osrf / vrx

Virtual RobotX (VRX) resources.
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RoboBoat02 reference model #759

Closed caguero closed 6 months ago

caguero commented 6 months ago

This pull request adds 2 of 2 of the RoboBoat reference models. I decided to add it to this repository to make it easier to modify by RoboBoat users, as opposed to upstreaming it to Fuel.

Screenshot from 2023-12-17 11-19-28

Screenshot from 2023-12-17 11-20-55

Screenshot from 2023-12-17 11-21-13

Screenshot from 2023-12-17 11-21-42

How to test it?

Add the following block to worlds/sydney_regatta.sdf.

<!-- RoboBoat 02 -->
  <pose>-528 180 0 0 0 0</pose>

Recompile VRX and launch it:

GZ_VERSION=garden colcon build --merge-install
ros2 launch vrx_gz competition.launch.py world:=sydney_regatta

Spin the thrusters:

gz topic -t /model/roboboat02/joint/right_engine_propeller_joint/cmd_thrust -m gz.msgs.Double -p 'data: 1'