osrg / goplane

an agent for configuring linux network stack via GoBGP
119 stars 26 forks source link

Unable to install GoPlane #22

Closed leleobhz closed 7 years ago

leleobhz commented 7 years ago


Im trying to use GoPlane in a Fedora 25 using golang from fedora repos. GoBGP and GoBGPd was installed fine, but GoPlane didnt, as following:

[root@gobgp goplane]# go get github.com/osrg/goplane
# github.com/osrg/goplane/iptables
iptables/flowspec.go:176: cannot use arg (type *gobgpapi.Table) as type *gobgpapi.MonitorRibRequest in argument to client.MonitorRib
# github.com/osrg/goplane/netlink
netlink/dataplane.go:189: cannot use arg (type *gobgpapi.Table) as type *gobgpapi.MonitorRibRequest in argument to d.client.MonitorRib
netlink/virtualnetwork.go:469: cannot use arg (type *gobgpapi.Table) as type *gobgpapi.MonitorRibRequest in argument to n.client.MonitorRib

[root@gobgp goplane]# cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/osrg/goplane; glide install
[INFO]  Downloading dependencies. Please wait...
[INFO]  --> Found desired version locally github.com/armon/go-radix 4239b77079c7b5d1243b7b4736304ce8ddb6f0f2!
[INFO]  --> Found desired version locally github.com/coreos/go-iptables 18855ec8acc0dd8dc2977fa5a446b0432b499707!
[INFO]  --> Found desired version locally github.com/eapache/channels 47238d5aae8c0fefd518ef2bee46290909cf8263!
[INFO]  --> Found desired version locally github.com/eapache/queue 44cc805cf13205b55f69e14bcb69867d1ae92f98!
[INFO]  --> Found desired version locally github.com/fsnotify/fsnotify a904159b9206978bb6d53fcc7a769e5cd726c737!
[INFO]  --> Found desired version locally github.com/golang/protobuf 4bd1920723d7b7c925de087aa32e2187708897f7!
[INFO]  --> Found desired version locally github.com/hashicorp/hcl 372e8ddaa16fd67e371e9323807d056b799360af!
[INFO]  --> Found desired version locally github.com/influxdata/influxdb 8c25f0104eba8c0060e44a489f9d549e7d6a7a4d!
[INFO]  --> Found desired version locally github.com/jessevdk/go-flags f2785f5820ec967043de79c8be97edfc464ca745!
[INFO]  --> Found desired version locally github.com/magiconair/properties b3b15ef068fd0b17ddf408a23669f20811d194d2!
[INFO]  --> Found desired version locally github.com/mitchellh/mapstructure db1efb556f84b25a0a13a04aad883943538ad2e0!
[INFO]  --> Found desired version locally github.com/pelletier/go-buffruneio df1e16fde7fc330a0ca68167c23bf7ed6ac31d6d!
[INFO]  --> Found desired version locally github.com/pelletier/go-toml d1fa2118c12c44e4f5004da216d1efad10cb4924!
[INFO]  --> Found desired version locally github.com/satori/go.uuid b061729afc07e77a8aa4fad0a2fd840958f1942a!
[INFO]  --> Found desired version locally github.com/Sirupsen/logrus c078b1e43f58d563c74cebe63c85789e76ddb627!
[INFO]  --> Found desired version locally github.com/spf13/afero 72b31426848c6ef12a7a8e216708cb0d1530f074!
[INFO]  --> Found desired version locally github.com/spf13/cast d1139bab1c07d5ad390a65e7305876b3c1a8370b!
[INFO]  --> Found desired version locally github.com/spf13/jwalterweatherman fa7ca7e836cf3a8bb4ebf799f472c12d7e903d66!
[INFO]  --> Found desired version locally github.com/spf13/pflag 08b1a584251b5b62f458943640fc8ebd4d50aaa5!
[INFO]  --> Found desired version locally github.com/spf13/viper 5ed0fc31f7f453625df314d8e66b9791e8d13003!
[INFO]  --> Found desired version locally github.com/vishvananda/netlink 87909c6dada5cba3aa659144a40b1e575d79d625!
[INFO]  --> Found desired version locally github.com/vishvananda/netns 2c9454e4fc6e2edc1a1c84e64ed3d6e662fb6991!
[INFO]  --> Fetching updates for github.com/osrg/gobgp.
[INFO]  --> Fetching google.golang.org/grpc.
[INFO]  --> Fetching gopkg.in/tomb.v2.
[INFO]  --> Fetching golang.org/x/sys.
[INFO]  --> Fetching gopkg.in/yaml.v2.
[INFO]  --> Fetching golang.org/x/net.
[INFO]  --> Fetching golang.org/x/text.
[WARN]  Unable to checkout gopkg.in/yaml.v2
[ERROR] Update failed for gopkg.in/yaml.v2: Cannot detect VCS
[WARN]  Unable to checkout gopkg.in/tomb.v2
[ERROR] Update failed for gopkg.in/tomb.v2: Cannot detect VCS
[WARN]  Unable to checkout golang.org/x/text
[ERROR] Update failed for golang.org/x/text: Cannot detect VCS
[WARN]  Unable to checkout golang.org/x/net
[ERROR] Update failed for golang.org/x/net: Cannot detect VCS
[WARN]  Unable to checkout google.golang.org/grpc
[ERROR] Update failed for google.golang.org/grpc: Cannot detect VCS
[WARN]  Unable to checkout golang.org/x/sys
[ERROR] Update failed for golang.org/x/sys: Cannot detect VCS
[ERROR] Failed to install: Cannot detect VCS
Cannot detect VCS
Cannot detect VCS
Cannot detect VCS
Cannot detect VCS
Cannot detect VCS

What can I do to install? After this, how can I use GoPlane with GoBGP to control Linux routes (Instead using zebra to do this)?


ishidawataru commented 7 years ago

How about deleting existing vendor directory, and do glide install again?

leleobhz commented 7 years ago

Hello @ishidawataru

Thanks for you help. Now goplane got installed. Just for close the case, where can I read about using GoPlane+GoBGP to control Linux routing?


ishidawataru commented 7 years ago


You can start from here to see how GoPlane (+GoBGP) works