ossrs / srs-bench

SB(SRS Bench) is a set of benchmark and regression test tools, for SRS and other media servers, supports HTTP-FLV, RTMP, HLS, WebRTC and GB28181.
MIT License
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hls的测试用例在做统计时,计算问题请教 #18

Open alphonsetai opened 4 years ago

alphonsetai commented 4 years ago

`int StHlsTask::ProcessTask(){ int ret = ERROR_SUCCESS;

Trace("start to process HLS task #%d, schema=%s, host=%s, port=%d, path=%s, startup=%.2f, delay=%.2f, error=%.2f, count=%d", 
    GetId(), url.GetSchema(), url.GetHost(), url.GetPort(), url.GetPath(), startup_seconds, delay_seconds, error_seconds, count);

// if count is zero, infinity loop.
for(int i = 0; count == 0 || i < count; i++){
    statistic->OnTaskStart(GetId(), url.GetUrl());

    StHttpClient client;
    if((ret = ProcessM3u8(client)) != ERROR_SUCCESS){
        statistic->OnTaskError(GetId(), 0);

        Error("http client process m3u8 failed. ret=%d", ret);
        st_usleep((st_utime_t)(error_seconds * 1000 * 1000));

    Info("[HLS] %s download completed.", url.GetUrl());

return ret;


