oss-aspen / 8Knot

Dash app in development to serve open source community visualizations using GitHub data from Augur. Hosted app: https://eightknot.osci.io
MIT License
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Search bar update #651

Open JamesKunstle opened 4 months ago

JamesKunstle commented 4 months ago

Currently: On app startup, all valid repositories and orgs are queried from Augur exactly once, and kept as a constant global variable.

When user's interact with the search bar, each keystroke is an HTTP request to the backend which filters the list of repos/orgs that the user receives as search bar options.

This has two downsides:

  1. The application needs to be restarted to update the available repos / orgs.
  2. Successive HTTP requests for search consume application server resources. When the client network is slow, this can be annoying.

This has also contributed to a fair number of subtle, confusing bugs: https://github.com/oss-aspen/8Knot/issues/611 https://github.com/oss-aspen/8Knot/issues/542 https://github.com/oss-aspen/8Knot/issues/294

JamesKunstle commented 4 months ago

Proposed solution:

  1. The search bar component (dash_mantine_components.MultiSelect) receives all options as props and filtering by user-input is done client-side. We don't have sophisticated search requirements, and the number of options we need to support is relatively small. This solves downside #2 above, because we only move the options over once, and successive requests for filtering are unnecessary.
  2. (Part 1) Repo/org options are queried during the startup execution and cached in Redis for shared re-use.
import dash
from dash import callback, Input, Output, dcc, html
from dash_mantine_components import MultiSelect
import time
import redis
import pickle

app = dash.Dash(name="__name__")
db = redis.Redis()

# sets truthy value of 'disabled'
# so when 'disabled = False', MultiSelect is enabled.
MULTISELECT_READY_MESSAGE = "Pick a web framework!"

# search bar options stored in Redis.
# if >512MB of options (why?), use a Redis list instead of pickling.
sb_options = ["Vue", "React", "Next.js", "Remix", "Angular"]
SB_OPTIONS_KEY = "8knot:searchbar:options"
sb_options_pickle = pickle.dumps(sb_options)
db.set(name=SB_OPTIONS_KEY, value=sb_options_pickle)

app.layout = html.Div(

        Output("multiselect", "data"),
        Output("multiselect", "disabled"),
        Output("multiselect", "placeholder"),
    Input("multiselect", "clearable"),
def set_sb_options(_):
    On-mount callback to set updated options in search bar.

    start = time.time_ns()
    opts = pickle.loads(db.get(SB_OPTIONS_KEY))
    end = time.time_ns()

    # can take between 0.1ms and 3ms -- very fast to grab from cache.
    print(f"Load search bar options from Redis + unpickle: {(end - start) / 1e6} ms")

if __name__ == "__main__":
  1. (Part 2) We revalidate the search options intermittently. The most fool-proof way of doing this with our current tools is to have a Celery Beat scheduled job run once every 8 hours (as an example), and update the options in Redis if they're outdated. Alternatively, we could have the set_sb_options callback do the same thing as required, kicking off a revalidate_sb_options celery task if the timestamp of the options are outdated.
def set_sb_options(_):
    On-mount callback to set updated options in search bar.

   # pseudocode btw
   if (db.get(SB_OPTIONS_TTL_TS_KEY) < (time.now() - time.timedelta('8hr')):
        revalidate_sb_options.delay() # kick off asynchronous revalidation task

    # get outdated options anyway since this is a synchronous request- can't wait for revalidation.
    # could set a notification that results might be out of date, and to try again in a sec, maybe.
    start = time.time_ns()
    opts = pickle.loads(db.get(SB_OPTIONS_KEY))
    end = time.time_ns()

    # can take between 0.1ms and 3ms -- very fast to grab from cache.
    print(f"Load search bar options from Redis + unpickle: {(end - start) / 1e6} ms")

The first approach is undoubtedly more seamless because all of the updates happen behind the scenes, but it requires taking on another tool w/ Celery Beat, and defining it in Openshift and Compose. The second alternative might cause non-zero more marginal user discomfort, but it puts the logic in the same place, and may be clearer to maintain.

