cc:859] [QT] file::/EntityContextMenuPlugin/EntityContextMenuPlugin.qml:67:3: QML EntityContextMenu: Detected anchors on an item that is managed by a layout. This is undefined behavior; use Layout.alignment instead. [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Msg] directions: [Msg] 0.921061 -0.389418; [Msg] 1 0; [Msg] 0.921061 0.389418; [Msg] [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Dbg] [PolyhedraBuoyancyDrag.cc:236] Found buoyancy element(s), looking at each element... [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Dbg] [PolyhedraBuoyancyDrag.cc:248] Buoyancy object: [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] Link: link[138] [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] Pose: 0 0 -0.02 0 0 0 [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] Geometry: Sphere:0.0285 [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] Mass: 0.04 [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] Water height: 0 [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] Water velocity: 0 [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Dbg] [SystemManager.cc:74] Loaded system [vrx::PolyhedraBuoyancyDrag] for entity [137] [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Msg] Loaded level [3] [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Msg] Serving world controls on [/world/sydney_regatta/control], [/world/sydney_regatta/control/state] and [/world/sydney_regatta/playback/control] [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Msg] Serving GUI information on [/world/sydney_regatta/gui/info] [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Msg] World [sydney_regatta] initialized with [4ms] physics profile. [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Msg] Serving world SDF generation service on [/world/sydney_regatta/generate_world_sdf] [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Msg] Serving world names on [/gazebo/worlds] [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Msg] Resource path add service on [/gazebo/resource_paths/add]. [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Msg] Resource path get service on [/gazebo/resource_paths/get]. [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Msg] Resource path resolve service on [/gazebo/resource_paths/resolve]. [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Msg] Resource paths published on [/gazebo/resource_paths]. [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Msg] Server control service on [/server_control]. [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Msg] Found no publishers on /stats, adding root stats topic [INFO] [create-3]: process has finished cleanly [pid 90] [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Msg][Msg] Gazebo Sim GUI v7.5.0 [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Dbg] [Gui.cc:260] Waiting for subscribers to [/gazebo/starting_world]... [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Dbg] [Application.cc:96] Initializing application. [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Dbg] [Application.cc:128] Qt using OpenGL graphics interface [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [GUI] [Dbg] [Application.cc:607] Create main window [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [GUI] [Dbg] [PathManager.cc:67] Requesting resource paths through [/gazebo/resource_paths/get] [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [GUI] [Dbg] [Gui.cc:340] GUI requesting list of world names. The server may be busy downloading resources. Please be patient. [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [GUI] [Dbg] [PathManager.cc:56] Received resource paths. [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [GUI] [Dbg] [Gui.cc:398] Requesting GUI from [/world/sydney_regatta/gui/info]... [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [GUI] [Dbg] [GuiRunner.cc:149] Requesting initial state from [/world/sydney_regatta/state]... [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [GUI] [Dbg] [Application.cc:459] Loading plugin [MinimalScene] [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [GUI] [Dbg] [MinimalScene.cc:657] Creating gz-rendering interface for OpenGL [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [GUI] [Dbg] [MinimalScene.cc:657] Creating gz-rendering interface for OpenGL [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [GUI] [Dbg] [MinimalScene.cc:813] Creating render thread interface for OpenGL [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [GUI] [Msg] Added plugin [3D View] to main window [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [GUI] [Msg] Loaded plugin [MinimalScene] from path [/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/gz-gui-7/plugins/libMinimalScene.so] [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [GUI] [Dbg] [Application.cc:459] Loading plugin [EntityContextMenuPlugin] [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [GUI] [Msg] Added plugin [Entity Context Menu] to main window [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [GUI] [Msg] Loaded plugin [EntityContextMenuPlugin] from path [/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/gz-sim-7/plugins/gui/libEntityContextMenuPlugin.so] [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [GUI] [Dbg] [Application.cc:459] Loading plugin [GzSceneManager] [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [GUI] [Msg] Added plugin [Scene Manager] to main window [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [GUI] [Msg] Loaded plugin [GzSceneManager] from path [/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/gz-sim-7/plugins/gui/libGzSceneManager.so] [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [GUI] [Dbg] [Application.cc:459] Loading plugin [InteractiveViewControl] [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [GUI] [Msg] Camera view controller topic advertised on [/gui/camera/view_control] [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [GUI] [Msg] Camera reference visual topic advertised on [/gui/camera/view_control/reference_visual] [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [GUI] [Msg] Camera view control sensitivity advertised on [/gui/camera/view_control/sensitivity] [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [GUI] [Msg] Added plugin [Interactive view control] to main window [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [GUI] [Msg] Loaded plugin [InteractiveViewControl] from path [/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/gz-gui-7/plugins/libInteractiveViewControl.so] [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [GUI] [Dbg] [Application.cc:459] Loading