oss-aspen / 8Knot

Dash app in development to serve open source community visualizations using GitHub data from Augur. Hosted app: https://eightknot.osci.io
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Update README for distinct sections for Docker and Podman #694

Open cdolfi opened 2 months ago

cdolfi commented 2 months ago

The readme in the current state can be difficult to follow and parse hoping between docker and podman. This is issue is to put a pin it for it to be updated, if not with distinct sections then figuring out a clear way to convey the information. Another thing to note is that the Build and run section only gives the commands for docker (familiar that it is just a switch for docker to podman in all of the commands but not assumed that the person reading it knows that)

JamesKunstle commented 2 months ago

document 'Preferred' and 'Alternative' compose strats.

JamesKunstle commented 2 months ago

"please refer to this document in the docs folder"

JamesKunstle commented 2 months ago

"here's the documentation for OSS NA that was up do date then, please refer to that if you're interested. historical document that provides good information"