ostrosco / comms-rs

A library for building DSP communication pipelines.
MIT License
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Make random number generator nodes #16

Closed garbagetrash closed 5 years ago

garbagetrash commented 5 years ago

For now support for three specific node types would be nice:

These would be nice in and of themselves, but they can also serve as very basic node examples for the less rust inclined developers to model their nodes after. As such they should display 'best practice' and whatever that means for our team.

Alex-Addy commented 5 years ago

I am willing to make the random uniform distribution node. And I will do gaussian if rand supports it while I am at it.

Alex-Addy commented 5 years ago

What do you mean by 0-1 generation?

Alex-Addy commented 5 years ago

Looks like @ostrosco already did some work on #17

garbagetrash commented 5 years ago

0-1 generation as in literally generate the bits 0 or 1 randomly. Return type could just be a u8 where we're not doing anything with the upper 7 bits. This could be useful in a graph where we're generating a BPSK signal, potentially.

Obviously when doing a more batch processing type approach we would generate a larger number of bits in one go and we could pass around vectors of bytes or whatever is most appropriate.

This issue could become more trivial with the node update @ostrosco is working on.

garbagetrash commented 5 years ago

This looks done, correct me if I'm wrong.