ostrya / PresencePublisher

An Android MQTT client that regularly publishes messages to notify about the device's presence
MIT License
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Publish battery level #10

Closed zuckschwerdt closed 4 years ago

zuckschwerdt commented 4 years ago

Could the battery level be added to the messages?

The battery level could then be used to script some alerts about recharging or charging complete.

ostrya commented 4 years ago

I am not quite sure I understand your proposal. You want the presence message to contain the battery level of your phone each time a message is sent? What kind of scripting do you have in mind then?

In general, I would prefer not to add functionality that deviates too much from the initial aim (make your home automation aware that you are at home).

zuckschwerdt commented 4 years ago

Yes, pretty much. Or maybe just a battery low warning, whatever you see best suited.

Basically I keep forgetting to charge my devices, low power mode or shutdown then looks like the device went out of range. I'd like my HA to nag me about charging -- no reason anymore to keep checking on the devices then ;)