plugin [CameraTracking] [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [GUI] [Msg] Added plugin [Camera tracking] to main window [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [GUI] Found no publishers on /clock, adding root clock topic [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Dbg] [SimulationRunner.cc:493] Creating PostUpdate worker threads: 8 [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Dbg] [SimulationRunner.cc:504] Creating postupdate worker thread (0) [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Dbg] [SimulationRunner.cc:504] Creating postupdate worker thread (1) [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Dbg] [SimulationRunner.cc:504] Creating postupdate worker thread (2) [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Dbg] [SimulationRunner.cc:504] Creating postupdate worker thread (3) [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Msg] Thruster listening to commands on [wamv/thrusters/left/thrust] [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Dbg] [Thruster.cc:446] Using velocity control for propeller joint. [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Dbg] [SystemManager.cc:74] Loaded system [gz::sim::systems::Thruster] for entity [143] [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Msg] JointPositionController subscribing to Double messages on [wamv/thrusters/left/pos] [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Dbg] [JointPositionController.cc:298] [JointPositionController] system parameters: [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Dbg] [JointPositionController.cc:299] p_gain: [1] [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Dbg] [JointPositionController.cc:300] i_gain: [0.1] [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Dbg] [JointPositionController.cc:301] d_gain: [0.01] [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Dbg] [JointPositionController.cc:302] i_max: [1] [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Dbg] [JointPositionController.cc:307] Topic: [wamv/thrusters/left/pos] [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Dbg] [JointPositionController.cc:308] initial_position: [0] [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Dbg] [SystemManager.cc:74] Loaded system [gz::sim::systems::JointPositionController] for entity [143] [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Msg] Thruster listening to commands on [wamv/thrusters/right/thrust] [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Dbg] [Thruster.cc:446] Using velocity control for propeller joint. [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Dbg] [SystemManager.cc:74] Loaded system [gz::sim::systems::Thruster] for entity [143] [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Msg] JointPositionController subscribing to Double messages on [wamv/thrusters/right/pos] [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Dbg] [SystemManager.cc:74] Loaded system [gz::sim::systems::JointPositionController] for entity [143] [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Msg] directions: [Msg] 0.921061 -0.389418; [Msg] 1 0; [Msg] 0.921061 0.389418; [Msg] [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Dbg] [Surface.cc:187] Surface plugin successfully configured with the following parameters: [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Dbg] [Surface.cc:189] : wamv/base_link [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Dbg] [Surface.cc:190] : 4.9 [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Dbg] [Surface.cc:191] : 0.213 [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Dbg] [Surface.cc:192] : 0 [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Dbg] [Surface.cc:193] : 997.774 [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Dbg] [Surface.cc:194] : [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Dbg] [Surface.cc:196] [0.6 1.03 0] [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Dbg] [Surface.cc:196] [-1.4 1.03 0] [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Dbg] [SystemManager.cc:74] Loaded system [vrx::Surface] for entity [143] [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Msg] directions: [Msg] 0.921061 -0.389418; [Msg] 1 0; [Msg] 0.921061 0.389418; [Msg] [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Dbg] [Surface.cc:187] Surface plugin successfully configured with the following parameters: [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Dbg] [Surface.cc:189] : wamv/base_link [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Dbg] [Surface.cc:190] : 4.9 [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Dbg] [Surface.cc:191] : 0.213 [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Dbg] [Surface.cc:192] : 0 [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Dbg] [SystemManager.cc:74] Loaded system [vrx::Surface] for entity [143] [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Dbg] [SimpleHydrodynamics.cc:164] SimpleHydrodynamics plugin successfully configured with the following parameters: [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Dbg] [SimpleHydrodynamics.cc:166] : wamv/base_link [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Dbg] [SimpleHydrodynamics.cc:167] : 0 [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Dbg] [SimpleHydrodynamics.cc:168] : 0 [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Dbg] [SimpleHydrodynamics.cc:169] : 0.1 [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Dbg] [SimpleHydrodynamics.cc:170] : 0.1 [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Dbg] [SimpleHydrodynamics.cc:171] : 0.1 [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Dbg] [SimpleHydrodynamics.cc:172] : 0 [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Dbg] [SimpleHydrodynamics.cc:173] : 100 [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Dbg] [SimpleHydrodynamics.cc:174] : 150 [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Dbg] [SimpleHydrodynamics.cc:175] : 100 [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Dbg] [SimpleHydrodynamics.cc:176] : 100 [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [GUI] [Wrn] [Application.cc:859] [QT] QQuickItem::setParentItem: Parent GzCard_QMLTYPE_140(0x557c02608370, name="plugin16016", parent=0x557c015d4650, geometry=0,0 350x90) is already part of the subtree of GzCard_QMLTYPE_140(0x557c02608370, name="plugin16016", parent=0x557c015d4650, geometry=0,0 350x90) [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [GUI] [Wrn] [Application.cc:859] [QT] file::qml/GzCard.qml:26:1: QML GzCard: Cannot anchor item to self. [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [GUI] [Wrn] [Application.cc:859] [QT] file::qml/GzCard.qml:26:1: