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Golang list of dependencies #7737

Open blaumeiser-at-bosch opened 8 months ago

blaumeiser-at-bosch commented 8 months ago

I have a question concerning the handling of go. The point is, that a compiled go file contains the runtime, i.e., the oss dependencies of the project should contain the runtime packages as well as they are distribution relevant.

When I look at the output of ORT, it basically reflects the dependencies referenced in the go.mod file. To my understanding, this does not include the runtime of Go, but only the additional dependencies. If I call 'go list -m all' I get an even longer list of modules.

Is this an issue or do I misunderstand something here?

sschuberth commented 8 months ago

@fviernau probably is the best to answer this (once he's back from vacation next week).

fviernau commented 8 months ago

Hi @blaumeiser-at-bosch ,

This is interesting! Could you please provide

  1. The list (names) of the runtime packages you would expect to be included?
  2. Ideally also a minimal project which reproduces the missing packages? (with Go 1.21.0)
  3. Whether go mod why indicates that these runtime packages are needed by the main module?
blaumeiser-at-bosch commented 7 months ago

Hello @fviernau,

I did some small investigation with a Hello World example. There "go list -m all" only shows the module just created for the program. If I add a dependency, only the module itself and the dependency is shown. In our well grown project, I get 136 dependencies from this command with 34 modules referenced in the "go.mod" file. I used "go mod why" for some of the not listed dependencies and the result was, that the dependency had to be downloaded first and then the message was: "(main module does not need package honnef.co/go/tools) ". I have no clue, where this difference comes from as go typically also adds transitive dependencies into the "go.mod" file.

Besides that, when thinking about the issue, my point was, in a language like Java, if I do not distribute the JVM, all the standard dependencies are not part of my distribution, so it is ok to only take the input from the package manager for license fulfillment. In a language like go, where one statically linked executable is created, the runtime is part of the distribution, also the standard library packages like "fmt". But they are not mentioned by the package manager and they are included automatically by the tooling. So from a distribution perspective, these things have to be added to the referenced oss software, right? I have no idea, how to automatically find out, which standard packages there are and which are added to the binary.

fviernau commented 7 months ago

Thanks @blaumeiser-at-bosch !

I used "go mod why" for some of the not listed dependencies and the result was, that the dependency had to be downloaded first and then the message was: "(main module does not need package honnef.co/go/tools) ". I have no clue, where this difference comes from as go typically also adds transitive dependencies into the "go.mod" file.

In general, I believe that the output does detect whether code is actually used. E.g. If you add a library as dependency you do not use, then go mod why would tell it is not needed. At the minimum go mo tidy would remove it again from the g.mod file. So, in your example has there been code usage of the mentioned libs.

Anyhow, it's really difficult for me to look into this without having it locally reproducible. Would you mind providing a minimal example which is sufficient to work on this ? (A requirement for such example would be that the go.mod file is aligned with what go mod tidy makes out of it).

blaumeiser-at-bosch commented 7 months ago

Hi @fviernau, good point, the go.sum file contains these components, which are not referenced in the go.mod file. Even a "go mod tidy" did not change the content of the go.sum file. I can share the go.mod and go.sum file of our project, if that would help.

I just read some posts, that the go.sum file contains more dependencies needed by the dependency resolution and adding some transitive dependencies that are not necessarily required for runtime, but potentially for testing.

But still, my main concern is about the standard library and runtime that goes into the generated binary. This is not referred by any means, but still it is included in the binary, right?

fviernau commented 7 months ago

Hi @fviernau, good point, the go.sum file contains these components, which are not referenced in the go.mod file. Even a "go mod tidy" did not change the content of the go.sum file. I can share the go.mod and go.sum file of our project, if that would help.

Yes, that would help.

But still, my main concern is about the standard library and runtime that goes into the generated binary. This is not referred by any means, but still it is included in the binary, right?

So, what would help me here (as I'm not a go developer) is a list of modules you expected to see-, but are not in the dependency tree.

blaumeiser-at-bosch commented 7 months ago

Had to rename the files to get them here

go.mod.txt go.sum.txt

Concerning the exact list of what is missing. I have no clue, I understand actually too less from the go build process to know what is put into a go binary, but my shallow knowledge indicates that there might be something in the binary, that is not reflected by the package management. Is there any go expert here in the community that could have an idea?

sschuberth commented 7 months ago

Ping @haikoschol!

haikoschol commented 7 months ago

@blaumeiser-at-bosch The TL;DR is that any other runtime code the Go toolchain includes in the binaries that it builds is BSD licensed and copyrighted by "The Go Authors": https://go.dev/LICENSE

So essentially just include that in your NOTICE file or whatever other appropriate documentation you're distributing with the binary. (ORT can generate NOTICE files, right? Should this be hardcoded for Go projects then?)

All version of the Go standard library and toolchain so far have used the same license and copyright. I assume it will stay that way forever, but I couldn't find any statement regarding that.

