ostark / upper

Integrates Edge Caches like Fastly, KeyCDN, Cloudflare and Varnish with Craft.
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Adding optional limit to header size #57

Closed markhuot closed 2 years ago

markhuot commented 2 years ago

Addresses some issues identified in https://github.com/ostark/upper/issues/33.

I've set my nginx header buffer sufficiently large. However, I still have some complex pages that just load a lot of nested elements. On those pages it would be nice if the header didn't grow forever because try as I might, eventually, I'll run out of buffer space.

This takes a slightly different approach than discussed in the linked issue because I find the full tag listing in the database very helpful and the only thing I really wanted to limit was the header. So, this truncates the header if it's larger than max bytes while leaving the logging and everything else to interact with the full tag listing. When header truncation does occur it adds in an additional header that will tell the user how many tags were truncated.