oss-aspen / 8Knot

Dash app in development to serve open source community visualizations using GitHub data from Augur. Hosted app: https://eightknot.osci.io
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PR retrospective time to first response behavior #514

Open JamesKunstle opened 10 months ago

JamesKunstle commented 10 months ago

It can be interesting, over the lifespan of a project, to inspect how response-time to new PRs changes.

In this visualization, we'll analyze the response behavior of a repo over the lifespan of their project.

Visualization format: stacked bar chart

X-axis: time, in bins (1 month, 3 month, 6 month).

Y-axis: number of PR's that were open during the time bin.

Z-axis (stacked bars within Y-axis): number of PRs that are open w.r.t response times, ordered consistently (longest amount of time at the bottom, shortest at the top), in units like (1 day, 3 days, 1 week, 2 weeks, 1 month, 3 months, 6 months, no response).

A community might set a policy that they'd like 100% of PRs to have a 1 week maximum response window, and keep track of their performance with this visualization. It also shows growth over a project's lifespan, as their response time decreases, if that's a goal of theirs.