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OSS Gate Workshop: PyConJP 2020 Sprint: 2020-08-23: satoryu: rabbit: Work log #1407

Closed satoryu closed 4 years ago

satoryu commented 4 years ago

This is a work log of a "OSS Gate workshop". "OSS Gate workshop" is an activity to increase OSS developers. Here's been discussed in Japanese. Thanks.



OSS Gate Workshop: ${LOCATION}: ${YEAR}-${MONTH}-${DAY}: ${ACCOUNT_NAME}: ${OSS_NAME}: Work log


OSS Gate Workshop: Tokyo: 2017-01-16: kou: Rabbit: Work log

OSS Gateワークショップ関連情報

satoryu commented 4 years ago

rabbitのライセンスを確認したい。 google でrabbit rubyで検索し、公式サイトを発見。 https://rabbit-shocker.org/ja/

satoryu commented 4 years ago

インストール手順を発見 https://rabbit-shocker.org/ja/install/

satoryu commented 4 years ago

Mac向けのインストール手順があった。 https://rabbit-shocker.org/ja/install/homebrew.html

satoryu commented 4 years ago

homebrew はインストール済みなので、Homebrewのインストール手順はスキップ。

satoryu commented 4 years ago

必要なライブラリのインストールとリンクを実行する。 下記のコマンドはインストール手順のページから引用。

brew install cairo
brew link cairo
brew link --overwrite pixman
brew install pango
brew install gtk+
brew install poppler --with-glib
satoryu commented 4 years ago


$ brew install poppler --with-glib
Updating Homebrew...
==> Auto-updated Homebrew!
Updated 5 taps (homebrew/cask-versions, homebrew/core, homebrew/cask, homebrew/cask-fonts and homebrew/cask-drivers).
==> New Formulae
inja                                                                                             volk
==> Updated Formulae
Updated 27 formulae.
==> New Casks
colorchecker-camera-calibration                 font-ubuntu                                     syncroom                                        vipriser
==> Updated Casks
axe-edit-iii               chromium                   freeyourmusic              microsoft-edge-beta        refined-github-safari      sequel-ace                 usage
blitz                      electron                   icollections               onedrive                   roboform                   tg-pro
boinc                      electron-fiddle            keep-it                    origami-studio             rsyncosx                   ticktick
brave-browser-dev          expressvpn                 keepassxc                  psychopy                   runway                     tower

Usage: brew install [options] formula

Install formula. Additional options specific to formula may be appended to
the command.

Unless HOMEBREW_NO_INSTALL_CLEANUP is set, brew cleanup will then be run for
the installed formulae or, every 30 days, for all formulae.

  -d, --debug                      If brewing fails, open an interactive
                                   debugging session with access to IRB or a
                                   shell inside the temporary build directory.
      --env                        If std is passed, use the standard build
                                   environment instead of superenv. If super
                                   is passed, use superenv even if the formula
                                   specifies the standard build environment.
      --ignore-dependencies        An unsupported Homebrew development flag to
                                   skip installing any dependencies of any
                                   kind. If the dependencies are not already
                                   present, the formula will have issues. If
                                   you're not developing Homebrew, consider
                                   adjusting your PATH rather than using this
      --only-dependencies          Install the dependencies with specified
                                   options but do not install the formula
      --cc                         Attempt to compile using the specified
                                   compiler, which should be the name of the
                                   compiler's executable, e.g. gcc-7 for GCC
                                   7. In order to use LLVM's clang, specify
                                   llvm_clang. To use the Apple-provided
                                   clang, specify clang. This option will
                                   only accept compilers that are provided by
                                   Homebrew or bundled with macOS. Please do
                                   not file issues if you encounter errors
                                   while using this option.
  -s, --build-from-source          Compile formula from source even if a
                                   bottle is provided. Dependencies will still
                                   be installed from bottles if they are
      --force-bottle               Install from a bottle if it exists for the
                                   current or newest version of macOS, even if
                                   it would not normally be used for
      --include-test               Install testing dependencies required to
                                   run brew test formula.
      --devel                      If formula defines it, install the
                                   development version.
      --HEAD                       If formula defines it, install the HEAD
                                   version, aka. master, trunk, unstable.
      --fetch-HEAD                 Fetch the upstream repository to detect if
                                   the HEAD installation of the formula is
                                   outdated. Otherwise, the repository's HEAD
                                   will only be checked for updates when a new
                                   stable or development version has been
      --keep-tmp                   Retain the temporary files created during
      --build-bottle               Prepare the formula for eventual bottling
                                   during installation, skipping any
                                   post-install steps.
      --bottle-arch                Optimise bottles for the specified
                                   architecture rather than the oldest
                                   architecture supported by the version of
                                   macOS the bottles are built on.
  -f, --force                      Install without checking for previously
                                   installed keg-only or non-migrated
  -v, --verbose                    Print the verification and postinstall
      --display-times              Print install times for each formula at the
                                   end of the run.
  -i, --interactive                Download and patch formula, then open a
                                   shell. This allows the user to run
                                   ./configure --help and otherwise
                                   determine how to turn the software package
                                   into a Homebrew package.
  -g, --git                        Create a Git repository, useful for
                                   creating patches to the software.
  -q, --quiet                      Suppress any warnings.
  -h, --help                       Show this message.
Error: invalid option: --with-glib
satoryu commented 4 years ago