JamesKunstle commented 4 months ago

Next step

Should implement a toy example of the application with the above proposed solution. Some remaining questions are:

  1. Is the total set of options that we need in 8Knot small enough that we can ergonomically transfer them to the client in reasonable time on each page load?
  2. Is the set small enough that unpickling is fast?
  3. How does the app perform on fast 3G mode (browser networking limit mode)?
  4. How hard is it actually to set up and maintain Celery Beat? On-miss revalidation is simpler, but could be annoying in the worst case.
JamesKunstle commented 4 months ago

Answers to above:

  1. Total set of options is <5MB, takes 0.5 seconds to go across a 8MB/s network, or 1.7 seconds on 20Mb/s network.
  2. Reading from SQLite takes <5ms, unpickling takes <50ms.
  3. Pretty slow at fast-3G.
JamesKunstle commented 4 months ago

Example application:

Dash app:

import dash
from dash import html, dcc
import dash_mantine_components as dmc
import time
import redis
import pickle

db = redis.Redis()

app = dash.Dash(name=__name__)
server = app.server

app.layout = html.Div(
            placeholder="Select a repo:",
            searchPlaceholder="Loading options...",
        html.Button("Submit", id="submit-button", n_clicks=0),

    dash.Output("selected-list", "children"),
    dash.Input("submit-button", "n_clicks"),
    dash.State("repo-multiselect", "value"),
def handle_clicks(n_clicks, multiselect_values):
    if not multiselect_values:
        return []

    return [html.Li(children=str(v)) for v in multiselect_values[1]]

        dash.Output("repo-multiselect", "value"),
        dash.Output("repo-multiselect", "searchPlaceholder"),
        dash.Input("repo-multiselect", "limit") # random static input prop to trigger callback
def load_sb_options(_):
    Called to populate options in search bar after initial render.
    Pulls updated options from cache.
    start = time.time_ns()
    searchbar_options = pickle.loads(db.get("8knot:sb_options"))
    end = time.time_ns()

    print(f"Time to get options from Redis: {(end - start)/10e6}ms")

    return [searchbar_options, []], "Search for repos and orgs!"

if __name__ == "__main__":
    app.run(host="localhost", port="8080", debug=False)

Celery Beat revalidation

import celery
from celery.schedules import crontab
import redis
import pickle
import sqlalchemy as salc
import time

celery_app = celery.Celery(

def setup_periodic_tasks(sender, **kwargs):

    # revalidate searchbar options cache every 10 seconds. Will be 4 or 8 hours in prod.
    sender.add_periodic_task(10.0, revalidate_cached_sb_opts.s(), name="sb opts revalidation")

    # can add postgres cache invalidation logic as a periodic task here too!

def revalidate_cached_sb_opts():
    Queries all searchbar options from source-of-truth DB.
    Transforms options into component-consumable format.
    Stores options in Redis.
    TODO: handle db/cache communication errors.

    # connect to redis
    db = redis.Redis()

    def get_sb_options_from_db():
        # connect to database
        engine = salc.create_engine("sqlite:///repos.sqlite", echo=False)

        with engine.connect() as conn:
            res = conn.execute(
                    "select * from repo_list rl order by rl.rg_name, length(rl.repo_git) asc"
            data = res.all()
            return data

    start_reval = time.time_ns()

    new_opts = get_sb_options_from_db()

    transformed_opts = [{"label": f"{t[3]} || {t[1]}", "value": t[1]} for t in new_opts]

    db.set("8knot:sb_options", value=pickle.dumps(transformed_opts))
    end_reval = time.time_ns()

    # log success
    print(f"revalidated searchbar options! took {(end_reval - start_reval) / 1.0e6} ms")

Definitely not too slow to be useful. I think that this is the right solution for what we're wanting.

JamesKunstle commented 4 months ago
Screenshot 2024-02-28 at 3 04 13 PM

This is the general architectural design that I'm going off of.