ossf / allstar

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Allstar operations overview follow-ups #528

Open justaugustus opened 2 months ago

justaugustus commented 2 months ago

@jeffmendoza ran a quick Allstar operations overview for the other @ossf/scorecard-admins (Steering) members and I want to make sure we capture some of the content and potential follow-ups as an issue.

GCP access


Pushes to main branch get deployed to staging instance via Google Cloud Build (GCB). Container images are built via ko and then pushed to Google Container Registry (GCR).

Allstar runs on App Engine flexible environments.

Production deployments are manual runs (app-prod.yml) within the GCP console.


What would Jeff fix?

justaugustus commented 1 month ago

Some notes that I took during our [attempted] deployment earlier this week... (These should get rolled into the issue description task list, but for now, I just want to make sure they're out of my head/notepad):

Is the staging deployment useful / how are we getting feedback from staging before prod deploys / who's running staging?

Currently, just @jeffmendoza in a test organization. We should encourage others to do so and create a path for providing feedback on this deployment ahead of prod rollouts.

Only one instance of staging should serve at a time

Rarely, staging deploys can hiccup. Will this cause multiple instances of staging to be run simultaneously? Is there a programmatic way to prevent that behavior?

Error-handling improvements e.g., for rate limits

We should ensure we gracefully handle known error codes e.g., https://github.com/ossf/allstar/issues/36

We are creating two images and should be publishing one and pull it during the deploy

Currently, tags will trigger this image build workflow: https://github.com/ossf/allstar/blob/e1316aaea7ae15a197b6dd1b5dba8f7f2e266213/.github/workflows/release.yaml#L30-L36

Google Cloud Build runs trigger a different workflow: https://github.com/ossf/allstar/blob/e1316aaea7ae15a197b6dd1b5dba8f7f2e266213/cloudbuild.yaml#L5-L10

I'll work on fixing this, with a few premises in mind:

Signed-Releases check panicked and not noticed on Allstar staging deployment

@jeffmendoza is investigating this one.