Macにrabbitをインストールしようとして、インストール手順に従いコマンドを実行した。 brew install poppler --with-glibc を実行したところ、invalid optionというエラーが出た。 特に、手順を飛ばしたところなどは無いので、スムーズにインストールが完了することを期待していました。

satoryu commented 4 years ago


$ brew install poppler --with-glib
Updating Homebrew...
==> Auto-updated Homebrew!
Updated 5 taps (homebrew/cask-versions, homebrew/core, homebrew/cask, homebrew/cask-fonts and homebrew/cask-drivers).
==> New Formulae
inja                                                                                             volk
==> Updated Formulae
Updated 27 formulae.
==> New Casks
colorchecker-camera-calibration                 font-ubuntu                                     syncroom                                        vipriser
==> Updated Casks
axe-edit-iii               chromium                   freeyourmusic              microsoft-edge-beta        refined-github-safari      sequel-ace                 usage
blitz                      electron                   icollections               onedrive                   roboform                   tg-pro
boinc                      electron-fiddle            keep-it                    origami-studio             rsyncosx                   ticktick
brave-browser-dev          expressvpn                 keepassxc                  psychopy                   runway                     tower

Usage: brew install [options] formula

Install formula. Additional options specific to formula may be appended to
the command.

Unless HOMEBREW_NO_INSTALL_CLEANUP is set, brew cleanup will then be run for
the installed formulae or, every 30 days, for all formulae.

  -d, --debug                      If brewing fails, open an interactive
                                   debugging session with access to IRB or a
                                   shell inside the temporary build directory.
      --env                        If std is passed, use the standard build
                                   environment instead of superenv. If super
                                   is passed, use superenv even if the formula
                                   specifies the standard build environment.
      --ignore-dependencies        An unsupported Homebrew development flag to
                                   skip installing any dependencies of any
                                   kind. If the dependencies are not already
                                   present, the formula will have issues. If
                                   you're not developing Homebrew, consider
                                   adjusting your PATH rather than using this
      --only-dependencies          Install the dependencies with specified
                                   options but do not install the formula
      --cc                         Attempt to compile using the specified
                                   compiler, which should be the name of the
                                   compiler's executable, e.g. gcc-7 for GCC
                                   7. In order to use LLVM's clang, specify
                                   llvm_clang. To use the Apple-provided
                                   clang, specify clang. This option will
                                   only accept compilers that are provided by
                                   Homebrew or bundled with macOS. Please do
                                   not file issues if you encounter errors
                                   while using this option.
  -s, --build-from-source          Compile formula from source even if a
                                   bottle is provided. Dependencies will still
                                   be installed from bottles if they are
      --force-bottle               Install from a bottle if it exists for the
                                   current or newest version of macOS, even if
                                   it would not normally be used for
      --include-test               Install testing dependencies required to
                                   run brew test formula.
      --devel                      If formula defines it, install the
                                   development version.
      --HEAD                       If formula defines it, install the HEAD
                                   version, aka. master, trunk, unstable.
      --fetch-HEAD                 Fetch the upstream repository to detect if
                                   the HEAD installation of the formula is
                                   outdated. Otherwise, the repository's HEAD
                                   will only be checked for updates when a new
                                   stable or development version has been
      --keep-tmp                   Retain the temporary files created during
      --build-bottle               Prepare the formula for eventual bottling
                                   during installation, skipping any
                                   post-install steps.
      --bottle-arch                Optimise bottles for the specified
                                   architecture rather than the oldest
                                   architecture supported by the version of
                                   macOS the bottles are built on.
  -f, --force                      Install without checking for previously
                                   installed keg-only or non-migrated
  -v, --verbose                    Print the verification and postinstall
      --display-times              Print install times for each formula at the
                                   end of the run.
  -i, --interactive                Download and patch formula, then open a
                                   shell. This allows the user to run
                                   ./configure --help and otherwise
                                   determine how to turn the software package
                                   into a Homebrew package.
  -g, --git                        Create a Git repository, useful for
                                   creating patches to the software.
  -q, --quiet                      Suppress any warnings.
  -h, --help                       Show this message.
Error: invalid option: --with-glib



satoryu commented 4 years ago

オプションを付けずにbrew install poppler は成功する。これが正しいのかどうかはどう判断すればいいのか。

knokmki612 commented 4 years ago

popplerのhomebrewのパッケージのビルドオプションがrabbitのドキュメント当時から変わっていて、 --with-glibc が消えているのかなーと思いました

knokmki612 commented 4 years ago
