Implement the functionality to save user signup data (username, email, password) to a MongoDB database. This will involve creating an API endpoint that accepts the signup data and stores it securely.
[ ] Create API Endpoint:
Implement a POST endpoint (e.g., /api/signup) to handle incoming signup requests.
[ ] Data Validation:
Validate the input data from the signup form to ensure:
Username is unique (check against existing usernames in the database).
Email is in a valid format.
Password meets security requirements (e.g., minimum length, complexity).
Password and Retype Password fields match.
[ ] Hash Password:
Use a library (e.g., bcrypt) to hash the password before storing it in the database.
[ ] Save Data:
Create a new user record in the MongoDB database with the validated and hashed password.
[ ] Error Handling:
Handle potential errors (e.g., duplicate usernames or emails) and return appropriate responses to the client.
Implement the functionality to save user signup data (username, email, password) to a MongoDB database. This will involve creating an API endpoint that accepts the signup data and stores it securely.