QML GzCard: Cannot anchor item to self. [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Err] [SDFFeatures.cc:843] The geometry element of collision [collision] couldn't be created [INFO] [optical_frame_publisher-5]: process started with pid [230] [INFO] [optical_frame_publisher-6]: process started with pid [232] [INFO] [optical_frame_publisher-7]: process started with pid [234] [INFO] [parameter_bridge-8]: process started with pid [236] [INFO] [pose_tf_broadcaster-9]: process started with pid [238] [INFO] [robot_state_publisher-10]: process started with pid [240] [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Dbg] [SimpleHydrodynamics.cc:177] ;32m[Msg] Loaded plugin [CameraTracking] from path [/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/gz-gui-7/plugins/libCameraTracking.so] [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [GUI] [Dbg] [Application.cc:459] Loading plugin [MarkerManager] [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [GUI] [Msg] Listening to stats on [/world/sydney_regatta/stats] [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [GUI] [Msg] Added plugin [Marker Manager] to main window [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [GUI] [Msg] Loaded plugin [MarkerManager] from path [/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/gz-gui-7/plugins/libMarkerManager.so] [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [GUI] [Dbg] [Application.cc:459] Loading plugin [SelectEntities] [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [GUI] [Msg] Added plugin [Select entities] to main window [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [GUI] [Msg] Loaded plugin [SelectEntities] from path [/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/gz-sim-7/plugins/gui/libSelectEntities.so] [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [GUI] [Dbg] [Application.cc:459] Loading plugin [VisualizationCapabilities] [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [GUI] [Msg] View as transparent service on [/gui/view/transparent] [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [GUI] [Msg] View as wireframes service on [/gui/view/wireframes] [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [GUI] [Msg] View center of mass service on [/gui/view/com] [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [GUI] [Msg] View inertia service on [/gui/view/inertia] [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [GUI] [Msg] View collisions service on [/gui/view/collisions] [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [GUI] [Msg] View joints service on [/gui/view/joints] [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [GUI] [Msg] View frames service on [/gui/view/frames] [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [GUI] [Msg] Added plugin [Visualization capabilities] to main window [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [GUI] [Msg] Loaded plugin [VisualizationCapabilities] from path [/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/gz-sim-7/plugins/gui/libVisualizationCapabilities.so] [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [GUI] [Dbg] [Application.cc:459] Loading plugin [Spawn] [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [GUI] [Msg] Added plugin [Spawn] to main window [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [GUI] [Msg] Loaded plugin [Spawn] from path [/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/gz-sim-7/plugins/gui/libSpawn.so] [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [GUI] [Dbg] [Application.cc:459] Loading plugin [WorldControl] [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [GUI] [Msg] Using world control service [/world/sydney_regatta/control] [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [GUI] [Msg] Listening to stats on [/world/sydney_regatta/stats] [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [GUI] [Dbg] [WorldControl.cc:250] Using an event to share WorldControl msgs with the server [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [GUI] [Msg] Added plugin [World control] to main window [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [GUI] [Msg] Loaded plugin [WorldControl] from path [/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/gz-gui-7/plugins/libWorldControl.so] [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [GUI] [Dbg] [Application.cc:459] Loading plugin [WorldStats] [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [GUI] [Msg] Listening to stats on [/world/sydney_regatta/stats] [parameter_bridge-8] [INFO] [1695828544.207447590] [wamv.ros_gz_bridge]: Creating GZ->ROS Bridge: [/model/wamv/pose (ignition.msgs.Pose_V) -> /model/wamv/pose (tf2_msgs/msg/TFMessage)] (Lazy 0) [parameter_bridge-8] [INFO] [1695828544.208754092] [wamv.ros_gz_bridge]: Creating GZ->ROS Bridge: [/model/wamv/pose_static (ignition.msgs.Pose_V) -> /model/wamv/pose_static (tf2_msgs/msg/TFMessage)] (Lazy 0) [parameter_bridge-8] [INFO] [1695828544.209264941] [wamv.ros_gz_bridge]: Creating GZ->ROS Bridge: [/world/sydney_regatta/model/wamv/joint_state (ignition.msgs.Model) -> /world/sydney_regatta/model/wamv/joint_state (sensor_msgs/msg/JointState)] (Lazy 0) [parameter_bridge-8] [INFO] [1695828544.210047043] [wamv.ros_gz_bridge]: Creating GZ->ROS Bridge: [/vrx/contacts (ignition.msgs.Contacts) -> /vrx/contacts (ros_gz_interfaces/msg/Contacts)] (Lazy 0) [parameter_bridge-8] [INFO] [1695828544.210913638] [wamv.ros_gz_bridge]: Creating GZ->ROS Bridge: [/world/sydney_regatta/model/wamv/link/wamv/base_link/sensor/front_left_camera_sensor/image (ignition.msgs.Image) -> /world/sydney_regatta/model/wamv/link/wamv/base_link/sensor/front_left_camera_sensor/image (sensor_msgs/msg/Image)] (Lazy 0) [parameter_bridge-8] [INFO] [1695828544.211329848] [wamv.ros_gz_bridge]: Creating GZ->ROS Bridge: [/world/sydney_regatta/model/wamv/link/wamv/base_link/sensor/front_left_camera_sensor/camera_info (ignition.msgs.CameraInfo) -> /world/sydney_regatta/model/wamv/link/wamv/base_link/sensor/front_left_camera_sensor/camera_info (sensor_msgs/msg/CameraInfo)] (Lazy 0) [parameter_bridge-8] [INFO] [1695828544.211766752] [wamv.ros_gz_bridge]: Creating GZ->ROS Bridge: [/world/sydney_regatta/model/wamv/link/wamv/base_link/sensor/front_right_camera_sensor/image (ignition.msgs.Image) -> /world/sydney_regatta/model/wamv/link/wamv/base_link/sensor/front_right_camera_sensor/image (sensor_msgs/msg/Image)] (Lazy 0) [parameter_bridge-8] [INFO] [1695828544.212069497] [wamv.ros_gz_bridge]: Creating GZ->ROS Bridge: [/world/sydney_regatta/model/wamv/link/wamv/base_link/sensor/front_right_camera_sensor/camera_info (ignition.msgs.CameraInfo) -> /world/sydney_regatta/model/wamv/link/wamv/base_link/sensor/front_right_camera_sensor/camera_info (sensor_msgs/msg/CameraInfo)] (Lazy 0) [parameter_bridge-8] [INFO] [1695828544.212371975] [wamv.ros_gz_bridge]: Creating GZ->ROS Bridge: [/world/sydney_regatta/model/wamv/link/wamv/base_link/sensor/lidar_wamv_sensor/scan (ignition.msgs.LaserScan) -> /world/sydney_regatta/model/wamv/link/wamv/base_link/sensor/lidar_wamv_sensor/scan (sensor_msgs/msg/LaserScan)] (Lazy 0) [parameter_bridge-8] [INFO] [1695828544.212789769] [wamv.ros_gz_bridge]: Creating GZ->ROS Bridge: [/world/sydney_regatta/model/wamv/link/wamv/base_link/sensor/lidar_wamv_sensor/scan/points (ignition.msgs.PointCloudPacked) -> /world/sydney_regatta/model/wamv/link/wamv/base_link/sensor/lidar_wamv_sensor/scan/points (sensor_msgs/msg/PointCloud2)] (Lazy 0) [parameter_bridge-8] [INFO] [1695828544.213221049] [wamv.ros_gz_bridge]: Creating GZ->ROS Bridge: [/world/sydney_regatta/model/wamv/link/wamv/base_link/sensor/middle_right_camera_sensor/image (ignition.msgs.Image) -> /world/sydney_regatta/model/wamv/link/wamv/base_link/sensor/middle_right_camera_sensor/image (sensor_msgs/msg/Image)] (Lazy 0) [parameter_bridge-8] [INFO] [1695828544.213568923] [wamv.ros_gz_bridge]: Creating GZ->ROS Bridge: [/world/sydney_regatta/model/wamv/link/wamv/base_link/sensor/middle_right_camera_sensor/camera_info (ignition.msgs.CameraInfo) -> /world/sydney_regatta/model/wamv/link/wamv/base_link/sensor/middle_right_camera_sensor/camera_info (sensor_msgs/msg/CameraInfo)] (Lazy 0) [parameter_bridge-8] [INFO] [1695828544.214057097] [wamv.ros_gz_bridge]: Creating GZ->ROS Bridge: [/world/sydney_regatta/model/wamv/link/wamv/gps_wamv_link/sensor/navsat/navsat (ignition.msgs.NavSat) -> /world/sydney_regatta/model/wamv/link/wamv/gps_wamv_link/sensor/navsat/navsat (sensor_msgs/msg/NavSatFix)] (Lazy 0) [parameter_bridge-8] [INFO] [1695828544.214577009] [wamv.ros_gz_bridge]: Creating GZ->ROS Bridge: [/world/sydney_regatta/model/wamv/link/wamv/imu_wamv_link/sensor/imu_wamv_sensor/imu (ignition.msgs.IMU) -> /world/sydney_regatta/model/wamv/link/wamv/imu_wamv_link/sensor/imu_wamv_sensor/imu (sensor_msgs/msg/Imu)] (Lazy 0) [parameter_bridge-8] [INFO] [1695828544.215183094] [wamv.ros_gz_bridge]: Creating ROS->GZ Bridge: [wamv/thrusters/left/thrust (std_msgs/msg/Float64) -> wamv/thrusters/left/thrust (ignition.msgs.Double)] (Lazy 0) [parameter_bridge-8] [INFO] [1695828544.215868547] [wamv.ros_gz_bridge]: Creating ROS->GZ Bridge: [wamv/thrusters/left/pos (std_msgs/msg/Float64) -> wamv/thrusters/left/pos (ignition.msgs.Double)] (Lazy 0) [parameter_bridge-8] [INFO] [1695828544.216369389] [wamv.ros_gz_bridge]: Creating ROS->GZ Bridge: [wamv/thrusters/right/thrust (std_msgs/msg/Float64) -> wamv/thrusters/right/thrust (ignition.msgs.Double)] (Lazy 0) [parameter_bridge-8] [INFO] [1695828544.216890425] [wamv.ros_gz_bridge]: Creating ROS->GZ Bridge: [wamv/thrusters/right/pos (std_msgs/msg/Float64) -> wamv/thrusters/right/pos (ignition.msgs.Double)] (Lazy 0) [parameter_bridge-8] [INFO] [1695828544.217379224] [wamv.ros_gz_bridge]: Creating GZ->ROS Bridge: [wamv/sensors/acoustics/receiver/range_bearing (ignition.msgs.Param) -> wamv/sensors/acoustics/receiver/range_bearing (ros_gz_interfaces/msg/ParamVec)] (Lazy 0) [parameter_bridge-8] [INFO] [1695828544.218051070] [wamv.ros_gz_bridge]: Creating ROS->GZ Bridge: [/pinger/set_pinger_position (geometry_msgs/msg/Vector3) -> /pinger/set_pinger_position (ignition.msgs.Vector3d)] (Lazy 0) [parameter_bridge-8] [INFO] [1695828544.218930112] [wamv.ros_gz_bridge]: Creating ROS->GZ Bridge: [/wamv/shooters/ball_shooter/fire (std_msgs/msg/Bool) -> /wamv/shooters/ball_shooter/fire (ignition.msgs.Boolean)] (Lazy 0) [robot_state_publisher-10] [WARN] [1695828544.223531106] [kdl_parser]: The root link wamv/base_link has an inertia specified in the URDF, but KDL does not support a root link with an inertia. As a workaround, you can add an extra dummy link to your URDF. [robot_state_publisher-10] [INFO] [1695828544.223647944] [wamv.robot_state_publisher]: got segment wamv/ball_shooter_base_link [robot_state_publisher-10] [INFO] [1695828544.223702199] [wamv.robot_state_publisher]: got segment wamv/ball_shooter_launcher_link [robot_state_publisher-10] [INFO] [1695828544.223706620] [wamv.robot_state_publisher]: got segment wamv/base_link [robot_state_publisher-10] [INFO] [1695828544.223710203] [wamv.robot_state_publisher]: got segment wamv/cpu_cases_link [robot_state_publisher-10] [INFO] [1695828544.223713379] [wamv.robot_state_publisher]: got segment wamv/front_left_camera_link [robot_state_publisher-10] [INFO] [1695828544.223716386] [wamv.robot_state_publisher]: got segment wamv/front_left_camera_link_optical [robot_state_publisher-10] [INFO] [1695828544.223719508] [wamv.robot_state_publisher]: got segment wamv/front_left_camera_post_arm_link [robot_state_publisher-10] [INFO] [1695828544.223722528] [wamv.robot_state_publisher]: got segment wamv/front_left_camera_post_link [robot_state_publisher-10] [INFO] [1695828544.223725441] [wamv.robot_state_publisher]: got segment wamv/front_right_camera_link [robot_state_publisher-10] [INFO] [1695828544.223728258] [wamv.robot_state_publisher]: got segment wamv/front_right_camera_link_optical [robot_state_publisher-10] [INFO] [1695828544.223731235] [wamv.robot_state_publisher]: got segment wamv/front_right_camera_post_arm_link [robot_state_publisher-10] [INFO] [1695828544.223734084] [wamv.robot_state_publisher]: got segment wamv/front_right_camera_post_link [robot_state_publisher-10] [INFO] [1695828544.223736854] [wamv.robot_state_publisher]: got segment wamv/gps_wamv_link [robot_state_publisher-10] [INFO] [1695828544.223739851] [wamv.robot_state_publisher]: got segment wamv/imu_wamv_link [robot_state_publisher-10] [INFO] [1695828544.223742737] [wamv.robot_state_publisher]: got segment wamv/left_battery_link [robot_state_publisher-10] [INFO] [1695828544.223745645] [wamv.robot_state_publisher]: got segment wamv/left_engine_link [robot_state_publisher-10] [INFO] [1695828544.223748506] [wamv.robot_state_publisher]: got segment wamv/left_propeller_link [robot_state_publisher-10] [INFO] [1695828544.223751284] [wamv.robot_state_publisher]: got segment wamv/lidar_wamv_link [robot_state_publisher-10] [INFO] [1695828544.223754463] [wamv.robot_state_publisher]: got segment wamv/lidar_wamv_post_arm_link [robot_state_publisher-10] [INFO] [1695828544.223757296] [wamv.robot_state_publisher]: got segment wamv/lidar_wamv_post_link [robot_state_publisher-10] [INFO] [1695828544.223760063] [wamv.robot_state_publisher]: got segment wamv/middle_right_camera_link [robot_state_publisher-10] [INFO] [1695828544.223762875] [wamv.robot_state_publisher]: got segment wamv/middle_right_camera_link_optical [robot_state_publisher-10] [INFO] [1695828544.223765766] [wamv.robot_state_publisher]: got segment wamv/middle_right_camera_post_arm_link [robot_state_publisher-10] [INFO] [1695828544.223768652] [wamv.robot_state_publisher]: got segment wamv/middle_right_camera_post_link [robot_state_publisher-10] [INFO] [1695828544.223771457] [wamv.robot_state_publisher]: got segment wamv/receiver [robot_state_publisher-10] [INFO] [1695828544.223774368] [wamv.robot_state_publisher]: got segment wamv/right_battery_link [robot_state_publisher-10] [INFO] [1695828544.223777209] [wamv.robot_state_publisher]: got segment wamv/right_engine_link [robot_state_publisher-10] [INFO] [1695828544.223780004] [wamv.robot_state_publisher]: got segment wamv/right_propeller_link [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [GU : 500 [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Dbg] [SystemManager.cc:74] Loaded system [vrx::SimpleHydrodynamics] for entity [143] [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Dbg] [SystemManager.cc:74] Loaded system [gz::sim::systems::DetachableJoint] for entity [143] [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Dbg] [SystemManager.cc:74] Loaded system [gz::sim::systems::PosePublisher] for entity [143] [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Dbg] [SystemManager.cc:74] Loaded system [gz::sim::systems::JointStatePublisher] for entity [143] [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Dbg] [SystemManager.cc:74] Loaded system [vrx::AcousticPingerPlugin] for entity [143] [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Dbg] [BallShooterPlugin.cc:212] : blue_projectile [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Dbg] [BallShooterPlugin.cc:213] : link [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Dbg] [BallShooterPlugin.cc:214] : wamv/ball_shooter_launcher_link [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Dbg] [BallShooterPlugin.cc:215] : 4 [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Dbg] [BallShooterPlugin.cc:216] : 0.14 0 0 0 0 0 [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Dbg] [BallShooterPlugin.cc:218] : 65 [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Dbg] [BallShooterPlugin.cc:219] : wamv/shooters/ball_shooter/fire [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Dbg] [SystemManager.cc:74] Loaded system [vrx::BallShooterPlugin] for entity [143] [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Dbg] [UserCommands.cc:1263] Created entity [143] named [wamv] [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Msg] Contact system publishing on /vrx/contacts [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Dbg] [USVWind.cc:282] wamv initialized [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Dbg] [SDFFeatures.cc:328] Mesh construction from an SDF has not been implemented yet for dartsim. Use AttachMeshShapeFeature to use mesh shapes. [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Dbg] [SimulationFeatures.cc:72] Simulation timestep set to: 0.004 [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Dbg] [Sensors.cc:654] Initialization needed [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Dbg] [Sensors.cc:255] Initializing render context [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Msg] Loading plugin [gz-rendering-ogre2] [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Dbg] [ImuSensor.cc:149] IMU data for [wamv::wamv/imu_wamv_link::imu_wamv_sensor] advertised on [world/sydney_regatta/model/wamv/link/wamv/imu_wamv_link/sensor/imu_wamv_sensor/imu] [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Msg] Serving scene information on [/world/sydney_regatta/scene/info] [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Msg] Serving graph information on [/world/sydney_regatta/scene/graph] [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Msg] Serving full state on [/world/sydney_regatta/state] [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Wrn] [Model.hh:69] Skipping serialization / deserialization for models with //pose/@relative_to attribute. [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Wrn] [Model.hh:69] [Wrn] [Model.hh:69] Skipping serialization / deserialization for models with //pose/@relative_to attribute. [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Wrn] [Model.hh:69] Skipping serialization / deserialization for models [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Wrn] [Model.hh:69] Skipping serialization / deserialization for models [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Wrn] [Model.hh:69] [Wrn] [Model.hh:69] Skipping serialization / deserialization for models with //pose/@relative_to attribute. [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Wrn] [Model.hh:69] Skipping serialization / deserialization for models [Wrn] [Model.hh:69] Skipping serialization / deserialization for models Skipping serialization / deserialization for models with //pose/@relative_to attribute. [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] with //pose/@relative_to attribute. [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] with //pose/@relative_to attribute. [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] with //pose/@relative_to attribute.Trying to serialize component with data type [St10shared_ptrIN3sdf3v137ElementEE], which doesn't have ], which doesn't have with //pose/@relative_to attribute. [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] operator<<. Component will not be serialized. [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] Trying to serialize component with data type [N3sdf3v135WorldE], which doesn't have operator<<. Component will not be serialized. [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Wrn] [Model.hh:69] Skipping serialization / deserialization for models with //pose/@relative_to attribute. [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] MESA: error: Failed to query drm device. [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] libGL error: glx: failed to create dri3 screen [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] libGL error: failed to load driver: iris [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] libGL error: failed to open /dev/dri/card0: No such file or directory [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] libGL error: failed to load driver: iris [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [GUI] [Wrn] [Application.cc:859] [QT] file::/EntityTree/EntityTree.qml:148:7: QML ToolButton: Detected anchors on an item that