While building the app using docker-compose I am getting the following error:
web_1 | couldn't load initial issues: Could not resolve to a User with the username 'devtools-html'.
web_1 | DEBU[2019-04-21T15:09:01Z] SELECT repositories.created_at, repositories.id, repositories.issue_count, reposit
ories.last_parsed, repositories.project_id, repositories.repository_url, repositories.tags, repositories.updated_at FR
OM repositories AS repositories ORDER BY last_parsed asc LIMIT 1
I found out that db.go has outdated project information:
Project: models.Project{
DisplayName: "debugger.html",
FirstColor: "#15638D",
SecondColor: nulls.String{String: "#158D63", Valid: true},
Description: "debugger.html is a hackable debugger for modern times, built from the ground up using React and Redux. It is designed to be approachable, yet powerful.\n\nMozilla created this debugger for use in the Firefox Developer Tools. And we've purposely created this project in GitHub, using modern toolchains.\n\nWe hope to not only to create a great debugger that works with the Firefox and Chrome debugging protocols but develop a broader community that wants to create great tools for the web.",
Logo: "https://projects.ossn.club/assets/images/firefox-logo.png",
Link: "https://firefox-dev.tools/debugger.html/#getting-involved",
SetupDuration: nulls.String{String: "5'", Valid: true},
Tags: []string{"nodejs", "npm", "react", "redux", "javascript"},
IssuesCount: 7,
RepositoryUrl: "https://github.com/devtools-html/debugger.html",
While building the app using docker-compose I am getting the following error:
I found out that db.go has outdated project information:
The new repository of debugger is: https://github.com/firefox-devtools/debugger
how should we go about fixing this is issue @alexdor ?