osrsbox / osrsbox-db

A complete and up-to-date database of Old School Runescape (OSRS) items, monsters and prayers
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Blessings do not show as equippable and have no stats #91

Closed jburleigh1 closed 5 years ago

jburleigh1 commented 5 years ago

Hey Thomas,

This one was opened in November last year (and fixed by you):


Seems it has snuck back in, I'm seeing no item stats on any of the blessings and they're also showing as equippable : false

Ancient Blessing: https://www.osrsbox.com/osrsbox-db/items-json/20220.json


osrsbox commented 5 years ago

Thanks for reporting this issue, it really helps to fix these problems! I have identified the cause. In the OSRS cache data, the blessings have a right-click menu option called Equip - see below:

  "interfaceOptions": [

To determine an equipable item, I was only looking in this array for Weild and Wear. So I will add Equip to this, and it should solve the problem. I might wait to resolve this issue until the next game update (tomorrow), then I can fix it when I do the normal database re-generation.

osrsbox commented 5 years ago

About to push to close this issue. The following items have been added that are equipable and equipable_by_player... and have a new equipment property with stats etc.

id: 278     name: Cattleprod
id: 3689    name: Lyre
id: 3691    name: Enchanted lyre(1)
id: 6125    name: Enchanted lyre(2)
id: 6126    name: Enchanted lyre(3)
id: 6127    name: Enchanted lyre(4)
id: 9729    name: Elemental helmet
id: 9733    name: Mind helmet
id: 11891   name: Saradomin banner
id: 11892   name: Zamorak banner
id: 13079   name: Enchanted lyre(5)
id: 13328   name: Green banner
id: 20220   name: Holy blessing
id: 20223   name: Unholy blessing
id: 20226   name: Peaceful blessing
id: 20229   name: Honourable blessing
id: 20232   name: War blessing
id: 20235   name: Ancient blessing
id: 22941   name: Rada's blessing 1
id: 22943   name: Rada's blessing 2
id: 22945   name: Rada's blessing 3
id: 22947   name: Rada's blessing 4
osrsbox commented 5 years ago

This comment is for future reference... a list of all item inventory actions that might be useful in the future.

