ossrs / srs-bench

SB(SRS Bench) is a set of benchmark and regression test tools, for SRS and other media servers, supports HTTP-FLV, RTMP, HLS, WebRTC and GB28181.
MIT License
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拉 m3u8 流会抛出很多parse response header failed 如下图,解析bug? #13

Open didichuxing2 opened 5 years ago

didichuxing2 commented 5 years ago

[2018-11-02 17:38:23.070][1][trace] [TS] url=http://XXXXXXXcom/huoshan/ljh/1541151492889.ts download, duration=4.40, delay=-1.00, size=302868, sleep 3909ms

[2018-11-02 17:38:26.983][1][error] read body from server failed. ret=104 errno=104(Connection reset by peer) [2018-11-02 17:38:26.983][1][error] parse response header failed. ret=104 errno=104(Connection reset by peer) [2018-11-02 17:38:26.983][1][error] http client parse response failed. ret=104 errno=104(Connection reset by peer) [2018-11-02 17:38:26.983][1][error] http client download ts file http://xxxxxxxx/huoshan/ljh/1541151497690.ts failed. ret=104 errno=104(Connection reset by peer)

我的m3u8 格式如下:
1 #EXTM3U 2 #EXT-X-VERSION:3 3 #EXT-X-MEDIA-SEQUENCE:1541149789 4 #EXT-X-TARGETDURATION:4 5 #EXTINF:4.000, 6 1541149893933.ts 7 #EXTINF:4.000, 8 1541149897774.ts 9 #EXTINF:4.000, 10 1541149901927.ts