ossrs / srs

SRS is a simple, high-efficiency, real-time media server supporting RTMP, WebRTC, HLS, HTTP-FLV, HTTP-TS, SRT, MPEG-DASH, and GB28181.
MIT License
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Transcode: Fail to detect the loop transcoding in SRS 5 #3516

Open litianyu313 opened 1 year ago

litianyu313 commented 1 year ago

Note: Please read FAQ before file an issue, see #2716


Please description your issue here

  1. SRS Version: 5.0.152

  2. SRS Log:

child process error, code=3030(FFmpegLog)(Open log file failed for FFmpeg) : redirect stdout : open process 1 ./objs/ffmpeg-encoder-test.com-live-livestream_logo_logo_logo_logo_logo_logo_logo_logo_logo_logo_logo_logo_logo_logo_logo_logo_logo_logo_logo_logo_logo_logo_logo_logo_logo_logo_logo_logo_logo_logo_logo_logo_logo_logo_logo_logo_logo_logo_logo_logo_logo_logo-logo.log failed
thread [29378][411wp6kx]: redirect_io() [./src/app/srs_app_process.cpp:163][errno=63]
thread [29378][411wp6kx]: srs_redirect_output() [./src/app/srs_app_process.cpp:142][errno=63]
[2023-04-17 17:41:35.680][INFO][28052][411wp6kx] fored process, pid=29378, bin=/usr/local/bin/ffmpeg, stdout=./objs/ffmpeg-encoder-test.com-live-livestream_logo_logo_logo_logo_logo_logo_logo_logo_logo_logo_logo_logo_logo_logo_logo_logo_logo_logo_logo_logo_logo_logo_logo_logo_logo_logo_logo_logo_logo_logo_logo_logo_logo_logo_logo_logo_logo_logo_logo_logo_logo_logo-logo.log, stderr=./objs/ffmpeg-encoder-test.com-live-livestream_logo_logo_logo_logo_logo_logo_logo_logo_logo_logo_logo_logo_logo_logo_logo_logo_logo_logo_logo_logo_logo_logo_logo_logo_logo_logo_logo_logo_logo_logo_logo_logo_logo_logo_logo_logo_logo_logo_logo_logo_logo_logo-logo.log, argv=/usr/local/bin/ffmpeg -f flv -i rtmp:// -i ./doc/ffmpeg-logo.png -filter_complex overlay=10:10 -vcodec libx264 -b:v 300000 -r 20.00 -s 768x320 -aspect 768:320 -threads 2 -profile:v baseline -preset superfast -acodec copy -f flv -y rtmp://
[2023-04-17 17:41:35.680][INFO][28052][411wp6kx] process pid=29378 terminate, please restart it.
[2023-04-17 17:41:36.710][INFO][28052][3g295d48] SIGKILL stop process pid=28456 ok.
[2023-04-17 17:41:36.711][INFO][28052][3g295d48] cleanup when unpublish
[2023-04-17 17:41:36.712][INFO][28052][3g295d48] TCP: before dispose resource(RtmpConn)(0x11cfea500), conns=83, zombies=0, ign=0, inz=0, ind=0
[2023-04-17 17:41:36.712][WARN][28052][3g295d48][4] client disconnect peer. ret=1007
[2023-04-17 17:41:36.712][INFO][28052][501kgp85] TCP: clear zombies=1 resources, conns=83, removing=0, unsubs=0
[2023-04-17 17:41:36.712][INFO][28052][3g295d48] TCP: disposing #0 resource(RtmpConn)(0x11cfea500), conns=83, disposing=1, zombies=0
[2023-04-17 17:41:36.712][INFO][28052][281374ty] TCP: before dispose resource(RtmpConn)(0x102813d30), conns=82, zombies=0, ign=0, inz=0, ind=0
[2023-04-17 17:41:36.712][WARN][28052][281374ty][54] client disconnect peer. ret=1007
[2023-04-17 17:41:36.713][INFO][28052][375p9089] send SIGTERM to pid=28457
[2023-04-17 17:41:36.713][INFO][28052][501kgp85] TCP: clear zombies=1 resources, conns=82, removing=0, unsubs=0
[2023-04-17 17:41:36.713][INFO][28052][281374ty] TCP: disposing #0 resource(RtmpConn)(0x102813d30), conns=82, disposing=1, zombies=0
[2023-04-17 17:41:36.732][INFO][28052][2g3fet66] Hybrid cpu=0.00%,0MB, cid=14,2, timer=59,0,0, clock=1,33,9,1,1,1,1,0,0, free=1, objs=(pkt:0,raw:0,fua:0,msg:7994,oth:0,buf:0)
[2023-04-17 17:41:37.779][INFO][28052][375p9089] SIGKILL stop process pid=28457 ok.
[2023-04-17 17:41:37.781][INFO][28052][375p9089] cleanup when unpublish
[2023-04-17 17:41:37.781][INFO][28052][375p9089] TCP: before dispose resource(RtmpConn)(0x11cf81510), conns=81, zombies=0, ign=0, inz=0, ind=0
[2023-04-17 17:41:37.781][WARN][28052][375p9089][4] client disconnect peer. ret=1007
[2023-04-17 17:41:37.781][INFO][28052][501kgp85] TCP: clear zombies=1 resources, conns=81, removing=0, unsubs=0
[2023-04-17 17:41:37.781][INFO][28052][375p9089] TCP: disposing #0 resource(RtmpConn)(0x11cf81510), conns=81, disposing=1, zombies=0
[2023-04-17 17:41:37.782][INFO][28052][57n9kle5] TCP: before dispose resource(RtmpConn)(0x11cf0cf00), conns=80, zombies=0, ign=0, inz=0, ind=0
[2023-04-17 17:41:37.782][WARN][28052][57n9kle5][54] client disconnect peer. ret=1007
[2023-04-17 17:41:37.782][INFO][28052][6r7k60u0] send SIGTERM to pid=28459
[2023-04-17 17:41:37.782][INFO][28052][501kgp85] TCP: clear zombies=1 resources, conns=80, removing=0, unsubs=0
[2023-04-17 17:41:37.782][INFO][28052][57n9kle5] TCP: disposing #0 resource(RtmpConn)(0x11cf0cf00), conns=80, disposing=1, zombies=0
[2023-04-17 17:41:37.791][INFO][28052][8b348v10] Process: cpu=0.00%,0MB, threads=2
  1. SRS Config:
vhost test.com {
    transcode {
        enabled on;
        ffmpeg /usr/local/bin/ffmpeg;
        engine logo {
            enabled on;
            vfilter {
                i ./doc/ffmpeg-logo.png;
                filter_complex      'overlay=10:10';
            vcodec libx264;
            vbitrate 300;
            vfps 20;
            vwidth 768;
            vheight 320;
            vthreads 2;
            vprofile baseline;
            vpreset superfast;
            vparams {
            acodec copy;
            oformat flv;

