ostownsville / cordova-plugin-fcm

Google FCM Push Notifications Cordova Plugin
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Removed 'else if' clause for google-services.json copying #2

Closed chrisjpalmer closed 6 years ago

chrisjpalmer commented 6 years ago

This commit enables the ROOT/platforms/android/google-services.json file to ALWAYS reflect the ROOT/google-services.json even if you have an iOS project. This is particularly important if you have multiple branches in your cordova project, each one having a different a google-services.json configuration (different firebase apps). Switching between branches and then calling cordova build would (previously) not update the platforms/android/google-services.json to the one that is actually in the root dir of the branch. Instead it retains the old google-services.json.

This results in the wrong google-services.json being loaded into the application at build time.