ossf / osv-schema

Open Source Vulnerability schema.
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Handling of cherry picks in the specification #216

Closed zacchiro closed 7 months ago

zacchiro commented 8 months ago

Currently, the specification (I'm looking at version 1.6.1, at the time of writing) does not mention how to handle cherry pick commits at all. However, as I understand it, the osv.dev implementation of the evaluation logic does handle them, to some extent.

It would be nice to specify properly how cherry picks should be handled, so that independent implementations of the evaluation logic can be created, compared, etc.

I have a few specific examples of cherry picks cases that the semantics non-trivial, which I can post here. But before doing so I'd like to understand if there is an interest in making the OSV format specification evolve to describe how cherry picks should be handled.

oliverchang commented 8 months ago

Hi! Thanks for the interest and question.

The spec makes no mention of cherrypicks, because in the context of the evaluation algorithm, all that matters are the events that are there in the data source. Adding cherrypicks explicitly into the algorithm is also difficult, because it's hard if not impossible to guarantee that all cherrypicks can be found algorithmically.

Re the OSV.dev implementation -- OSV.dev does have a best effort cherry pick detection as an additional validation /augmentation step separate from the evaluation. That is, OSV.dev infrastructrure will perform best effect detection of cherrypicks, and add them to the source OSV advisory. There are other similar things that OSV.dev performs here to augment the source OSV entry.

Then, evaluation happens after this, as per the OSV evaluation rules.

Does this answer your question?

zacchiro commented 8 months ago

Hello, and thanks a lot for your quick answer.

It is unfortunate that, due to cherry picks (and maybe other features?), the OSV.dev implementation cannot be fully compared with the specification. As far as I understand, when API users receive an answer about whether a commit is vulnerable or not, they don't know if cherry picks were involved in that answer. So there is currently no way of detecting if the answer is "wrong" due to a bug or if it is "good" due to OSV.dev going the extra mail of taking cherry picks into account. Maybe that's just the way it could be. Or maybe we can make things a bit better on this front by including in API answers whether cherry picks were involved in the decision (arguably this should be discussed in an issue related to the OSV.dev implementation, not here).

Still, I'd like to offer a counter-argument to this:

Adding cherrypicks explicitly into the algorithm is also difficult, because it's hard if not impossible to guarantee that all cherrypicks can be found algorithmically.

The specification could assume there exists a general notion of "equivalent commits" (equivalence classes if you want), that could be implemented in practice by cherry pick detection or any other means. And then, based on that, specify how equivalent commits should be handled in the evaluation algorithm. This way you can decouple how one does cherry pick detection from how they are used by the evaluation. Is this something you could consider?

(Yes, I realize this would not completely solve the problem of the OSV.dev/specification divergence, but it would reduce the uncertainty margin for any specification implementer.)

zacchiro commented 8 months ago

Re the OSV.dev implementation -- OSV.dev does have a best effort cherry pick detection as an additional validation /augmentation step separate from the evaluation. That is, OSV.dev infrastructrure will perform best effect detection of cherrypicks, and add them to the source OSV advisory.

Aside from what to say about cherry picks in the spec or not, I have a followup question about the augmentation mentioned above: does it result in a combinatorial explosion of ranges to be considered?

Consider this case:

In terms of commit ranges to be traversed for evaluation, does one need to consider all the 4 combinations: i_1..f_1, i_1..f_2, i_2..f_1, i_2..f_2? As I understand from your answer, this is what the OSV.dev implementation (implicitly) does. But it'd be great to have confirmation of this. (Yes: in most cases i_1..f_1 and i_2..f_2 would be on disconnected parts of the Git history, so the combinatorics is not a practical problem. But complicated cases where they are connected can be built, so it is important to know for how to handle the most general case.)

If commit equivalence ends up being discussed in the spec, this is one of the tricky cases that would need to be clarified.

oliverchang commented 8 months ago

Hello, and thanks a lot for your quick answer.

It is unfortunate that, due to cherry picks (and maybe other features?), the OSV.dev implementation cannot be fully compared with the specification.

Thanks for pointing this out. I believe we can potentially resolve this by adding flags/settings to get our implementation to fully conform. Would you also be able to help us understand the motivation behind this comparison you're looking into so we can better understand how to make this fit your needs?

The specification could assume there exists a general notion of "equivalent commits" (equivalence classes if you want),

Our goal with the OSV spec is to provide an unambiguous evaluation algorithm, given a fixed set of inputs (i.e. events). The fact that there is no definition for "equivalent" commits would complicate this algorithm.

I absolutely agree cherrypick detection is crucial for git and something that needs to be solved for producers of OSV entries. Perhaps this would be a better fit for a documented "guide" of sorts for DB publishers where we talk about this issue and hte importance of including all cherrypicked/equivalent commits in the data?

zacchiro commented 8 months ago

It is unfortunate that, due to cherry picks (and maybe other features?), the OSV.dev implementation cannot be fully compared with the specification.

Thanks for pointing this out. I believe we can potentially resolve this by adding flags/settings to get our implementation to fully conform. Would you also be able to help us understand the motivation behind this comparison you're looking into so we can better understand how to make this fit your needs?

Good point about flags/settings. As with any good spec, having a "reference implementation" would indeed be great. If the OSV.dev implementation can be turned, either by default or with optional flags, into such a reference implementation, awesome!

Regarding my motivation for this. I'm co-founder and tech lead of the Software Heritage project; we are considering applying the OSV.dev data and evaluation logic to our archive. Our data model is Git-compatible, but not Git itself (because the Software Heritage archive is VCS-agnostic). Hence we can't just run the OSV.dev evaluation code on the archive. We are considering providing a separate open source implementation of the OSV spec that works on our data model, and would like to use the OSV.dev data and code base as a comparison point. Uncertainty/under-specification of how to handle cherry picks is problematic in this respect.

The specification could assume there exists a general notion of "equivalent commits" (equivalence classes if you want),

Our goal with the OSV spec is to provide an unambiguous evaluation algorithm, given a fixed set of inputs (i.e. events). The fact that there is no definition for "equivalent" commits would complicate this algorithm.

I absolutely agree cherrypick detection is crucial for git and something that needs to be solved for producers of OSV entries. Perhaps this would be a better fit for a documented "guide" of sorts for DB publishers where we talk about this issue and hte importance of including all cherrypicked/equivalent commits in the data?

That would be welcome, yes. (But then, if the guide becomes a set of SHOULD recommendations, they could also go in the spec, no? ;-) A clear MUST/SHOULD split in requirements is pretty common in specs.)

Happy to review something such or contribute in other ways you consider useful.

oliverchang commented 8 months ago

Regarding my motivation for this. I'm co-founder and tech lead of the Software Heritage project; we are considering applying the OSV.dev data and evaluation logic to our archive.

Thank you for the background!

Happy to review something such or contribute in other ways you consider useful.

We already have text in the spec to prefer fixed over last_affected, so I think it definitely makes sense to add some details on fixed vs limit.

Would you mind contributing a PR for that?

zacchiro commented 8 months ago

We already have text in the spec to prefer fixed over last_affected, so I think it definitely makes sense to add some details on fixed vs limit.

Would you mind contributing a PR for that?

Sure, here it is: #221.