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Redesigned curriculum into Core and Advanced Topics, added content #6

Closed bradleygrant closed 3 years ago

bradleygrant commented 3 years ago

BLUF: Building on the work of @Heasummn, I've applied the Curriculum Overview of 2015 CUPM into the OSSU curriculum by:

Motivation: The 2015 CUPM Curriculum Guide does not specify a listing of courses to be contained in an undergraduate mathematics degree, leaving these selections to the individual universities to be balanced against other considerations (length of program, strength of department, design of individual courses).

However, the CUPM Program Report for Applied Mathematics (https://www.maa.org/sites/default/files/AppliedMathPASGShort.pdf) does recommend courses to be contained in an undergraduate applied mathematics degree. The guide identifies at least three separate "tracks" for applied mathematics and divides the recommended courses into major core, minor core, and program tracks.

My local state university's mathematics degree plan (https://math.uccs.edu/undergraduate-programs/mathematics-bs) employs a similar split of core and track courses.

The OSSU Computer Science curriculum breaks topics into Intro CS, Core CS, and Advanced CS.

Solution: This PR implements the sample course list found in the CUPM Program Report for Applied Mathematics, and divides the course listing for the OSSU Mathematics curriculum into two sections:

A complete selection of Core Mathematics topics is presented, and candidate courses have been identified (though I welcome suggestions for improvements or replacements). Advanced Topics remains a TODO.

The proposed path through Advanced Topics includes both Breadth and Depth components, which aligns with Key Curriculum Content Goals 5 and 7.

Other Work: Included in this PR are additional candidate course selections, as well as a first pass at Core Topic narratives.

bradleygrant commented 3 years ago

Apparently I can only have one reviewer request active at a time. I wouldn't mind a review from both @Heasummn and @oNjEncUREn, as well as anybody else on the committee.

spamegg1 commented 3 years ago

I am confused by two things.

We are leaving the part called "Curriculum" (that came from the initial commit) that comes right after the code of conduct section, right? We're not deleting it for now even though parts of it would be redundant with this PR. Because it's still rough work in progress.

I'm confused by Prob & Stats being in both Core (required) and in Advanced. I guess they will be different courses? I understand Diff Eq: the Advanced Diff Eq courses are different.

Also I think that some abstract algebra should be Core/required. At least a first course in group theory. This is significantly less advanced than, say, Markov chains in Probability Theory. In fact some group theory is taught even in first year "learning proofs" courses.

Otherwise everything looks good :+1: