ossn / ossn-frontend

The homepage of Mozilla's Open Source Student Network
MIT License
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Club page has mutiple isses after refactor #246

Closed iropal closed 5 years ago

iropal commented 5 years ago
  1. GithubUrl value cannot be saved.
  2. History is not reverted when we cancel edit.
  3. Content is not updated after first load.
  4. When fields have empty values the club cannot be saved
iropal commented 5 years ago

Pr #245 solves 1 and 4 but when we to save empty github url we get error: Unhandled promise rejection Error: "GraphQL error: pq: duplicate key value violates unique constraint "clubs_github_url_key""

alexdor commented 5 years ago

pq: duplicate key value violates unique constraint "clubs_github_url_key" Means that there is another club with the same url, I've removed this constrain now, let me know if you face it again.