@mui/material upgraded from ^5.16.7 to ^6.1.6
@mui/icons-material upgraded from ^5.16.7 to ^6.1.6
@mui/lab upgraded from ^5.0.0-alpha.173 to 6.0.0-beta.14
@mui/system upgraded from ^5.16.7 to ^6.1.6
react-router-dom upgraded from ^6.27.0 to ^6.28.0
i18next upgraded from ^23.16.4 to ^23.16.5
attr-accept upgraded from ^2.2.4 to ^2.2.5
Size: xs, sm, md, lg, xl and Offset: xsOffset, smOffset, mdOffset, lgOffset, xlOffset have beed renamed to size and offset Example: size={{ xs: 3, md: 2 }}
In order to make the changes, the following codemod can be used:
npx @mui/codemod@latest v6.0.0/grid-v2-props <path/to/folder>
The color prop in the Typography component is not a system prop anymore. You can use the sx prop instead.
You still can access some theme colors directly using the color prop. Check the list here: https://mui.com/material-ui/api/typography/#typography-prop-color Example:
<Typography color="textSecondary">Secondary text</Typography>
Used await and act for testing fireEvent.click()
Upgrading to react-router-dom to 6.28.0 introduced some v7 pre-release warnings which have been suppressed using the fowllowing flags: future={{ v7_relativeSplatPath: true, v7_startTransition: true }} Check: https://reactrouter.com/en/6.28.0/upgrading/future#future-flags
⭐ The following dependencies have been updated:
⭐ The following dependencies have been removed:
⭐ Breaking changes:
The components have been updated to use the latest Material UI version 6 implying the following modifications:
size={{ xs: 3, md: 2 }}
npx @mui/codemod@latest v6.0.0/grid-v2-props <path/to/folder>
<Typography color="textSecondary">Secondary text</Typography>
Upgrading to react-router-dom to 6.28.0 introduced some v7 pre-release warnings which have been suppressed using the fowllowing flags:
future={{ v7_relativeSplatPath: true, v7_startTransition: true }}
Check: https://reactrouter.com/en/6.28.0/upgrading/future#future-flags