oss-aspen / 8Knot

Dash app in development to serve open source community visualizations using GitHub data from Augur. Hosted app: https://eightknot.osci.io
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Distribution of contribution periodicity #333

Open JamesKunstle opened 1 year ago

JamesKunstle commented 1 year ago

How would we know how often an individual would need to contribute in order to be considered 'Active' in a community? If a contributor doesn't 'appear' in the logs in some time period but that isn't an irregular cadence of contribution, should they be considered 'drifting away' from the community?

This visualization will look at the population cadence of contribution- with what periodicity are most contribution events?


"50% of contributions are separated by as few as 5 minutes or as many as 2 months" and "it isn't uncommon for an individual to contribute with a period of 9 months- this happens roughly 15% of the time, so we shouldn't consider someone who hasn't appeared in that range of time to have lost interest" "We'd like to decrease the 50th percentile contribution periodicity- we want contributions to happen more often for to increase knowledge and process retention"

sgoggins commented 1 year ago

For repositories that use platform releases, the drifting can be framed as "didn't participate in n contiguous releases" ... and possibly some other factors. When repositories do use platform releases, the development cadence is super clear. When they don't, all we have is the calendar.