ossimlabs / ossim

Core OSSIM (Open Source Software Image Map) package including C++ code for OSSIM library, command-line applications, tests, and build system
MIT License
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Remap #237

Closed oscarkramer closed 5 years ago

oscarkramer commented 5 years ago

Addition of ossimTool-derived utility for specific processing: remap to 8-bit, histo stretch, and down-sampling. Usage:

ossim-cli remap [options] <input-image> [<output-image>]

Performs remap to 8-bit including optional histogram stretch and saves
the corresponding external geometry file.

  All ossimTool options, plus:
  -e, --entry                  <entry> For multi image handlers which entry do
                               you wish to extract. For list of entries use:
                               "ossim-info -i <your_image>" 
  -g, --gsd                    Set the output resolution, in meters. Default is
                               same as input resolution (no resampling).
  -n, --no-histo               Optionally bypass histogram-stretch.