Closed WenzhiShao closed 2 years ago
What is the stack of coredump like? Can you execute bt
to check?
How high is the video bitrate?
Hello, the content of the stack frame is as follows. The term "high bitrate" was a mistake on my part. After checking, I found that it is a regular video with a resolution of 1920x1080, 25fps, and 4081kbps. It is just higher compared to the default source.flv file. When I experimented, I noticed that this issue does not occur when pushing the source.flv file.
#1 0x000055ec3249e585 in SrsConfig::get_vhost_coworkers (this=0x55ec33e6d300,
vhost="__defaultVhost__") at src/app/srs_app_config.cpp:4955
#2 0x000055ec3243f381 in SrsRtmpConn::playing (this=0x55ec33ffd670, source=
0x55ec34019660) at src/app/srs_app_rtmp_conn.cpp:615
#3 0x000055ec3243e6f0 in SrsRtmpConn::stream_service_cycle (this=0x55ec33ffd670)
at src/app/srs_app_rtmp_conn.cpp:532
#4 0x000055ec3243d5d8 in SrsRtmpConn::service_cycle (this=0x55ec33ffd670)
at src/app/srs_app_rtmp_conn.cpp:403
#5 0x000055ec3243c0d8 in SrsRtmpConn::do_cycle (this=0x55ec33ffd670)
at src/app/srs_app_rtmp_conn.cpp:216
#6 0x000055ec32445180 in SrsRtmpConn::cycle (this=0x55ec33ffd670)
at src/app/srs_app_rtmp_conn.cpp:1457
#7 0x000055ec3247481e in SrsFastCoroutine::cycle (this=0x55ec33ffd800)
at src/app/srs_app_st.cpp:272
#8 0x000055ec324748ba in SrsFastCoroutine::pfn (arg=0x55ec33ffd800)
at src/app/srs_app_st.cpp:287
#9 0x000055ec3258a969 in _st_thread_main () at sched.c:363
#10 0x000055ec3258b205 in st_thread_create (
start=0x55ec3247489a <SrsFastCoroutine::pfn(void*)>, arg=0x55ec33ffd800, joinable=1,
stk_size=65536) at sched.c:694
You have enabled the origin cluster origin_cluster on;
, but did not follow the configuration of the origin cluster, so there are issues.
Of course, there should not be a coredump here.
Confirming that it is a configuration issue, enabling the origin server cluster origin_cluster on;
without configuring cluster.coworkers
will cause a crash, and it happens consistently.
vector<string> SrsConfig::get_vhost_coworkers(string vhost)
vector<string> coworkers;
SrsConfDirective* conf = get_vhost(vhost);
if (!conf) {
return coworkers;
conf = conf->get("cluster");
if (!conf) {
return coworkers;
conf = conf->get("coworkers");
for (int i = 0; i < (int)conf->args.size(); i++) {
Because there is no check here.
This issue is essentially a configuration problem, not a common problem, so it will only be fixed in version 5.0.
Description (描述)
SRS Version (版本): 5.0
Make sure to maintain the markdown structure.
SRS Log (日志):
Make sure to maintain the markdown structure.
SRS Config (配置):
Make sure to maintain the markdown structure.
listen 1935; max_connections 1000;
srs_log_tank file;
srs_log_file ./objs/server.log; daemon on; pid objs/; http_api { enabled on; listen 1985; } http_server { enabled on; listen 8080; dir ./objs/nginx/html; } rtc_server { enabled on; listen 8000; # UDP port
} vhost defaultVhost { hls { enabled on; } http_remux { enabled on; mount [vhost]/[app]/[stream].flv; } rtc { enabled on;
Core was generated by `./objs/srs -c ./myconfig/server.conf'. Program terminated with signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0 0x0000556fbfec8272 in std::vector<std::cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits, std::allocator >, std::allocator<std:: cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits, std::allocator > > >::size (this=0x30)
671 { return size_type(this->_M_impl._M_finish - this->_M_impl._M_start); }
import cv2 import subprocess
RTMP server address
rtmp = r'rtmp://localhost/live/123' # You can change the "123" to any other value, such as 123321/456, etc.
Read the video and get its properties
You can also replace the camera 0 with an RTSP address for RTSP streaming.
cap = cv2.VideoCapture('./video/303.mp4') size = (int(cap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH)), int(cap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT))) sizeStr = str(size[0]) + 'x' + str(size[1]) command = ['ffmpeg', '-y', '-an', '-f', 'rawvideo', '-vcodec', 'rawvideo', '-pix_fmt', 'bgr24', '-s', sizeStr, '-r', '25', '-i', '-', '-c:v', 'libx264', '-pix_fmt', 'yuv420p', '-preset', 'ultrafast', '-f', 'flv', rtmp] pipe = subprocess.Popen(command, shell=False, stdin=subprocess.PIPE ) while cap.isOpened(): success, frame = if success: if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == ord('q'): break pipe.stdin.write(frame.tostring()) cap.release() pipe.terminate()