ossw / ossw-firmware-s120

OSSW firmware for S120 2.0.0 softdevice
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Support different fonts: install, delete, use in watch faces #15

Open vaspa opened 8 years ago

vaspa commented 8 years ago

Useful for changing fonts of watch faces, notification text. Different styles and readability for different users. Can be managed independently from watchsets or integrated inside them.

vaspa commented 8 years ago

First idea was to embed some FreeType2 minimal build. They say it can be <30Kb. Then put reduced versions of ttf fonts, but they are huge for such a device. It seems, that the hardware limitations push towards generating bitmap fonts. You mentioned opentype.js project. Can it help to generate bitmaps? I've seen also a few projects on the same topic, but not web oriented, like: https://github.com/andryblack/fontbuilder https://github.com/scriptum/UBFG

althink commented 8 years ago

I've tried to find a language that allows to write it once and use on many platforms and javascript seems to be the best because:

opentype.js seems to be a good library to generate character images from ttf files and should work on every platform