Hi, first off, thank you for your work. Neat, simple and does the job.
Having a problem figuring out how to download only new posts.
I run the script once in 12 hours, I guess I could run it once in 24 hours as well.
However, based on options below, I get a lot of downloads, I'm guessing because I'm not signed in obviously, so the script does not understand what is new for me :/
./download-subreddit-images.sh <subreddit_name> new day
below works fine but does not serve the purpose :(
./download-subreddit-images.sh <subreddit_name> top day
./download-subreddit-images.sh <subreddit_name>
./download-subreddit-images.sh <subreddit_name> <hot|new|rising|top>
./download-subreddit-images.sh <subreddit_name> top <all|year|month|week|day>
My use case is I have a server doing a bunch of other stuff.
I would like to run this script once every 12 hours and not get repeat images. The script does overwrite images, which is good, but I am iterating through an image folder(hard-coded one folder for all sub-reddits) and I send these images once downloaded via signal-cil to my phone.
I'd ideally like only new images posted in a day to show up, would appreciate it if you could let me know if that were possible, thanks
This is not possible at the moment, no sorry. If someone would like to contribute this and it would be sufficiently simple, I would be open to merge it, though.
Hi, first off, thank you for your work. Neat, simple and does the job.
Having a problem figuring out how to download only new posts.
I run the script once in 12 hours, I guess I could run it once in 24 hours as well.
However, based on options below, I get a lot of downloads, I'm guessing because I'm not signed in obviously, so the script does not understand what is new for me :/
./download-subreddit-images.sh <subreddit_name> new day
below works fine but does not serve the purpose :(
./download-subreddit-images.sh <subreddit_name> top day
My use case is I have a server doing a bunch of other stuff.
I would like to run this script once every 12 hours and not get repeat images. The script does overwrite images, which is good, but I am iterating through an image folder(hard-coded one folder for all sub-reddits) and I send these images once downloaded via signal-cil to my phone.
I'd ideally like only new images posted in a day to show up, would appreciate it if you could let me know if that were possible, thanks