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Technical Advisory Council
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Update PROJECT_NAME_graduation_stage.md #279

Closed SecurityCRob closed 3 months ago

SecurityCRob commented 4 months ago

suggested changes to graduated projects template

camaleon2016 commented 3 months ago

What do we consider a "consistent release cadence" to be? I believe this needs to be less subjective. Are we thinking at least once a year? every couple of years?

camaleon2016 commented 3 months ago

Way may want to have them either point to a Specific SLSA Track in the framework, point to the use of a different framework and justify why. If the desire is to use the SLSA framework then the track used and adherence to the track should be discussed in previous stages. Consider feasibility stage and security requirements.

SecurityCRob commented 3 months ago

6 of 9 tac members approved, merging