is managed by a layout. This is undefined behavior; use Layout.alignment instead. [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [GUI] [Wrn] [Application.cc:859] [QT] file::/ViewAngle/ViewAngle.qml:251:5: Unable to assign int to QColor [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [GUI] [Wrn] [Application.cc:859] [QT] file::/ViewAngle/ViewAngle.qml:279:5: Unable to assign int to QColor [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [GUI] [Wrn] [Application.cc:859] [QT] file::/ViewAngle/ViewAngle.qml:333:5: Unable to assign int to QColor [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [GUI] [Wrn] [Component.hh:172] Trying to deserialize component with data type [St10shared_ptrIN3sdf3v137ElementEE], which doesn't have operator>>. Component will not be deserialized. [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [GUI] [Wrn] [Component.hh:189] Trying to deserialize component with data type [N3sdf3v135WorldE], which doesn't have operator>>. Component will not be deserialized. [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [GUI] [Wrn] [Model.hh:98] Unable to deserialize sdf::Model [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [GUI] [Wrn] [Model.hh:98] Unable to deserialize sdf::Model [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] ] [Msg] Added plugin [World stats] to main window [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [GUI] [Msg] Loaded plugin [WorldStats] from path [/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/gz-gui-7/plugins/libWorldStats.so] [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [GUI] [Dbg] [Application.cc:459] Loading plugin [Shapes] [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [GUI] [Msg] Added plugin [Shapes] to main window [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [GUI] [Msg] Loaded plugin [Shapes] from path [/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/gz-sim-7/plugins/gui/libShapes.so] [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [GUI] [Dbg] [Application.cc:459] Loading plugin [Lights] [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [GUI] [Msg] Added plugin [Lights] to main window [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [GUI] [Msg] Loaded plugin [Lights] from path [/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/gz-sim-7/plugins/gui/libLights.so] [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [GUI] [Dbg] [Application.cc:459] Loading plugin [TransformControl] [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [GUI] [Msg] Added plugin [Transform control] to main window [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [GUI] [Msg] Loaded plugin [TransformControl] from path [/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/gz-sim-7/plugins/gui/libTransformControl.so] [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [GUI] [Dbg] [Application.cc:459] Loading plugin [Screenshot] [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [GUI] [Msg] Screenshot service on [/gui/screenshot] [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [GUI] [Msg] Added plugin [Screenshot] to main window [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [GUI] [Msg] Loaded plugin [Screenshot] from path [/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/gz-gui-7/plugins/libScreenshot.so] [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [GUI] [Dbg] [Application.cc:459] Loading plugin [VideoRecorder] [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [GUI] [Msg] Added plugin [Video recorder] to main window [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [GUI] [Msg] Loaded plugin [VideoRecorder] from path [/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/gz-sim-7/plugins/gui/libVideoRecorder.so] [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [GUI] [Dbg] [Application.cc:459] Loading plugin [ComponentInspector] [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [GUI] [Msg] Added plugin [Component inspector] to main window [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [GUI] [Msg] Loaded plugin [ComponentInspector] from path [/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/gz-sim-7/plugins/gui/libComponentInspector.so] [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [GUI] [Dbg] [Application.cc:459] Loading plugin [EntityTree] [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [GUI] [Msg] Added plugin [Entity tree] to main window [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [GUI] [Msg] Loaded plugin [EntityTree] from path [/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/gz-sim-7/plugins/gui/libEntityTree.so] [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [GUI] [Dbg] [Application.cc:459] Loading plugin [ViewAngle] [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [GUI] [Msg] Move to model service on [/gui/move_to/model] [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [GUI] [Msg] Added plugin [View Angle] to main window [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [GUI] [Msg] Loaded plugin [ViewAngle] from path [/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/gz-sim-7/plugins/gui/libViewAngle.so] [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] Warning [Utils.cc:130] [/sdf/plugin[@name="vrx::WaveVisual"]::L1]: XML Element[plugin], child of element[sdf], not defined in SDF. Copying[plugin] as children of [sdf]. [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [GUI] [Wrn] [Model.hh:98] Unable to deserialize sdf::Model [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [GUI] [Wrn] [Model.hh:98] Unable to deserialize sdf::Model [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [GUI] [Wrn] [Model.hh:98] Unable to deserialize sdf::Model [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [GUI] [Wrn] [Model.hh:98] Unable to deserialize sdf::Model [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [GUI] [Wrn] [Model.hh:98] Unable to deserialize sdf::Model [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [GUI] [Wrn] [Model.hh:98] Unable to deserialize sdf::Model [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [GUI] [Msg] Input Parameters: [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [GUI] [Msg] model: PMS [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [GUI] [Msg] number: 3 [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [GUI] [Msg] scale: 1.1 [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [GUI] [Msg] angle: 0.4 [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [GUI] [Msg] steepness: 0 [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [GUI] [Msg] amplitude: 0 [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [GUI] [Msg] period: 