Sophanem dungeon (10143) had the wrong coordinates, must've moved at some point
Nearest neighbor resample instead of bilinear at zoom scales 1+. Bilinear is better for 0 and below because NN would make the white lines way too stark
I think it's better to hard code surface/debug centers it so when the map loads the user isn't looking at some random out-of-bounds part of the map
Put user-defined world definitions in their own file
There are some completely "black" tiles that are actually like (2, 2, 2) all the way through for some reason, and there are some that are mostly (0, 0, 0) but have like 2 pixels of blur spilling over from neighboring tiles. So I check instead to see if all colors on all pixels are > 50. This seems to get rid of most of the unnecessary black tiles without touching the real stuff.
improve filters for plane_0_map, Before/After:
changed MapExport to use WorldMapDefinition instead of WorldMapCompositeDefinition