Closed abdelkafi-med closed 4 years ago
I would like to know how to use it with a shortcode too please.
@abdelkafi-med @elliottmart For displaying event calendar on WordPress front-end you need to follow these steps: 1)After installing the event calendar extension you need to copy the folder "yourextensiondirectory/com.osseed.eventcalendar/wordpress/wordpress-event-calendar" to "wordpressdirectory/wp-content/plugins/" and activate the plugin which will add CiviCRM frontend type for Event Calendar. 2)Then create a WordPress page and add shortcode with data like [event_calendar component="event-calendar"] then publish that page and check the calendar event will appear on the front page. Also, make sure your events are public. 3)Clear cache from CiviCRM & WordPress once & check calendar will appear on the front page.
If you still have any query after that regarding eventcalendar then drop us mail on
Hi, I'm using Event Calendar 3.2 on CiviCRM 5.22.1 I want to show calendar of current events on a page open for public.
I understand that i have to use the shortcode [event_calendar] but I can't find any documentation about attributes.
Without attributes, the shortcode throw an error. If I add anything, nothing happen ou shown on the page. in this example, i add " id=1 " in the shortcode.
So, what are the attributes to use with the shortcode ?