5 [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [GUI] [Msg] direction: 0 [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [GUI] [Msg] tau: 2 [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [GUI] [Msg] gain: 1 [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [GUI] [Msg] Derived Parameters: [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [GUI] [Msg] amplitudes: 0.121167, 0.130759, 0.128568, [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [GUI] [Msg] wavenumbers: 0.133171, 0.161136, 0.194975, [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [GUI] [Msg] omegas: 1.1424, 1.25664, 1.3823, [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [GUI] [Msg] periods: [GUI] [Msg] 5.5, [GUI] [Msg] 5, [GUI] [Msg] 4.54545, [GUI] [Msg] [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [GUI] [Msg] phases: 0, 0, 0, [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [GUI] [Msg] steepnesses: 0, 0, 0, [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [GUI] [Msg] directions: [GUI] [Msg] 0.921061 -0.389418; [GUI] [Msg] 1 0; [GUI] [Msg] 0.921061 0.389418; [GUI] [Msg] [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [GUI] [Dbg] [GuiRunner.cc:372] Loaded system [vrx::WaveVisual] for entity [17] in GUI [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [GUI] [Msg] directions: [GUI] [Msg] 0.921061 -0.389418; [GUI] [Msg] 1 0; [GUI] [Msg] 0.921061 0.389418; [GUI] [Msg] [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [GUI] [Dbg] [GuiRunner.cc:372] Loaded system [vrx::WaveVisual] for entity [17] in GUI [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [GUI] [Msg] directions: [GUI] [Msg] 0.921061 -0.389418; [GUI] [Msg] 1 0; [GUI] [Msg] 0.921061 0.389418; [GUI] [Msg] [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [GUI] [Dbg] [GuiRunner.cc:372] Loaded system [vrx::WaveVisual] for entity [17] in GUI [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [GUI] [Wrn] [Model.hh:98] Unable to deserialize sdf::Model [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [GUI] [Wrn] [Model.hh:98] Unable to deserialize sdf::Model [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [GUI] [Wrn] [Model.hh:98] Unable to deserialize sdf::Model [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [GUI] [Wrn] [Model.hh:98] Unable to deserialize sdf::Model [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [GUI] [Msg] Derived Parameters: [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [GUI] [Msg] directions: [GUI] [Msg] 0.921061 -0.389418; [GUI] [Msg] 1 0; [GUI] [Msg] 0.921061 0.389418; [GUI] [Msg] [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [GUI] [Dbg] [GuiRunner.cc:372] Loaded system [vrx::WaveVisual] for entity [17] in GUI [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] Warning [Utils.cc:130] [/sdf/plugin[@name="vrx::WaveVisual"]::L1]: XML Element[plugin], child of element[sdf], not defined in SDF. Copying[plugin] as children of [sdf]. [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [GUI] [Wrn] [Model.hh:98] Unable to deserialize sdf::Model [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [GUI] [Wrn] [Model.hh:98] Unable to deserialize sdf::Model [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [GUI] [Wrn] [Model.hh:98] Unable to deserialize sdf::Model [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [GUI] [Wrn] [Model.hh:98] Unable to deserialize sdf::Model [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [GUI] [Wrn] [Model.hh:98] Unable to deserialize sdf::Model [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [GUI] [Wrn] [Application.cc:859] [QT] file::/WorldStats/WorldStats.qml:53:3: QML RowLayout: Binding loop detected for property "x" [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [GUI] [Wrn] [Application.cc:859] [QT] file::/EntityContextMenuPlugin/EntityContextMenuPlugin.qml:52:3: QML RenderWindowOverlay: Detected anchors on an item that is managed by a layout. This is undefined behavior; use Layout.alignment instead. [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [GUI] [Wrn] [Application.cc:859] [QT] file::/EntityContextMenuPlugin/EntityContextMenuPlugin.qml:67:3: QML EntityContextMenu: Detected anchors on an item that is managed by a layout. This is undefined behavior; use Layout.alignment instead. [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [GUI] [Wrn] [Ogre2RenderTarget.cc:614] Anti-aliasing level of '8' is not supported; valid FSAA levels are: [ 0 4 ]. Setting to 1 [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Wrn] [LocalCache.cc:105] Server directory does not exist [/home/julia/.gz/fuel/fuel.ignitionrobotics.org] [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Wrn] [LocalCache.cc:105] Server directory does not exist [/home/julia/.gz/fuel/fuel.ignitionrobotics.org] [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Wrn] [LocalCache.cc:105] Server directory does not exist [/home/julia/.gz/fuel/fuel.ignitionrobotics.org] [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] 1;32m[Msg] Serving full state (async) on [/world/sydney_regatta/state_async] [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Msg] Publishing scene information on [/world/sydney_regatta/scene/info] [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Msg] Publishing entity deletions on [/world/sydney_regatta/scene/deletion] [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Msg] Publishing state changes on [/world/sydney_regatta/state] [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Msg] Publishing pose messages on [/world/sydney_regatta/pose/info] [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Msg] Publishing dynamic pose messages on [/world/sydney_regatta/dynamic_pose/info] [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Dbg] [EntityComponentManager.cc:1619] Updated state thread iterators: 16 threads processing around 16 entities each. [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Dbg] [SimulationRunner.cc:520] Exiting postupdate worker thread ([Dbg] [SimulationRunner.cc:520] [Dbg] [SimulationRunner.cc:520] [Dbg] [SimulationRunner.cc:520] [Dbg] [SimulationRunner.cc:520] Exiting postupdate worker thread (0) [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Dbg] [SimulationRunner.cc:520] Exiting postupdate worker thread (2) [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] Exiting postupdate worker thread (1[Dbg] [SimulationRunner.cc:520] Exiting postupdate worker thread (1) [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] 5) [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] Exiting postupdate worker thread (14) [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] 6) [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] ) [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Dbg] [SimulationRunner.cc:493] Creating PostUpdate worker threads: 12 [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Dbg] [SimulationRunner.cc:504] Creating postupdate worker thread (0) [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Dbg] [SimulationRunner.cc:504] Creating postupdate worker thread (1) [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Dbg] [SimulationRunner.cc:504] Creating postupdate worker thread (2) [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Dbg] [JointPositionController.cc:357] Identified joint [wamv/left_chassis_engine_joint] as Entity [244] [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Dbg] [JointPositionController.cc:357] Identified joint [wamv/right_chassis_engine_joint] as Entity [247] [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Dbg] [RenderUtil.cc:2675] Create scene [scene] [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Dbg] [Sensors.cc:275] Rendering Thread initialized [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] Initialization needed [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Wrn] [Ogre2Camera.cc:412] Ogre2Camera::SetVisibilityMask: Mask bits c0000000 are set but will be ignored as they conflict with the reserved bits used internally by the ogre2 backend. [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Wrn] [Ogre2Camera.cc:412] Ogre2Camera::SetVisibilityMask: Mask bits c0000000 are set but will be ignored as they conflict with the reserved bits used internally by the ogre2 backend. [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Wrn] [Ogre2Camera.cc:412] Ogre2Camera::SetVisibilityMask: Mask bits c0000000 are set but will be ignored as they conflict with the reserved bits used internally by the ogre2 backend. [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [GUI] [Wrn] [LocalCache.cc:105] Server directory does not exist [/home/julia/.gz/fuel/fuel.ignitionrobotics.org] [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [GUI] [Wrn] [LocalCache.cc:105] Server directory does not exist [/home/julia/.gz/fuel/fuel.ignitionrobotics.org] [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [GUI] [Wrn] [LocalCache.cc:105] Server directory does not exist [/home/julia/.gz/fuel/fuel.ignitionrobotics.org] [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Dbg] [CameraSensor.cc:445] Camera images for [wamv::wamv/base_link::front_left_camera_sensor] advertised on [world/sydney_regatta/model/wamv/link/wamv/base_link/sensor/fron[GUI] [Dbg] [MinimalScene.cc:657] Creating gz-rendering interface for OpenGL [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [GUI] [Dbg] [MinimalScene.cc:813] Creating render thread interface for OpenGL [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [GUI] [Msg] Loading plugin [gz-rendering-ogre2] [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [GUI] [Dbg] [MinimalScene.cc:606] Create scene [scene] [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [GUI] [Dbg] [MinimalScene.cc:845] Creating texture node render interface for OpenGL [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [GUI] [Msg] Loading plugin [gz-rendering-ogre2] [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [GUI] [Dbg] [ViewAngle.cc:469] ViewAngle plugin is moving camera [scene::Camera(65527)] [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [GUI] [Msg] Loading plugin [gz-rendering-ogre2] [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [GUI] [Dbg] [VideoRecorder.cc:136] Video Recorder plugin is recoding camera [scene::Camera(65527)] [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [GUI] [Msg] Video recorder stats topic advertised on [/gui/record_video/stats] [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [GUI] [Msg] Loading plugin [gz-rendering-ogre2] [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [GUI] [Dbg] [TransformControl.cc:450] TransformControl plugin is using camera [scene::Camera(65527)] [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [GUI] [Msg] Loading plugin [gz-rendering-ogre2] [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [GUI] [Dbg] [Spawn.cc:308] Spawn plugin is using camera [scene::Camera(65527)] [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [GUI] [Msg] Loading plugin [gz-rendering-ogre2] [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [GUI] [Msg] Loading plugin [gz-rendering-ogre2] [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [GUI] [Dbg] [SelectEntities.cc:452] SelectEntities plugin is using camera [scene::Camera(65527)] [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [GUI] [Msg] Loading plugin [gz-rendering-ogre2] [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [GUI] [Dbg] [MarkerManager.cc:171] Advertise /marker/list service. [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [GUI] [Dbg] [MarkerManager.cc:181] Advertise /marker/list. [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [GUI] [Dbg] [MarkerManager.cc:191] Advertise /marker_array. [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [GUI] [Msg] Loading plugin [gz-rendering-ogre2] [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [GUI] [Dbg] [CameraTracking.cc:171] CameraTrackingPrivate plugin is moving camera [scene::Camera(65527)] [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [GUI] [Msg] Move to service on [/gui/move_to] [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [GUI] [Msg] Follow service on [/gui/follow] [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [GUI] [Msg] Move to pose service on [/gui/move_to/pose] [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [GUI] [Msg] Camera pose topic advertised on [/gui/camera/pose] [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [GUI] [Msg] Follow offset service on [/gui/follow/offset] [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [GUI] [Msg] Loading plugin [gz-rendering-ogre2] [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [GUI] [Dbg] [InteractiveViewControl.cc:178] InteractiveViewControl plugin is moving camera [scene::Camera(65527)] [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [GUI] [Msg] Loading plugin [gz-rendering-ogre2] [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [GUI] [Msg] Loading plugin [gz-rendering-ogre2] [ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [GUI] [Msg] Loading plugin [gz-rendering-ogre2]

JunghwanRo commented 9 months ago

Tried with / without Rocker. No change. both shows RTF 6.0 - 7.0

JunghwanRo commented 9 months ago

Fixed with,


Before running

ros2 launch vrx_gz competition.launch.py world:=sydney_regatta