osscda / cloud-native-stream

Cloud Native Stream
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August 19: Docker & Kubernetes Part 3 #15

Open iennae opened 4 years ago

iennae commented 4 years ago

Last week we continued our discussion on kubernetes. We talked about pods, deployments, resources, replicasets, services, and port space. (Previous Issues #13, #12 )

Project: https://github.com/osscda/cloud-native-project/


This week we will continue our adventures learning about kubernetes and updating our application to be deployed.

Let's start with talking about pod lifecycle: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/workloads/pods/pod-lifecycle/



k9s (default pod view )
 l  (logs within the k9s app) 
 y (YAML)

Rules of the Stream

arschles commented 4 years ago

Lens - GUI for Kubernetes

arschles commented 4 years ago

Emotes needed: