Added integration test cases for adding and removing shifts from the Volunteer Sign-Up page
Added unit test cases to ensure Shift List properly renders shifts
Added unit test cases to ensure Confirmation Page properly renders with success/failure attributes
Added dependencies required to "devDependencies"
Jest (test runner)
jsdom env for Jest
Several components of the React Testing Library (dom, jest-dom, react, user-event)
msw (Mock Service Worker): simple interface for mocking server responses
not used right now, but will be helpful for future tests
babel plugin (it told me to)
Added .yml to run tests
Why was it changed?
To make sure that new changes do not break old UI functionality, as well as to ensure our front-end code is currently behaving as desired. These tests also help make sure that our UI is user-friendly to interact with.
How was it changed?
_tests_ directory added
all test cases should be added here, they must end in .test.js for Jest to run them
testing added to ShiftList.js rendering, Shelter.js add and remove shift functionality, ConfirmationPage.js rendering
removed App.test.js as it was the pre-loaded test for creating react component
To run the tests
1) Rerun npm install (For my computer that didn't originally work, I had to delete node_modules and then run npm install)
2) Run npm test
Fixes #97
What was changed?
Why was it changed?
To make sure that new changes do not break old UI functionality, as well as to ensure our front-end code is currently behaving as desired. These tests also help make sure that our UI is user-friendly to interact with.
How was it changed?
To run the tests
1) Rerun npm install (For my computer that didn't originally work, I had to delete node_modules and then run npm install) 2) Run npm test