There is some discussion of this topic in golang/go#19893 and here.

Regarding the issue what ORT includes as dependencies: The standard library is a collection of packages, but not a module. It predates modules and is not considered an external dependency of your code. What version of the standard library ends up in your binary depends on the version of the toolchain you use to build it.

When I look at the output of ORT, it basically reflects the dependencies referenced in the go.mod file. To my understanding, this does not include the runtime of Go, but only the additional dependencies. If I call 'go list -m all' I get an even longer list of modules.

Do you mean go list -m all returns more modules than what ORT lists as dependencies? I'm pretty sure those should be the same, so maybe there's a bug in the Analyzer.

blaumeiser-at-bosch commented 7 months ago

Thanks, @haikoschol for the information first of all!

(ORT can generate NOTICE files, right? Should this be hardcoded for Go projects then?) That was actually my point, for Go projects, these are dependencies that should be part of the NOTICE file.

When I look at the output of ORT, it basically reflects the dependencies referenced in the go.mod file. To my understanding, this does not include the runtime of Go, but only the additional dependencies. If I call 'go list -m all' I get an even longer list of modules.

Do you mean go list -m all returns more modules than what ORT lists as dependencies? I'm pretty sure those should be the same, so maybe there's a bug in the Analyzer.

That is actually my observation. go list -m all returns the dependencies in the go.sum file as it seems, but there are more dependencies there at least in our project compared to go.mod. ORT returns only the dependencies found in the go.mod file. I attach the output of go list -m all here, as I wrote above, some of them when asked withgo mod why` are declared as not used by main.

cloud.google.com/go v0.110.7 cloud.google.com/go/bigquery v1.8.0 cloud.google.com/go/compute v1.23.0 cloud.google.com/go/compute/metadata v0.2.3 cloud.google.com/go/datastore v1.1.0 cloud.google.com/go/firestore v1.13.0 cloud.google.com/go/longrunning v0.5.1 cloud.google.com/go/pubsub v1.3.1 cloud.google.com/go/storage v1.14.0 dmitri.shuralyov.com/gpu/mtl v0.0.0-20190408044501-666a987793e9 github.com/BurntSushi/toml v0.3.1 github.com/BurntSushi/xgb v0.0.0-20160522181843-27f122750802 github.com/armon/go-metrics v0.4.1 github.com/bahlo/generic-list-go v0.2.0 github.com/buger/jsonparser v1.1.1 github.com/census-instrumentation/opencensus-proto v0.2.1 github.com/chigopher/pathlib v0.17.0 github.com/chzyer/logex v1.1.10 github.com/chzyer/readline v0.0.0-20180603132655-2972be24d48e github.com/chzyer/test v0.0.0-20180213035817-a1ea475d72b1 github.com/client9/misspell v0.3.4 github.com/cncf/udpa/go v0.0.0-20201120205902-5459f2c99403 github.com/coreos/go-semver v0.3.0 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v0.2.0 rsc.io/quote/v3 v3.1.0 rsc.io/sampler v1.3.0

haikoschol commented 7 months ago

go list -m all returns the dependencies in the go.sum file as it seems, but there are more dependencies there at least in our project compared to go.mod.

The go.sum file is a distraction in this context. It is not a lockfile as they exist in other dependency management systems. It is used for integrity checking and is essentially append only. Whenever you update a dependency, the sum file will still contain references to the previous version(s) of that dependency.

haikoschol commented 7 months ago

ORT returns only the dependencies found in the go.mod file. I attach the output of go list -m all here, as I wrote above, some of them when asked withgo mod why` are declared as not used by main.

A common source of confusion in the context of Go dependency management is “packages” vs “modules”.

The purpose of packages is to enable encapsulation and reusability. Code in a package is invoked using its import path. The import path can either refer to a package in the standard library, one on the local filesystem (including in $GOPATH pre-modules) or in a remote repository. In the latter case, the Go toolchain conveniently downloaded the code to $GOPATH/somewhere, even before modules existed. But this could not really be called dependency management.

From the output of go help modules:

A module is a collection of packages that are released, versioned, and distributed together.

Dependency management in Go operates on modules.

The various commands in the Go toolchain are quite confusing unfortunately. go list all lists packages. go list -m all lists modules. That makes sense. However, go mod why takes a list of packages and go mod -m why takes a list of modules. In the latter case it “finds a path to any package in each of the modules.” (citing go mod help why). But it outputs those paths only if it goes all the way to the main module. The main module is identified by the go.mod file in your repository.

I’m not completely sure about this, but IIRC, if go mod why says the given package or module is not needed by the main module, that means its code will not end up in the binary. However, this is further complicated by build flags. For example, a module could contain a package that only gets included when compiling on Windows (or setting GOOS=windows). Additionally there can be test packages, which are only compiled into test binaries.

I hope that helps clarify the output you get from these various commands and to use them effectively in case you need to investigate a license finding in an ORT report.