ossf / wg-vulnerability-disclosures

The OpenSSF Vulnerability Disclosures Working Group seeks to help improve the overall security of the open source software ecosystem by helping mature and advocate well-managed vulnerability reporting and communication.
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Project Idea - OpenSSF Inbound Vulnerability Reporting Policy #128

Open luigigubello opened 1 year ago

luigigubello commented 1 year ago

Idea: Publish an org-level security policy for OpenSSF repositories, projects, services, and infrastructure.


Note. This draft policy is trying to meet the following requirements:

ran-dall commented 1 year ago

+1 I agree with the idea of publishing an org-level security policy for OpenSSF repositories, projects, services, and infrastructure.

ljharb commented 1 year ago

An org-level security policy should indeed go in the org's .github repo in a SECURITY.md file.

david-a-wheeler commented 1 year ago

Please change the document title. This is NOT a general-purpose security policy, this is a vulnerability disclosure policy. The title of the document should reflect that, so that people understand what they're going to be reading.

david-a-wheeler commented 1 year ago

Proposal "Inbound Vulnerability Disclosure Policy" - that is, add "inbound" to distinguish from "outbound".

david-a-wheeler commented 1 year ago

For clarification: a proposed outbound vulnerability disclosure policy is here: https://github.com/ossf/wg-vulnerability-disclosures/issues/122

luigigubello commented 1 year ago

Hi 👋 I think we have version 1.0 ready for the final review and approval, I share the doc in OpenSSF channels #wg-vulnerability-disclosures and #tac.

Important checks before publishing the policy:

Next steps for v1.1

luigigubello commented 1 year ago

We have temporarily removed the Safe Habor section because the Linux Foundation Counsel advised that the text as written has serious problems. Before releasing anything by making legal claims, we need a review and formal approval by Linux Foundation Counsel. In the meantime, we have edited the doc as they recommended. cc @david-a-wheeler (thank you 🙌 )

david-a-wheeler commented 1 year ago

@luigigubello - yes, security @ openssf.org exists. It's currently an alias to operations @ openssf.org, who can then redirect to the specific project.

JLLeitschuh commented 1 year ago

We have temporarily removed the Safe Habor section because the Linux Foundation Counsel advised that the text as written has serious problems.

We need to find a solution to keep this language in the document somehow.

Here are some example safe harbor policies we can pull from. If we come up with one that's international, we should work with the LF legal team to contribute it back here as well:

luigigubello commented 1 year ago

Another example of Safer Harbor could be that of U.S. Department of Agriculture. It is quite generic to work for us - we need to adapt the text a bit - and it should be written in a (U.S.-oriented probably) legal language good for LF.

JLLeitschuh commented 1 year ago

Solid find and a good candidate!

NicoleSchwartz commented 1 year ago

As per meeting May 1

Existing safe harbors in thread https://www.usda.gov/vulnerability-disclosure-policy https://github.com/disclose/policymaker/tree/main/static/templates https://github.com/disclose/policymaker/blob/main/static/templates/disclose-io-safe-harbor/en-US.md

Additional Safe Harbors https://docs.bugcrowd.com/researchers/reporting-managing-submissions/disclosure/disclose-io-and-safe-harbor/ [more we could look at those using bug crowd and their safe harbors] https://hackerone.com/security/safe_harbor?type=team https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/msrc/bounty-safe-harbor https://proton.me/security/safe-harbor https://docs.tosdr.org/sp/Security-Vulnerability-Safe-Harbor.125926922.html

And here are the common elements i see

  1. setting the purpose (we want people to disclose without legal consequence because of good faith attempts)
  2. terms/definitions
  3. scope/limits of what is covered (boundaries)
  4. promise not to go after legal action

not in all but in many

  1. third party provisions
  2. What they dont' want researchers to do (spamming content etc)
  3. how to handle pii (report immidiatly, stop do not continue, delete all data)

Also disclose.io inccludes safe harbor in their VDP suggestions... any reason not to collab and suggest using theirs? https://disclose.io/docs/recipients/

NicoleSchwartz commented 7 months ago

@david-a-wheeler is there a current status or additional things to action on this?