ostinelli / apnotic

A Ruby APNs HTTP/2 gem able to provide instant feedback.
MIT License
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Pushkit (VoIP) Support #99

Open gus-bn opened 3 years ago

gus-bn commented 3 years ago


notification = Apnotic::Notification.new(push_token)
notification.custom_headers = {
  'apns-push-type' => 'voip',
  'apns-expiration' => 0


drale2k commented 3 years ago

bump, needed very much

scottharvey commented 3 years ago

I also needed to send VoIP push notifications so I'm using the branch that @gustavobnmx created, it would be nice to have this merged into the main project. 👍

benubois commented 3 years ago

Hi @gustavobnmx,

Thanks for making this! I like the symmetry with custom_payload. Having a way to merge in headers provides a valuable escape hatch to add anything without updates to apnotic.

Could the documentation be edited down to just demonstrate what is new around adding custom_headers? The new section feels redundant and the readme is already quite long.

After that would it be possible for you to squash your commits and force-push?

Finally, for voip specifically, what I'd like to see is a proper wrapper around the apns-push-type key, with an eye toward maintaining backward compatibility with background_notification?. However this does not need to hold up the merge of this pull request.

bhishakBitcanny commented 2 years ago

Is this going to be merged anytime soon? Would really help to solve sending VoIP push.

ostinelli commented 2 years ago

@bhishakBitcanny see @benubois previous remark, some work is pending for this to get merged. We welcome some help to close this if you're up for it!