ostinelli / SublimErl

An Erlang Plugin for Sublime Text 2, which enables code completion and allows you to run tests within the editor itself.
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autoComplete with macros #32

Open gopig opened 12 years ago

gopig commented 12 years ago

i find it's unable to complete with macros. is there any way to work aroud?

ostinelli commented 12 years ago

I don't know what you are talking about. Can you expand on that?

gopig commented 12 years ago

i holp it can index _.hrl file in the incldue dir and process -define tag. currently it olny can process -export tag. for example, i define the follow macros: -define(INVITE_WAIT_TIME, 1_30). -define(CARRY_WAIT_TIME, 1*30).

i hope when i type INVITE the following would be complete by sublimErl

ostinelli commented 12 years ago

I understand.

If the macros are defined in the same file, then sublime will take care of that automatically. If the macros are on a different file, then this obviously has to be contextualized: only the imported .hrl files' macros should be available as autocomplete options, in the module that imports them.

This takes some work, it is a good suggestion but not a priority right now.

Thank you for the input, will keep this issue here.


ostinelli commented 11 years ago

have you considered CTags? Would that work for you?