None                     84037
Drop                     22114
Wear                     2255
Wield                    1120
Read                     988
Destroy                  866
Check steps              782
Empty                    528
Drink                    510
Open                     339
Check                    313
Eat                      307
Rub                      126
Uncharge                 117
Discard                  78
Fill                     74
Break                    52
Teleport                 51
Remove-one               47
Bury                     40
Dismantle                40
Inspect                  35
Copy to log              26
Look-at                  25
Release                  22
Equip                    22
Clean                    22
Search                   20
Revert                   19
Open-all                 18
Activate                 16
Hold                     16
Locate                   15
Disassemble              14
Features                 14
Unstuff                  13
Medic                    12
Extinguish               12
Play                     11
Loot                     11
Commune                  9
Jalsavrah                9
Jaleustrophos            9
Jaldraocht               9
Play-with                8
Talk-to                  7
Look-in                  7
Info                     7
Talk-To                  7
Pour                     7
Tell-tofu                6
Tell-worms               6
Preach                   6
Remove-rat               6
Load                     6
Tell-red                 5
Tell-green               5
Tell-blue                5
Tell-crackers            5
Extract                  5
Monastery Teleport       5
Study                    5
Feel                     5
Change                   5
Wind                     4
Check tax                4
Ring                     4
Deposit                  4
Ecto Teleport            4
Recharge-prayer          4
Farm Teleport            4
Restore                  4
Stamina Boost            4
Look                     4
Shake                    4
Kill Area                4
Kourend Woodland         4
Walk                     4
Dance                    4
Assemble                 4
Talk-At                  4
Lay                      3
Plant                    3
Untrim                   3
Functions                3
Trim                     3
Combine                  3
Empty Bowl               3
Options                  3
Prepare                  3
Charge                   3
Cast Bloom               3
Guzzle                   3
Remove-lid               3
Play-With                3
Feed                     3
Jump                     3
Bow                      3
Toggle                   3
Unpack                   3
Check totals             2
Bank                     2
Blow                     2
Gem Mine                 2
Take-one                 2
Bank-all                 2
Settings                 2
Check rank               2
Burgh Teleport           2
Activity                 2
Redeem                   2
Convert                  2
Teleports                2
Smell                    2
View                     2
Dig                      2
Recoil settings          2
Partner                  2
Log                      2
Invoke                   2
Divine                   2
Toggle-absorption        2
Mount Karuulm            2
Check kills              2
Listen                   2
Set-up                   2
Count                    2
Scan                     2
Contact                  2
Playback                 2
Release-all              2
Add-ingreds              2
Toggle Effect            2
Toggle Respawn           2
Spellbook                2
Tele to POH              2
Fishing Guild            2
Otto's Grotto            2
Translate                1
Write-Role               1
Clear                    1
Tell-meat                1
Tell-controlled          1
Tell-accurate            1
Tell-aggressive          1
Tell-defensive           1
Open note                1
Check taxes              1
Pray-over                1
Recite-prayer            1
Operate                  1
Impling-jar              1
Butterfly-jar            1
Toggle-view              1
Refund                   1
Spawn Item               1
Spawn NPCs               1
Dissolve                 1
Check completion         1
Unload                   1
Duradel                  1
Energy                   1
Alchemy                  1
Nardah                   1
Kalphite cave            1
Emote                    1
Scramble                 1
Beat                     1
Fry                      1
Pickle                   1
Consume                  1
Chew                     1
Take-grubs               1
Pack                     1
Check charges            1
Rub-together             1
Blow-on                  1
Investigate              1
Mix-cocktail             1
Add or Remove pages      1
Add pages                1
Invigorate               1
Look at                  1
Snow                     1
Chill                    1
Remove default           1
Remove-legs              1
Throw-water              1
Throw-water direction    1
Check-level              1
Roll                     1
Channel                  1
Puff                     1
Take fish                1
Reminisce                1
Empty Tray               1
Easy                     1
Master                   1
Assessment               1
Control                  1
Spectate                 1
Scry                     1
Bloom                    1
Tele                     1
Kill Bot                 1
Empty Tin                1
Lumbridge                1
Moss Giants              1
King Black Dragon        1
Close                    1
Weiss                    1
Troll Stronghold         1
Fletch                   1
Check/Uncharge           1
Take                     1
Fill/Check               1
Empty Dish               1
Toggle-respawn           1
Look through             1
Release All              1
Cast                     1
Interact                 1
Poke                     1
Heal                     1
Loop                     1
Crazy                    1
Ride                     1
Repair                   1
Follow                   1
Check-keys               1
Spin                     1
Build                    1
Slice                    1
Peel                     1
Mash                     1
Bail-with                1
Untangle                 1
Check-charge             1
Display                  1
Question                 1
Chant                    1
Polish                   1
Return                   1
Complete                 1
Swing                    1
Enchant-Vials            1
Cast Spell               1
Separate                 1
Varrock                  1
Grand Exchange           1
Camelot                  1
Seers' Village           1
Watchtower               1
Yanille                  1
Inside                   1
Outside                  1
Dust-hands               1
Launch                   1
Squash                   1
Shape-Earth              1
Shape-Air                1
Shape-Fire               1
Shape-Water              1
Shape-Mind               1
Blackout                 1
Split                    1
jburleigh1 commented 5 years ago

Hey Thomas,

Thanks for that, the individual files are certainly fixed but I'm still not seeing any blessings in the ammo file here:


Are the above files still part of the build process?


osrsbox commented 5 years ago

@jburleigh1 - The items-json-slot should be part of the build process... but I forgot to run the script yesterday. I will update them soon. But it makes me think that the process should be more automated (or a unit test added), so I don't have to keep remembering each step!