ostcrom / wordsquirt

Python based text snippet expander for macos. ✒️💦
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Accept multiline text expansion strings #2

Open ostcrom opened 3 years ago

ostcrom commented 3 years ago

Presently, when entering a text expansion string at the "Specify new expansion" prompt, if the user hits the enter key it submits the prompt instead of adding a line break as would probably be expected.

Fixing this requires digging into the "RUMPS" library which is what allows this program to act as a macOS task bar application. Currently we're using RUMPS to spawn the dialogue windows; under the hood RUMPS is making an pyobjc call to display a dialog box. RUMPS does not offer any ways to configure the dialog it calls and altering it is not trivial. Should be possible to either write our own pyobjc hooks or expand RUMPS.

ostcrom commented 3 years ago

Currently you can work around this by right click pasting a multiline string into the dialog, however due to Issue #1 they are not yet expanded correctly.