            output rtmp://[port]/[app]/[stream]_[engine]?vhost=[vhost];


Please describe how to replay the bug?

Step 1: get srs 5.0.152

Step 2: config file of transcode like this

vhost test.com {
    transcode {
        enabled on;
        ffmpeg /usr/local/bin/ffmpeg;
        engine logo {
            enabled on;
            vfilter {
                i ./doc/ffmpeg-logo.png;
                filter_complex      'overlay=10:10';
            vcodec libx264;
            vbitrate 300;
            vfps 20;
            vwidth 768;
            vheight 320;
            vthreads 2;
            vprofile baseline;
            vpreset superfast;
            vparams {
            acodec copy;
            oformat flv;

            output rtmp://[port]/[app]/[stream]_[engine]?vhost=[vhost];

Step 3: run srs push stream rtmp:// by obs, and then more and more ffmpeg process start by ps -ef|grep ffmpeg. And output url become long and long like :rtmp://


In the early version, it ran okay, but in bug version 5, it seems to have some problems.


NangenX commented 1 year ago

add the ff_log_dir ./objs; to your config file

winlinvip commented 1 year ago

Seems a bug.

mpisat commented 1 year ago

There is a way to get out of this loop if you push transcode to another vhost and disable transcode on that vhost example with exec

listen              19356;
max_connections     1000;

http_api {
    enabled     on;
    listen      1985;  # Specify the desired port for the HTTP API
    crossdomain     on;
    raw_api {
        enabled             off;
        allow_reload        off;
        allow_query         off;
        allow_update        off;

vhost __defaultVhost__ {
    exec {
        enabled     on;
        publish     /usr/local/bin/ffmpeg -hide_banner -loglevel error -fflags nobuffer -flags low_delay -i [url] -c:v libx264 -b:v 2000k -vf 'scale=1280:720:force_original_aspect_ratio=decrease' -async 1 -vsync 1 -c:a aac -b:a 96k -f flv rtmp://[port]/[app]?vhost=transcode.local/[stream]_720p -c:v libx264 -b:v 1200k -vf 'scale=960:540:force_original_aspect_ratio=decrease' -c:a aac -b:a 96k -f flv rtmp://[port]/[app]?vhost=transcode.local/[stream]_540p -c:v libx264 -b:v 550k -vf 'scale=640:360:force_original_aspect_ratio=decrease' -c:a aac -b:a 96k -f flv rtmp://[port]/[app]?vhost=transcode.local/[stream]_360p;

vhost transcode.local {
exec {
        enabled     off;